Séminaire COURNOT – Thomas DOUENNE (University of Amsterdam)
Le 03/06/2022
De 14:00 à 15:30
Détails de l'événement :
Titre : Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Second-Best Climate-Economy model with Heterogeneous Agents
Résumé : This paper studies optimal fiscal policy in a climate-economy model with heterogeneous agents. When individualized lump-sum taxation is not available, distortionary taxes on labor and capital income are levied to provide redistribution. The optimal pollution tax rule is then a modified Pigouvian formula that accounts for tax distortions, with the sign of this adjustment varying over time. In a quantitative analysis where the climate model is calibrated to DICE and the fiscal system to the one of the U.S., we show that tax distortions have a negligible effect on the optimal carbon tax, but inequalities reduce it by 4% in the baseline. Optimal carbon taxation generates moderately negative but progressive welfare effects in the 21st century, large positive but regressive effects thereafter.
Lieu du séminaire : Salle du Conseil et ZOOM
Lieu du séminaire : ZOOM
Lien ZOOM : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84397926899?pwd=T3Zmc3F0Q2N4TDdVL2UvejZpbllwUT09
Agenda des séminaires : https://www.beta-economics.fr//seminaires-cournot-2021-2022/