Séminaire COURNOT – Alessandro Nuvolari (SSSUP Pisa)

Le 25/11/2022
De 14:00 à 15:30
Détails de l'événement :
Titre : British-French technology transfer from the Revolution to Louis Philippe (1791-1844): evidence from patent data
Résumé : This paper examines the patterns of technology transfer from Britain to France during the early phases of industrialization; it does so by making use of a dataset comprising all patents granted in France during the period 1791-1844. Exploiting the peculiarities of the French legislation, we construct an array of patent quality indicators and econometrically investigate their determinants. We find that patents filed by British inventors or French inventors personally linked with British ones were of relatively higher quality. Overall, our results show that the French innovation system was effectively capable of attracting and absorbing key technologies from Britain.
Lieu du séminaire : Salle du Conseil Paul Chamley et ZOOM.
Lien ZOOM : https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96243634630?pwd=R3dGSVkrVmk2dWZUY01IeTJSRlBuZz09
Agenda des séminaires : https://www.beta-economics.fr//seminaires-cournot-2022-2023/