Inequalities in access to collective solidarity: what are the findings and issues in France today?

The 2024/11/25
From 8:30am to 5:30pm
Event details :
Whether economic, social, political or environmental, whether involving individuals, social groups, companies or local authorities, inequalities intersect and accumulate.
Through research using a wide range of tools (field surveys, econometrics, geographic information systems, etc.), the day will highlight inequalities in access to collective solidarity in France, understood in the broadest sense to include both social benefits in cash and in kind and the provision of collective goods and services whose funding is shared.
Several themes will be addressed to consider access to services as diverse as health services, social benefits (particularly pensions) and justice. Emphasis will be placed on the role of socio-economic inequalities, territorial inequalities (processes of gentrification and segregation within rural and peri-urban areas, effects of the decentralisation of public policies), generational inequalities and gender inequalities.
The variety of researchers in the social sciences and humanities who will be taking part will make it possible to cross-fertilise the economic, sociological and geographical dimensions. The presence of local players and professionals will provide an opportunity to discuss in more concrete terms the role of local authorities and regulatory policies in these contexts.
The day is free of charge, but registration is compulsory until 15 November 2024 by filling in this form.
The event is jointly organised by LEDi (University of Burgundy), CESAER (Institut Agro Dijon) and BETA (University of Lorraine), with financial support from LEDi and the University of Burgundy through the BQR 2024 programme, as well as from CESAER and BETA.
The organising committee is made up of : Agnès Gramain (BETA), Aurore Pélissier (LEDi), Clara Deville (Institut Agro Dijon), Marie Breuillé (INRAE).