GYMS, a new ANR project coordinated by Quitterie Roquebert

09 January 2023

Congratulations to Quitterie Roquebert on receiving funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency) for the project she coordinates, GYMS – Gynécologues, médecins généralistes et sages-femmes : évolution de l’offre, pratiques professionnelles et accès aux soins en matière de santé sexuelleANR-22-CE41-0007 (Gynaecologists, general practitioners and midwives: changes in sexual health provision, professional practices and access to care).

The aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of changes in sexual health provision on the practices of professionals and on patients’ access to care. Financial support from the ANR, amounting to 326,388 euros, was granted in December 2022 for a period of 36 months.

A scientific blog, presenting the project’s objectives, team and news, has been set up to track its progress.