End of the INRAE ‘DIS-BIO’ project
13 November 2024

The ‘DIS-BIO’ project (Could Social and Spatial Incentives be Enough to Maintain Organic Agriculture?), coordinated by Anne Stenger, is drawing to a close.
This project was conducted as part of an INRAE Metaprogramme, METABIO, involving several INRAE units, including BETA, and was carried out in close partnership with Agence Bio, the Grand Est Regional Chamber of Agriculture and Bio en Grand Est (FNAB).
The main aim of the project is to understand what motivates farmers to go organic and to identify the non-monetary levers and incentives that encourage more environmentally-friendly production methods. The project should result in a booklet of recommendations for decision-makers.
Several presentations of the results of this research are already planned for November:
- Wednesday 13 November 2024, at the Chambers of Agriculture annual seminar on ‘Organic farming: meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow’;
- Friday 15 November 2024, as part of the ‘Mois de la bio en Grand Est’ event.