Publications de BOUN MY Kene

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2024

    Risk and ambiguity in a public good game

    VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 3.
  • 2024

    Are ambiguity preferences aligned with risk preferences?

    BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 111, 102237.
  • 2022

    Drivers of organic farming: Lab-in-the-field evidence of the role of social comparison and information nudge in networks in Vietnam

    BOUN MY Kene, NGUYEN-VAN Phu, PHAM Thi Kim Cuong, STENGER Anne, TIET Tuyen, NGUYEN To-The, Ecological Economics, Volume 196, June 2022, 107401.
  • 2021

    Public information and the concern for coordination

    BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 93, 13 pages.
  • 2021

    Double overreaction in beauty contests with information acquisition: theory and experiment

    BAERISWYL Romain, BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 118, March 2021, Pages 432-445.
  • 2021

    Controlling Monopoly Power in a Double-Auction Market Experiment

    ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, GUIDO Andrea, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume23, Issue5, Pages 1074-1101.
  • 2020

    Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: the dark side of public financing

    ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, BUSO Marco, STENGER Anne, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 22, June 2020, Pages 769-820.
  • 2019

    Strategic ethics: Altruism without the other-regarding confound

    ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, GEORGANTZÍS Nikolaos, MIGUEL Ginés, Revue Économique, Volume 70, N° 6, November 2019, Pages 967-998.
  • 2019

    Nudge and tax in an environmental public good experiment : does environmental sensitivity matter?

    BOUN MY Kene, OUVRARD Benjamin, Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 55, February 2019, Pages 24-48.
  • 2018

    Effects of gain-loss frames on advantageous inequality aversion

    BOUN MY Kene, LAMPACH Nicolas, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, MAGNANI Jacopo, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 4(2), 99-109.
  • 2016

    Jeu du Dictateur et Jeu de la Confiance: Préférences distributives vs. Préférences dépendantes des croyances

    ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, Actualité Économique.
  • 2010

    Voluntary participation and cooperation in a collective-good game

    BOUN MY Kene, CHALVIGNAC Benoît, Journal of Economic Psychology, 31, 4, 705-718.
  • 2009

    Does bilateralism foster cooperation in Europe? An Experimental Approach of Comparative Merits of Bilateralism and Multilateralism

    BOUN MY Kene, VERCHERE Alban, BERTRAND Stéphane, Journal of Common Market Studies, 47, 4, 891–910.
  • 2008

    Road Traffic Congestion and Public Information: An Experimental Investigation

    ZIEGELMEYER Anthony, KOESSLER Frédéric, BOUN MY Kene, DENANT-BOEMONT Laurent, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 42, 1, 43-82.
  • 2007

    Monetary Value of a Life Expectancy Gain due to Reduced Air Pollution: Lessons from a Contingent Valuation

    DESAIGUES Brigitte, RABL Ari, AMI Dominique, BOUN MY Kene, MASSON Serge, SALOMON Marie-Anne, SALOMON Laure, Revue d'Economie Politique, 117, 5, 675-698.
  • 2006

    Structure d’interactions et problème de coordination : une approche expérimentale

    BOUN MY Kene, WILLINGER Marc, ZIEGELMEYER Anthony, Revue d'Économie Industrielle, n°114.

Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture :

Working Papers :

  • 2024

    AI devices and liability

    BOUN MY Kene, JACOB Julien, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, Working Paper BETA #2024-24, Working Paper BETA #2024-24.
  • 2020

    Drivers of organic farming: Lab-in-the-field evidence of the role of social comparison and information nudge in networks in Vietnam.

    BOUN MY Kene, NGUYEN-VAN Phu, CUONG PHAM Thi Kim, STENGER Anne, TIET Tuyen, TO-THE Nguyen, Working Paper BETA #2020-54.
  • 2017

    Nudge and Tax in an Environmental Public Goods Experiment: Does Environmental Sensitivity Matter?

    BOUN MY Kene, OUVRARD Benjamin, BETA WP 2017-06.
  • 2016

    Risk, Ambiguity and Efficient Liability Rules: An experiment.

    LAMPACH Niclas, BOUN MY Kene, SPEATER Sandrine, BETA WP 2017-30.
  • 2016

    Effects of gain-loss frames on social preferences

    BOUN MY Kene, LAMPACH Nicolas, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, BETA WP 2016-21.
  • 2007

    On the Acceptability of the Ambient Tax Mechanism: An Experimental Investigation

    BOUN MY Kene, COCHARD François, ZIEGELMEYER Anthony, Jena Economic Research Papers 2007-081.