Publications de BOCQUEHO Géraldine
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :
Risk preferences and refugee migration to Europe: An experimental analysis
ELANGA MENDOGO Daniel Joël, BOCQUÉHO Géraldine, European Journal of Political Economy, 83. -
Measuring uncertainty in ecosystem service correlations as a function of sample size
SHANAFELT David W., SERRA-DIAZ Josep M., BOCQUEHO Géraldine, Ecosystem Services, 63, 101546. -
Modelling refugee migration under cognitive biases: Experimental evidence and policy
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, DESCHAMPS Marc, HELSTROFFER Jenny, JACOB Julien, JOXHE Majlinda, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 103, -
Services Provided by Multifunctional Agroecosystems: Questions, Obstacles and Solutions
STOKES Alexia, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, CARRERE Pascal, CONDE SALAZAR Raphaël, DECONCHAT Marc, GARCIA Léo, ET al., Ecological Engineering, 191. -
Prospect theory in multiple price list experiments: further insights on behaviour in the loss domain
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, Theory and Decision,, 94 (4), 593-636. -
Expected utility or prospect theory maximisers? Assessing farmers' risk behaviour from field-experiment data
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACQUET Florence, REYNAUD Arnaud, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41(1), 135-172. -
Reversal and magnitude effects in long-term time preferences: Results from a field experiment
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACQUET Florence, REYNAUD Arnaud, Economics Letters, 120(1), 108-11. -
The adoption of switchgrass and miscanthus by farmers: Impact of liquidity constraints and risk preferences
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACQUET Florence, Energy Policy, 38(5), 2598-2607.
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées :
Developing country-wide farm typologies: An analysis of Ethiopian smallholders’ income and food security.
BOERE Esther, MOSNIER Aline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, KRISZTIN Tamás, HAVLIK Petr, ELHAUT Thomas, IFAD Research Series, 32, 35. -
REDD+ projects in the DemocraticRepublic of Congo: Impacts on future emissions, income and biodiversity
MOSNIER Aline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, MANT Rebecca, OBERSTEINER Michael, HAVLIK Petr, KAPOS Valerie, ET al., Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-14713. -
Addressing the drivers of deforestation: exploring synergies between REDD+ and forest policy
OBERSTEINER Michael, KRAXNER Florian, MOSNIER Aline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, KHABAROV Nikolay, HAVLIK Petr, International Forestry Review, 16(5), 545.
Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture :
Mieux comprendre le choix de demande d'asile au Luxembourg: Aversion pour la perte.
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, DESCHAMPS Marc, HELSTROFFER Jenny, JACOB Julien, JOXHE Majlinda, Land, 13.
Direction d'ouvrages ou de revue :
Chapitres / Ouvrages scientifiques :
Effects of liquidity constraints, risk and related time effects on the adoption of perennial energy crops
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, Khanna, M. and Zilberman, D., Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy: Vol. II, volume 40 of Natural Resource Management and Policy, chapter 16, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA., 373-399.
Chapitres / Ouvrages de vulgarisation :
Fonctionnement des marchés et prix des produits alimentaires
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, CARRERE Myriam, MARETTE Stephan, ASSOGNA Bénédicte, STEIN Matthieu, CAMILLO Aristoteles, ANSOUR Ange, Les Savanturiers de l'alimentation durable, INRAE-AFPER, 50.
Working Papers :
Risk and Refugee Migration
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, DESCHAMPS Marc, HELSTROFFER Jenny, JACOB Julien, JOXHE Majlinda, Sciences Po OFCE Working Paper 10, 40.
Conférences invitées :
Webinaire de formation aux "Savanturiers de l'alimentation durable" à destination des enseignants
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, MONFOULET Laurent-Emmanuel, CAMILLO Aristoteles, Les Savanturiers de l'alimentation durable, INRAE-AFPER -
Webinaire de lancement de la thématique "Savanturiers de l'alimentation durable"
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ASSOGNA Bénédicte, MONFOULET Laurent-Emmanuel, STEIN Matthieu, CAMILLO Aristoteles, ANSOUR Ange, Les Savanturiers de l'alimentation durable, INRAE-AFPER -
Developing country-wide farm typologies: An analysis of Ethiopian smallholders’ income and food security.
BOERE Esther, MOSNIER Aline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, TAMAS Krisztin, HAVLIK Petr, 5th International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 23. -
Adoption of perennial crops and behavioral risk preferences. An empirical investigation among French farmers.
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACQUET Florence, REYNAUD Arnaud, 9e Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, December 11-12, 2015, Nancy, France
Communications à des conférences :
Spatial Analysis of the Relationships Between Wood Production and Other Ecosystem Services in the Ballons des Vosges Regional Park
SAADAOUI Siwar, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, SHANAFELT David, IUFRO Division 4.04.07 Risk analysis Conference (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), Nancy, France (31.05-02.06.2022) -
Analyse spatiale des relations entre la production de bois et d’autres services écosystémiques forestiers sur le territoire du Parc Naturel Régional des Ballons des Vosges
SAADAOUI Siwar, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, SHANAFELT David, 58e colloque ASRDLF (Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française), Sciences Po Rennes, France (29.06-01.07.2022) -
Forest manager facing extreme risks: Do probability weighting and loss aversion matter in adapting management to windstorms?
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, RUA MONTES Javier, 26th EAERE Annual Conference, Berlin Online, Germany (23-25.06.2021) -
Do probability weighting and loss aversion matter in adapting management to windstorms?
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, RUA MONTES Javier, Colloque RisqFor, Réseau d’animation scientifique du département ECODIV INRAE, Nancy, France (20-22.10.2021) -
Le gestionnaire forestier face aux risques extrêmes : Quel rôle de la pondération des probabilités et de l’aversion à la perte dans l’adaptation au risque de tempête ?
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, RUA MONTES Javier, Journées Jeunes Chercheurs INRAE, Online, France (04.12.2020) -
Improving Ethiopian smallholders’ income and food security: A farm-type analysis
BOERE Esther, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, MOSNIER Aline, HAVLIK Petr, Systems Analysis 2015 - A Conference in Celebration of Howard Raiffa, 11-13 November, 2015, Laxenburg, Austria. -
A spatial assessment of REDD+ policies in Brazil and the Congo Basin: The REDD-PAC project
OBERSTEINER Michael, KRAXNER Florian, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, MOSNIER Aline, Worlds within reach: From science to policy - IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, Vienna and Laxenburg, Austria (24-26.10.2012)
Autres productions :
Mapping ecosystem service supply in conservation areas
BOCQUEHO Géraldine, SHANAFELT David, MESSYA Final report, 2. -
La modélisation des changements d’utilisation des terres dans les pays d’Afrique Centrale 2000-2030.
MOSNIER Aline, TONGA Péguy, MANT Rebecca, PIRKER Johannes, PIETSCH Stephan, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., CoForTips Congo Basin forests. Final Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 2017, 70. -
Modelling land use change in Brazil: 2000-2050 (Dataset)
CAMARA Gilberto, SOTERRONI Aline, RAMOS Fernando, CARVALHO Alexandre, ANDRADE Pedro, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., INPE, IPEA, IIASA, UNEP-WCMC, São José dos Campos, Brasília, Laxenburg, Cambridge -
Using models to inform policies that meet multiple objectives. Assessing the contribution of Brazil's Forest Code to biodiversity conservation
CAMARA Gilberto, RAMOS Fernando, SOTERRONI Aline, CARTAXO Roberto, ANDRADE Pedro, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., UNEP-WCMC, INPE, IPEA, IIASA, Cambridge, São José dos Campos, Brasília, Laxenburg, 8. -
Using models to inform policies to meet multiple objectives. Sustainable development, climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation in Central Africa
MANT Rebecca, GARCIA-RANGEL Shaenandhoa, TADOUM Martin, NCHOUTPOUEN Chouaibou, TONGA Peguy, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., UNEP-WCMC, IIASA, COMIFAC, Cambridge, Laxenburg, Yaoundé, 8. -
Modelling land use changes in Brazil 2000-2050. A report by the REDD-PAC project.
CAMARA Gilberto, SOTERRONI Aline, RAMOS Fernando, CARVALHO Alexandre, ANDRADE Pedro, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., INPE, IPEA, IIASA, UNEP-WCMC, São José dos Campos, Brasília, Laxenburg, Cambridge, 92. -
Modelling land use changes in Cameroon 2000-2030. A report by the REDD-PAC project.
MOSNIER Aline, MANT Rebecca, PIRKER Johannes, MAKOUDJOU Adeline, AWONO Eustache, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., UNEP-WCMC, IIASA, COMIFAC, Cambridge, Laxenburg, Yaoundé, 79. -
Modelling land use changes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000-2030. A report by the REDD-PAC project.
MOSNIER Aline, MANT Rebecca, PIRKER Johannes, BODIN Blaise, BOKELO BILE Didier, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., UNEP-WCMC, IIASA, COMIFAC, Cambridge, Laxenburg, Yaoundé, 80. -
Modelling future land use changes in Central Africa 2000-2030. A report by the REDD-PAC project.
MOSNIER Aline, MANT Rebecca, PIRKER Johannes, BODIN Blaise, MAKOUDJOU Adeline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., UNEP-WCMC, IIASA, COMIFAC, Cambridge, Laxenburg, Yaoundé -
Modelling land use changes in the Republic of the Congo 2000-2030. A report by the REDD-PAC project.
MOSNIER Aline, MANT Rebecca, PIRKER Johannes, BODIN Blaise, NDINGA Roland Gyscard, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, ET al., REDD-PAC Final report, 79. -
Considérations politiques sur l’utilisation des terres dans le bassin du Congo.
TONGA KETCHATANG Peguy, TADOUM Martin, MOSNIER Aline, BOCQUEHO Géraldine, MANT Rebecca, BODIN Blaise, REDD-PAC Intermediary Report. COMIFAC, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 80.