Are we approaching the end of water?

The 2025/06/12
From 9:30am to 12:00pm
Event details :
What if water runs out? Water flows from our taps as a matter of course. But for how much longer? With climate change, pollution and the over-exploitation of resources, the question of the end of water is more pressing than ever.
On the occasion of its 4th annual conference, the RENEL Chair is offering a lecture open to the general public.
The conference will be opened by Simon Porcher, professor of management at Paris Dauphine University, author of the book “La fin de l’eau” (The End of Water), published by Fayard in 2024, awarded by Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques Prize.
His speech will be followed by a round-table discussion with experts from the water and environment sector: Aurélie Colas, General Delegate of the Fédération des Professionnels de l’Eau, Rachel Burgy, President of the Syndicat des Eaux de la Région Messine, and Michel Fick, Président of Aquanova cluster.