NANCY Seminar – Antonello Lobianco (BETA)

The 2024/02/20
From 11:00am to 12:30pm
Event details :
Title: Introducing BetaML, the Machine Learning Toolkit of the BETA lab
Abstract: The Beta Machine Learning Toolkit (BetaML) is a software package that hosts algorithms for many typical machine learning tasks, including regression, classification, clustering (soft/hard), dimensionality reduction (both linear and nonlinear), and missing data imputation. In addition to the algorithms, BetaML provides a comprehensive range of utility functions for data processing (such as scaling, activation functions, and encoding), as well as sampling functions (like partitioning, cross-validation, and batching) and model performance measures (like confusion matrix, gini, and BIC/AIC). Because algorithms are all self-contained in the library itself, the utility functions have APIs that coordinate with the algorithms, facilitating the preparation of the data for the analysis, the selection of the hyper-parameters and the evaluation of the models. Most models have an interface for the MLJ framework and can be accessed natively in Julia. Alternatively, they can be accessed in R or Python using `JuliaCall` and `PyJulia` respectively. This presentation provides a general introduction to the library and showcases some examples of machine learning workflows supported by BetaML.