2023-2024 Cournot Seminars

Cournot Seminars usually take place on Fridays from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the Paul Chamley Council Room (A121) at the Faculty of Economics and Management – Campus Unistra.

Exceptional seminars or events that do not necessarily take place on Friday are put in red to draw your attention.

Cournot Seminar Leaders

Julien Jacob | julienjacob@unistra.fr

Jamel Saadaoui |


Marie Boltz | m.boltz@unistra.fr

Philippe Gillig | philippe.gillig@unistra.fr

See also: Cournot Seminars 2022-2023, Cournot Seminars 2021-2022

Date of seminarSpeaker’s nameAffiliationTitle of the presentationRoom
07/09/23Yohei MitaniKyoto UniversityThe Choice Architect Meets PES Design: Non-pecuniary Interventions for Spatially Coordinated Conservation Actions
08/09/23Oguzhan AkgunUniversity of BurgundyEqual Predictive Ability Tests Based on Panel Data with Applications to OECD and IMF Forecasts
15/09/23Daria OnoriUniversité d’OrléansA Monetary Growth Model with Limited Foresight
22/09/23Lucy BrillantUniversité de Bourgogne, LEDiWalter Bagehot, creator of the modern Treasury bill (1877)
29/09/23Greta GoracciFree University of Bozen-BolzanoAutoregressive moving-average models: probabilistic properties and econometric developments for finance
05/10/23Sébastien BallestaUniversity of StrasbourgTowards the Origins of Cognitive biases
06/10/23Nicolas GroshennyLe Mans UniversityDornbusch’s overshooting and the systematic
component of monetary policy in SOE-SVARs
13/10/23Michela ChessaUniversité Côte d’AzurAn experimental Nash program
20/10/23Jean-Charles GaribalEM GrenobleCross‑dispersion bias‑adjusted ESG rankings
27/10/23Free slot
03/11/23Autumn break  
10/11/23Arye HillmanPostponed in April
17/11/23Laura MagazziniSant’Anna School of Advanced StudiesExploring the nexus between appropriability and productivity in highly innovative and globalised companies
23/11/23Gilles RotillonUniversité de NanterreLe climat ET la fin du mois
(Caution: Thursday seminar)
24/11/23Izabela JelovacGATE, CNRSReference pricing and the generic competition paradox
Paul Council Room (A121)
30/11/23Elodie BertrandISJPS, Université Paris 1 & CNRSCommodification studies: questions, enjeux, méthodes (Caution: seminar on Thursday)Room A121
01/12/23ERMEES Workshop
08/12/23Jan FidrmucUniversité de LilleWho Believes in Conspiracy Theories, and Why?Room A121
15/12/23Jan DitzenUniversité of BolzanoGlobal Factors in Non-core Bank Funding and Exchange Rate FlexibilityRoom A121
22/12/23Sina BadieiCentre Walras-Pareto,
Université de Lausanne
Les présupposés normatifs de l’économie depuis le tournant ordinaliste : le cas des économistes dits néolibéraux
30/12/23Christmas break  
05/01/24Christmas break 
12/01/24Christmas break
19/01/24Angela SutanBurgundy School of BusinessWhat do we still know about lying?Salle du conseil + zoom
26/01/24François LiboisParis School of Economics, INRAECommunity Forest Management:
Unveiling the Success Story of Nepal
Salle du conseil + zoom
02/02/24Konrad StahlUniversität MannheimA Dynamic Model of PredationSalle du conseil + zoom
09/02/24Claire SilvantUniversité Lyon 2Being a heterodox woman among liberals: Clémence Royer, from political economy to anthropology.Salle du conseil + zoom
14/02/24Giovanni DosiSant’Anna School of Advanced StudiesThe Foundation od complex evolving economies: From Microfoundations to 
Macroeconomic Theory and Policies
C205 + zoom
16/02/24David CrainichIESEG – CNRSOptimal design of deposit-based financial incentive programs for smoking cessationSalle du conseil + zoom
23/02/24Joachim HenkelTechnical University of MunichValue capture through patent licensing: Strategic selection of licensing target in the value chainSalle du conseil + zoom
27/02/24Mathias KleinSveriges RiksbankThe Fiscal Channel of Monetary PolicySalle du conseil + zoom
01/03/24Orsolya LelkesConscious hedonism and basic needs. A thriving life that does not cost the EarthSalle du conseil + BBB
08/03/24Winter break
15/03/24Charlotte Le ChapelainUniversité Lyon 3Entrepreneuriat féminin en France au XIXe siècleSalle du conseil + zoom
21 & 22/03/24Journées du BETA 
29/03/24Bank holiday
05/04/24Delphine PouchainIEP LilleRé-articuler vertu et bonheur pour penser l’économie dans l’anthropocène : la pertinence de l’éthique des vertus environnementales Salle du conseil + zoom
09/04/24Arye HillmanUniversity Bar IlanCancelled
11/04/24Domenico Delli GattiCatholic University of MilanReversing entrepreneurial decline: Industrial policy experiments in an agent-based model Salle du conseil + zoom
12/04/24Tanguy van YperseleAMSEProfit Shifting with Multiple Instrumentssalle du conseil + zoom
19/04/24Camila OrozcoUniversité de ReimsA history of the institutionalisation
of feminist economics
Salle du conseil + zoom
26/04/24María Aurora García GallegoUniversidad Jaime IGender identification and stake size effects in the Impunity GameSalle du Conseil + zoom
03/05/24Spring break
10/05/24Ascension on May 9th
17/05/24Christian MerklFriedrich-Alexander Universität ErlangenIncomplete Insurance and Open-Economy Spillovers of Labor Market ReformsSalle du Conseil + zoom
24/05/24cancelled seminar
31/05/24Pierrick ClercUniversité de Liègecancelled seminar
07/06/24Cornel Oros
Université de PoitiersOn the effects of public subsidies for severe and mild dependency on long-term care insurance” Salle du conseil + zoom
14/06/24Joshua AizenmanUniversity of South CaliforniaSectoral debt and global dollar cycles in developing economiesSalle du conseil + zoom
21/06/24Gabriel SmagghueBanque de FranceCancelled seminar