Publications de BRUNETTE Marielle

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2024

    An economic analysis of a storage policy after a storm occurrence in forestry

    JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, LEBLOIS Antoine, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10666-024-10011-z.
  • 2024

    Crop Yield Risks and Nitrogen Fertilisation in French Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance

    KOUAKOU Edith, BRUNETTE Marielle, KOENIG Richard, DELACOTE Philippe, Revue d'Economie Politique, 134(5), 691-728.
  • 2024

    Risk and ambiguity in a public good game

    VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 3.
  • 2024

    Climate change perception, impact, and adaptation of French farmers: implications for crop insurance development

    KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, DOI : 10.1007/s41130-024-00218-9.
  • 2024

    Are ambiguity preferences aligned with risk preferences?

    BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 111, 102237.
  • 2023

    Is risk a limit or an opportunity to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions? The case of fertilisation in agriculture

    DEQUIEDT Benjamin, BRUNETTE Marielle, DELACOTE Philippe, SERVONNAT Emmanuel, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10666-023-09917-x.
  • 2023

    Assurance financière et assurance naturelle : une application à la forêt

    BRUNETTE Marielle, HANEWINKEL Marc, Revue Forestière Française, 74, 247-254.
  • 2023

    A cost assessment of tree plantation failure under extreme drought events in France: What role for insurance?

    BRÈTEAU-AMORES Sandrine, BRUNETTE Marielle, ANDRÉS-DOMENECH Pablo, Forests, 14(2), 308.
  • 2023

    Forest insurance against natural events : an overview by economists

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Forests, 14(2), 289.
  • 2023

    Pests, wind and fire: A multi-hazard risk review for natural disturbances in forests

    BASTIT Félix, BRUNETTE Marielle, MONTAGNE-HUCK Claire, Ecological Economics, 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107702.
  • 2023

    Prospect theory in multiple price list experiments: further insights on behaviour in the loss domain

    BOCQUEHO Géraldine, JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, Theory and Decision,, 94 (4), 593-636.
  • 2022

    "Prevent or Cure"? Trading in the face of skewed binary lotteries"

    JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, EECKHOUDT Louis, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 178(2), 130-169.
  • 2022

    Assurance récolte en France : Spécificité du régime et déterminants du taux de souscription

    KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle, DELACOTE Philippe, TEVENART Camille, Economie Rurale, 380, 7-25.
  • 2022

    The determinants of adapting forest management practices to climate change: Lessons from a survey of French private forest owners

    THOMAS Julie, BRUNETTE Marielle, LEBLOIS Antoine, Forest Policy and Economics, 135, 102662.
  • 2022

    Are risk preferences consistent across elicitation procedures? A field experiment in Congo basin countries

    BRUNETTE Marielle, NGOUHOUO-POUFOUN Jonas, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, DOI:10.1057/s10713-021-00062-7.
  • 2021

    Role of farmers' risk and ambiguity preferences on fertilization decisions: an experiment

    TEVENART Camille, BRUNETTE Marielle, Sustainability, 13, 9802.
  • 2020

    Substituabilité entre assurance et auto-assurance : une propriété robuste à l’asymétrie d’information et à l’ambiguïté

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CORCOS Anne, COUTURE Stéphane, PANNEQUIN François, Revue d'économie politique, 130(4), 615-632.
  • 2020

    Insurance and forest rotation decisions under storm risk

    LOISEL Patrice, BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Environmental and Resource Economics, 76, 347-367.
  • 2020

    Risk aversion hinders forestry professionals to adapt to climate change

    BRUNETTE Marielle, HANEWINKEL Marc, YOUSEFPOUR Rasoul, Climatic Change, 162, 2157–2180.
  • 2020

    Commons as a risk-management tool : theoretical predictions and an experimental test

    BRUNETTE Marielle, DELACOTE Philippe, GARCIA Serge, ROUSSELLE Jean-Marc, Revue d’Economie Politique, 130, 405-439.
  • 2020

    The decision to insure against forest fire risk : An econometric analysis combining hypothetical and real data

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, FONCEL Jérôme, GARCIA Serge, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practices, 45(1), 111-133.
  • 2019

    On the uselessness of self-insurance clauses ?

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CORCOS Anne, COUTURE Stéphane, PANNEQUIN François, Economics Bulletin, 39(2), 830-837.
  • 2019

    Risk aversion, prudence and temperance : an experiment in gain and loss

    BRUNETTE Marielle, JACOB Julien, Research in Economics, 73(2), 174-189.
  • 2019

    An Economic Comparison of Adaptation Strategies Towards a Drought-induced Risk of Forest Decline

    BRÈTEAU-AMORES Sandrine, BRUNETTE Marielle, DAVI Hendrik, Ecological Economics, 164, 106294.
  • 2019

    Are 40 years better than 55 ? An analysis of the reduction of forest rotation to cope with drought event in a Douglas fir stand

    BRÉDA Nathalie, BRUNETTE Marielle, Annals of Forest Science, 76, 29.
  • 2018

    Risk management activities of a non-industrial private forest owner with a bivariate utility function

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 99(3), 281-302.
  • 2018

    Economic Analysis of Natural Forest Disturbances : A Century of Research

    MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, BRUNETTE Marielle, Journal of Forest Economics, 32, 42-71.
  • 2018

    A Bibliographical Database on Economic Analysis of Natural Forest Disturbances

    MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, BRUNETTE Marielle, Data In Brief, 20, 662-666.
  • 2018

    Adaptation to Climate Change in Forestry: A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)

    BRUNETTE Marielle, BOURKE Robin, MARC Hanewinkel, RASOUL Yousefpour, Forests, 9(1), 20-34.
  • 2017

    Biotechnical Portfolio Management of Mixed-Species Forests

    BRUNETTE Marielle, DRAGICEVIC Arnaud, LENGLET Jonathan, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, BADEAU Vincent, DUPOUEY Jean-Luc, Journal of Bioeconomics, 19(2), 223-245.
  • 2017

    Vers une composition optimale de la forêt française : une application de la théorie de la sélection de portefeuille aux critères biotechniques

    BRUNETTE Marielle, DRAGICEVIC Arnaud, LENGLET Jonathan, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, Economie Rurale, 359, 27-49.
  • 2017

    Is forest insurance a relevant vector to induce adaptation efforts to climate change ?

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, PANNEQUIN François, Annals of Forest Science, 74, 41.
  • 2017

    Expériences Économiques en Économie Agricole : État des Lieux et Dynamiques de Recherche

    BOUGHERARA Douadia, BRUNETTE Marielle, HEINZEL Christoph, MULLER Laurent, TEYSSIER Sabrina, Economie Rurale, 362, 31-50.
  • 2017

    Attitude towards Risk and Production decision : An Empirical analysis on French private forest owners

    BRUNETTE Marielle, FONCEL Jérôme, KÉRÉ Eric, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 22(6), 563-576.
  • 2016

    An Economic Comparison of Risk Handling Measures against Hylobius abietis and Heterobasidion annosum in the Landes de Gascogne Forest

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CAURLA Sylvain, Annals of Forest Science, 70(3), 777-787.
  • 2016

    Attitude face au risque et décision de récolte des propriétaires forestiers privés français

    BRUNETTE Marielle, FONCEL Jérôme, KÉRÉ Eric, Revue Forestière Française, LXVIII, 3-2016, 259-268.
  • 2015

    Are individuals more risk and ambiguity averse in a group environment or alone? Results from an experimental study

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CABANTOUS Laure, COUTURE Stéphane, Theory and Decision, 78(3), 357-376.
  • 2015

    Optimizing forest management under storm risk with Markov decision process model

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, LAYE Jacques, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 4(2), 141-163.
  • 2015

    An actuarial model of forest insurance against multiple natural hazards in fir (Abies Alba Mill.) stands in Slovakia

    BRUNETTE Marielle, HOLECY Jan, SEDLIAK Maros, TUCEK Jan, HANEWINKEL Marc, Forest Policy and Economics, 55, 46-57.
  • 2014

    Economics of Species Change under Risk of Climate Change and Increasing information: a (Quasi-)Option Value Analysis

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COSTA Sandrine, LECOCQ Franck, Annals of Forest Science, 71(2), 279-290.
  • 2013

    The impact of governmental assistance on insurance demand under ambiguity: A theoretical model and an experimental test

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CABANTOUS Laure, COUTURE Stéphane, STENGER Anne, Theory and Decision, 75, 153-174.
  • 2013

    Risk management behaviour of a forest owner against growth risk

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 42(2), 349-364.
  • 2009

    Assurance, intervention publique et ambiguïté: une étude expérimentale auprès de propriétaires forestiers privés

    BRUNETTE Marielle, CABANTOUS Laure, COUTURE Stéphane, STENGER Anne, Economie et Prévision (articles académiques), 190-191, 123-134.
  • 2008

    Public Compensation for Windstorm Damage Reduces Incentives for Risk Management Investments

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Forest Policy and Economics, 10, 7-8, 491-499.
  • 2008

    Assurance et activités de réduction des risques de foresterie : une approche théorique

    BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Revue d’Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement/Review of agricultural and environmental Studies, 86, 1, 57-58.

Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture :

Working Papers :