à paraître
Severance Payments: Main Effects and Determinants on the Labour Market
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, European Journal of Law and Economics
On Plaintiff's Strategic Information Acquisition and Disclosure During Discovery
AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy
Promoting Internal Whistleblowing in Organizations
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, IZA World of Labor, 512.
L'économie comportementale murmure à l'oreille du juriste
GABUTHY Yannick, JACQUEMET Nicolas, L'HARIDON Olivier, Revue Française d'Economie, 1/39, 17-42.
Bayesian Persuasion in Lawyer-Client Communication
AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, International Review of Law and Economics, 78/106196.
Blockchain-based Dispute Resolution: Insights and Challenges
GABUTHY Yannick, Games, 14/3, 34.
Asking for Information Prior to Settlement or Trial When Misrepresentation of Evidence is Possible
AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, Mathematical Social Sciences, 121, 26-35.
Legal Fees, Cost-Shifting Rules and Litigation: Experimental Evidence
GABUTHY Yannick, PETERLE Emmanuel, TISSERAND Jean-Christian, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 93/101705.
Opting for the English Rule: On the Contractual Re-Allocation of Legal Fees
AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, International Review of Law and Economics, 63/105928.
Règle anglaise versus règle américaine d'allocation des frais de justice : une analyse expérimentale
GABUTHY Yannick, PETERLE Emmanuel, TISSERAND Jean-Christian, Revue Economique, 71/6, 973-1004.
Settlement Implications of Lawyer Advertising
FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, International Review of Law and Economics, 61/105870.
Actions en justice et rémunération des avocats : une revue de la littérature
DORIAT-DUBAN Myriam, GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, Revue Economique, 71/3.
On Lawyer Compensation when Appeals are Possible
AT Christian, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 19/2, 1-11.
On Plaintiff Preferences Regarding Methods of Compensating Lawyers
FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, Review of Law and Economics, 15/3, 1-20.
Bargaining and Hold-up: The Role of Arbitration
GABUTHY Yannick, MUTHOO Abhinay, Oxford Economic Papers, 71/1, 292-308.
Legal Advertising and Frivolous Lawsuits
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 174/3, 570-593.
Enseigner les structures de marché et stratégies de concurrence avec les jeux pédagogiques
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, Revue d'Economie Politique, 1, 1-39.
Moral Hazard and Agency Relationship in Sequential Litigation
AT Christian, GABUTHY Yannick, International Review of Law and Economics, 41, 86-90.
Severance Payment : Incentive or Lethargy Effect ?
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, THOMAS Lionel, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 60, 43-55.
Freedom to bargain and disputes' resolution
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, European Journal of Law and Economics, 36, 373-378.
Analyse économique du droit : présentation générale
GABUTHY Yannick, Economie et Prévision, 202-203/1-2, 1-8.
Analyse économique du droit et méthode expérimentale
GABUTHY Yannick, JACQUEMET Nicolas, Economie et Prévision, 202-203/1-2, 121-145.
L’apport de l’économie expérimentale dans l’élaboration des politiques publiques
FEREY Samuel, GABUTHY Yannick, JACQUEMET Nicolas, Revue Française d’Economie, XXVIII/2, 165-194.
Labour Disputes, Investment Decisions and the Judiciary
GABUTHY Yannick, DEFFAINS Bruno, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, Labour Economics, 17, 2, 424-433.
Does Resorting to Oneline Dispute Resolution Promote Agreements ? Experimental Evidence
GABUTHY Yannick, JACQUEMET N., MARCHAND N., European Economic Review, 52, 2, 259-282.
Incitations et licenciement individuel
GABUTHY Yannick, LAMBERT Eve-Angeline, Revue Française d’Economie, XXIII, 1, 3-50.
Une évaluation expérimentale des modes électroniques de résolution des litiges
GABUTHY Yannick, JACQUEMET Nicolas, Revue Economique, 58, 1309-1330.