PhD seminar – Noame KHALDI

The 2024/09/26
From 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Event details :
Abstract :
Using data from INSEE’s FQP “Formation, Qualification, Professions” and Emploi – Emploi en Continu surveys (1960 – 2020), this article studies the social trajectories of workers in Lorraine over sixty years marked by major economic transformations. By examining the links between industrial and production dynamics, social mobility and geographical (border) mobility, we analyze the socio-professional trajectories of workers in Lorraine and their evolution. This synchronic and diachronic study highlights the determinants of social and cross-border mobility, as well as the phenomena of social reproduction, upward mobility and downward mobility. The first result of this article is that the social trajectories of individuals depend on their geographical and social origins, but also on their choice of cross-border mobility. The second is the influence of territorial economic dynamics on social and spatial mobility.