10/09/2021 | Jamel Saadaoui | Université de Strasbourg | The Political Relation and Trade – The Case of US, China and Australia |
17/09/2021 | Quitterie Roquebert | Université de Strasbourg | Can informal care help preserving mental health in nursing homes? Evidence of gender effects |
24/09/2021 | Gregory Levieuge | Banque de France | When could macroprudential and monetary policies be in conflict? |
01/10/2021 | Sylvie Blasco | Université du Maine (Le Mans) | The effect of automation risk on mental health |
08/10/2021 | | | |
15/10/2021 | Francesco Bogliacino | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Negative Economic Shocks and the compliance to Social Norms |
22/10/2021 | Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné | SKEMA Business School | Handling the unknown unknowns of innovation |
29/10/2021 | | Vacances Toussaint | |
05/11/2021 | | | |
12/11/2021 | Frank Westermann | Osnabrück University | On Optimal Currency Areas and Common Cycles: Are the Acceding Countries Ready to Join the Euro? |
19/11/2021 | Muriel Dal Pont Legrand | Université Côte d’Azur | Is there cross-fertilization in macroeconomics? |
26/11/2021 | | | |
03/12/2021 | ERMEES workshop | | |
10/12/2021 | Mario Pianta | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | The good jobs-high innovation virtuous circle |
17/12/2021 | Ecem Okan | Université de Lorraine | Adam Smith’s three dimensions of liberty |
24/12/2021 | | Vacances de Noël | |
31/12/2021 | | Vacances de Noël | |
07/01/2022 | Thomas Lanzi | Université de Lorraine | Credence Goods and Consumer Feedback |
14/01/2022 | | | |
21/01/2022 | Shekar Thomar | Indian School of Business | Aggregate Shocks, Domestic Trade Collapse and Regional Realignment |
28/01/2022 | Béatrice Boulu-Reshef | Université d’Orléans | Voluntary contributions in cascades: The tragedy of ill-informed leadership |
04/02/2022 | | | |
11/02/2022 | Partick Fève | Toulouse School of Economics | Dynamic Indentification in VARs |
18/02/2022 | | Vacances février | |
25/02/2022 | Gilles Saint-Paul | Paris School of Economics | Can consumer society collapse? A theoretical analysis. |
04/03/2022 | Thomas Seegmuller | Université Aix-Marseille | Entrepreneurship, growth and productivity with bubbles |
11/03/2022 | Jérôme Wittwer | Université de Bordeaux | Making health care accessible, do prices matter? Evidence from a means-tested complementary health insurance program in France |
18/03/2022 | Guillaume Daudin | Université Paris Dauphine | The rationality of early modern merchant bookkeeping: a quantitative approach |
25/03/2022 | Rustam Romaniuc | Montpellier Business School | Endogenous and exogenous group formation in a voluntary contribution mechanism |
01/04/2022 | Ragip Ege | Université de Strasbourg | Une des doctrines sociales, politiques et économiques les plus importantes du 19ème siècle: Sant-Simon et le saint-simonisme |
08/04/2022 | Isabelle Chort | Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour | Agricultural shocks, coping policies and deforestation: Evidence from the coffee rust epidemic in Mexico |
15/04/2022 | | Vacances printemps | |
22/04/2022 | Karine Constant | Université Paris Est Créteil | Pollution, children’s health and the evolution of human capital inequality |
29/04/2022 | Alain Trannoy | EHESS / AMSE | The outbreak of WW1: a contribution of rational decision-making |
06/05/2022 | Federico Perali | Université de Vérone | The Economic and Environmental Impacts of the Recovery Investment Plan in the Italian province of Taranto |
13/05/2022 | Christophe Chamley | Boston University | Recherches sur le système financier de Philippe II d’Espagne |
20/05/2022 | Grande conférence | 50 ans du BETA | |
27/05/2022 | | | |
03/06/2022 | Thomas Douenne | University of Amsterdam | Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Second-Best Climate-Economy model with Heterogeneous Agents |
10/06/2022 | Uwe Cantner | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | A procedural perspective on academic spin-off creation: The changing relevance of the academic and the commercial sphere |
17/06/2022 | Cristina Badarau | Université de Bordeaux | A Theoretical Foundation for Prudential Authorities’ Decision Making |
24/06/2022 | Ekrame Boubtane | Université Clermont Auvergne | TBA. |