BETA-SOLEIL Workshop on Socio-Economic Impact Evaluation of Research Infrastructures

Du 27/03/2023 au 28/03/2023
Toute la journée
Détails de l'événement :
« The workshop aims at presenting the current methods used for the socio-economic impact evaluation of research infrastructures and discussing future needs and directions.
Some of the main methods used in this field will be highlighted, based on recent studies, with a particular focus on case studies dedicated to scientific communities, suppliers and territories, carried out in the framework of the collaboration between BETA and Synchrotron SOLEIL. All sessions will be followed by round tables where different approaches will be discussed. A specific final session will be devoted to future research avenues, considering new trends in the evaluation of science and innovation. »
Monday 27 March 12h – 19h
- Focus on the Socio-Economic Impact Evaluation of Synchrotron SOLEIL
Tuesday 28 March 8h30 – 16h
- Socio-economic impacts of large research infrastructures / of science and innovation
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