Publications de GARCIA Serge
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :
Are visitors, biodiversity or timber production better for nature conservation? Findings from an econometric analysis of the management costs of protected areas in Serbia
JOVANOVIC Nikola, GARCIA Serge, KECA Ljiljana, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 375, February 2025, 124048, 1-11. -
Estimating non-use values of improved water quality and biodiversity from a discrete choice experiment on watershed protection measures
AMIRI Tristan, ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, Revue d'Economie Politique, 5, 739-770. -
Economists and Environmental Challenges: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions for Research Agenda
GARCIA Serge, MAYOL Alexandre, Revue d'économie industrielle, 184. -
Cost-effectiveness of Natura 2000 forest contracts for biodiversity conservation
HESHMATOL VAEZIN Seyed Mahdi, MARAGE Damien, GARCIA Serge, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(12), 1527–1542. -
The Impact of Water Protection Measures in the Vittel Impluvium on Recreational Values: A Choice Experiment with Local residents
AMIRI Tristan, ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Revue Française d'Economie, 2/XXXVII, 145-204. -
Approaches to cost-effectiveness of payments for tree planting and forest management for water quality services
VALATIN Gregory, OVANDO Paola, ABILDTRUP Jens, ACCASTELLO Christian, ANDREUCCI Maria-Beatrice, CHIKALANOV Alex, GARCIA Serge et al., Ecosystem Services, 53, 101373. -
Efficiency of sharing liability rules: An experimental case
JACOB Julien, LAMBERT Eve-Angéline, GARCIA Serge, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 178(1), 1-42. -
Principal-agent Relationships: A Note on Biomass Depletion
DRAGICEVIC Arnaud, GARCIA Serge, Research in Ecology, 3(4), 9-15. -
Quels besoins de connaissances pour construire le futur des forêts en France ? Au-delà du plan de relance
LEROY Maya, BONTEMPS Jean-Daniel, BRAHIC Elodie, FORGET Pierre-Michel, GARCIA Serge, GOND Valery, KLEINSCHMIT Andreas, Revue forestière française, 73(1), 7–19. -
Modelling the Choice Between Multiple-Use vs. Specialised Forest Management and its Impact on Forest Management Costs
GARCIA Serge, PETUCCO Claudio, THORSEN Bo Jellesmark, VEDEL Suzanne Elizabeth, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 26(4), 591-608. -
Commons as a risk-management tool : theoretical predictions and an experimental test
BRUNETTE Marielle, DELACOTE Philippe, GARCIA Serge, ROUSSELLE Jean-Marc, Revue d’Economie Politique, 130, 405-439. -
The decision to insure against forest fire risk : An econometric analysis combining hypothetical and real data
BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, FONCEL Jérôme, GARCIA Serge, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practices, 45(1), 111-133. -
How does economic research contribute to the management of forest ecosystem services?
GARCIA Serge, ABILDTRUP Jens, STENGER Anne, Annals of Forest Science, 75(2), 53. -
Are ecosystem services complementary or competitive? An econometric analysis of cost functions from private forests in Vietnam
LAMBINI Cosmas Kombat, NGUYEN Trung Thanh, ABILDTRUP Jens, PHAM Van Dien, TENHUNEN John, GARCIA Serge, Ecological economics, 147, 343-352. -
Selected papers from the 2015 Workshop on Non-market Valuation (WONV) in Nancy
GARCIA Serge, MAHIEU Pierre-Alexandre, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 98(3), 145-148. -
Preferences for urban green spaces and peri-urban forests : An analysis of stated residential choices
TU Gengyang, ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, Landscape and Urban Planning, 148, 120-131. -
Store or export? An economic evaluation of financial compensation to forest sector after windstorm. The case of Hurricane Klaus
CAURLA Sylvain, GARCIA Serge, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, Forest Policy and Economics, 61, 30-38. -
Land use and drinking water supply: A sample selection model with spatial dependence
ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, KÉRÉ Eric, Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 1-2, 321-342. -
An empirical analysis of forest transition and land-use change in developing countries
WOLFERSBERGER Julien, DELACOTE Philippe, GARCIA Serge, Ecological Economics, 119, 241-251. -
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a biodiversity conservation policy: A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest
HILY Emeline, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne, TU Gengyang, Ecological Economics, 119, 197–208. -
Service quality, scale economies and ownership: An econometric analysis of municipal water supply costs
DESTANDAU François, GARCIA Serge, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 46(2), 152-182. -
Econometric analysis of social interactions in the production decisions of private forest owners
GARCIA Serge, KERE Nazindigouba Eric, STENGER Anne, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41(2), 177-198. -
Spatial preference heterogeneity in forest recreation
ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, OLSEN Soren, STENGER Anne, Ecological Economics, 92, 67-77. -
The effect of forest land use on the cost of drinking water supply: A spatial econometric analysis
ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne, Ecological Economics, 92, 126-136. -
Land use impact on water quality: Valuing forest services in terms of the water supply sector
FIQUEPRON Julien, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne, Journal of Environmental Management, 126, 113-121. -
Household energy choices and fuelwood consumption: An econometric approach from French data
COUTURE Stéphane, GARCIA Serge, REYNAUD Arnaud, Energy Economics, 34(6), 1972-1981. -
Do taste and quality perception influence consumer preferences for wood? An econometric model with latent variables
COSTA Sandrine, GARCIA Serge, IBANEZ Lisette, Forest Science, 57(2), 89-101. -
Estimating Armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to the French forest sector model
SAUQUET Alexandre, LECOCQ Franck, DELACOTE Philippe, CAURLA Sylvain, BARKAOUI Ahmed, GARCIA Serge, Resource and Energy Economics, 33(4), 771-781. -
Valuing forest biodiversity from a national survey in France: A dichotomous choice contingent valuation
GARCIA Serge, HAROU Patrice, MONTAGNÉ Claire, STENGER Anne, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 7(2), 84-97. -
Map and determinants of forest visiting in Wallonia
COLSON Vincent, GARCIA Serge, RONDEUX Jacques, LEJEUNE Pierre, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 9(2), 83-91. -
Incentive contracts for Natura 2000 implementation in forest areas
ANTHON Signe, GARCIA Serge, STENGER Anne, Environmental and Resource Economics, 46(3), 281-302. -
La valeur récréative de la forêt en France : une approche par les coûts de déplacement
GARCIA Serge, JACOB Julien, Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 91, 43-71. -
Models for sample selection bias in contingent valuation: Application to forest biodiversity
GARCIA Serge, HAROU Patrice, MONTAGNÉ Claire, STENGER Anne, Journal of Forest Economics, 15(1-2), 59-78.
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées :
Chapitres / Ouvrages de vulgarisation :
Approches économiques pour la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau
DESTANDAU François, GARCIA Serge, THOMAS Alban, THOYER Sophie, in : L’eau en milieu agricole. Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale, Leenhardt D., Voltz M., Barreteau O. (Coord.), Versailles, Editions Quae, coll. Synthèses, 15 pages.
Working Papers :
Inter-municipal cooperation in drinking water supply: Trade-offs between transaction costs, efficiency and service quality
GUELMAMEN Mehdi, GARCIA Serge, MAYOL Alexandre, 2025-07, 40. -
A discrete choice experiment to measure the impact of flood risk information on residential location choices
GARCIA Serge, ERDLENBRUCH Katrin, MBARGA Boniface Derrick, Working Paper BETA #2024-22, 41 p.
Autres productions :
Expertise collective CRREF "Coupes Rases et REnouvellement des peuplements Forestiers en contexte de changement climatique"
LANDMANN Guy, DELAY Morgane, MARQUET Garance, BERGÈS Laurent, COLLET Catherine, GARCIA Serge, et al., GIP ECOFOR ; RMT AFORCE, 782 p. -
Les usages récréatifs des forêts métropolitaines
ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, Commissariat général au développement durable - La documentation française, 190 p. -
Rapport final: Contrat de Recherche INRA ONF 2017-2018 sur les évaluations socio-économiques du service écosystémique lié à la recréation en forêt
The Socio-Economic Impact of Forestry in Co. Leitrim
NÍ DHUBHÁIN Aine, STOETTNER Evelyn, BALLWEG Julie, GARCIA Serge, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland, 149 pages.