Working Paper BETA #2016-42

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Title : Economic and Demographic Interactions in Post- World War France: A Gendered Approach

Author(s) : Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin

Abstract : This paper investigates the interaction between economic, demographic and educational variables in post- World War II France. Based on the assumptions of the unified growth theory, we estimate a vector autoregression for data on fertility, GDP per capita, educational attainment, labor force participation and wages over the period 1962-2008. The methodology employed is based on VAR modeling, using a nonstructural approaches. Our findings are consistent with the statements of the theoretical literature and emphasize the importance of the role played by gender roles on demographic and economic developments. In particular, the analysis shows that relative wages endogenously adjust to the level of female education and fertility. The investigation of the effect of shocks through the analysis of impulse responses confirms these results.

Key-words : Causality; Vector Auto-regression; Gender; Economic Growth; France

JEL Classification : C32, J16, N34