Publications de MONTAGNE-HUCK Claire
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :
Do individual PES buyers care about additionality and free-riding? A choice experiment
FRINGS Oliver, ABILDTRUP jens, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, GOREL Salomé, STENGER Anne, Ecological Economics -
Pests, wind and fire: A multi-hazard risk review for natural disturbances in forests
BASTIT Félix, BRUNETTE Marielle, MONTAGNE-HUCK Claire, Ecological Economics, 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107702. -
The Impact of Water Protection Measures in the Vittel Impluvium on Recreational Values: A Choice Experiment with Local residents
AMIRI Tristan, ABILDTRUP Jens, GARCIA Serge, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Revue Française d'Economie, 2/XXXVII, 145-204. -
Bark Beetle Outbreaks in Europe: State of Knowledge and Ways Forward for Management
HLASNY Tomas, KONIG Louis, KROKENE Paal, LINDER Marcus, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, MULLER Jorg, QUIN Hua, Current forestry reports, 7, 138–165. -
Economic Analysis of Natural Forest Disturbances : A Century of Research
MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, BRUNETTE Marielle, Journal of Forest Economics, 32, 42-71. -
A Bibliographical Database on Economic Analysis of Natural Forest Disturbances
MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, BRUNETTE Marielle, Data In Brief, 20, 662-666. -
Political consumerism and public policy: Good complements against market failures?
DELACOTE Philippe, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Ecological Economics, 73, 188–193.
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées :
Quels outils économiques pour analyser les innovations bioéconomiques dans les filières forêt-bois à l’échelle du territoire ?
CAURLA Sylvain, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Innovations Agronomiques, 56, 59-70. -
Past, present, and future of forest accounting: an overview of the French experience
NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Annals of Forest Science, 72/1, 1-7. -
Public preferences for structural attributes of forests: towards a Pan European perspective.
EDWARDS David M, JAY Marion, JENSEN Franck S, LUCAS Beatriz, MARZANO Mariella, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, PEACE Andrew, et al., Forest Policy and Economics, 19, 12-19. -
Public Preferences Across Europe for Different Forest Stand Types as Sites for Recreation
EDWARDS David M, JAY Marion, JENSEN Franck S, LUCAS Beatriz, MARZANO Mariella, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, PEACE Andrew, et al., Ecology and Society, 17(1), 11. -
De la définition et l’usage des indicateurs de gestion durable des forêts : un point de vue économique et social
MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, Revue Forestière Française, LXIV (5), 613-633.
Chapitres / Ouvrages scientifiques :
Living with bark beetles: impacts, outlook and management options
HLASNY Tomas, KROKENE PAAL, LIEBHOLD Andrew, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, MULLER Jorg, QIN Hua, RAFFA Kenneth. et al., European Forest Institute, From Science to Policy 8., 52.
Working Papers :
Earth, wind and fire: A multi-hazard risk review for natural disturbances in forests
BASTIT Félix, BRUNETTE Marielle, MONTAGNE-HUCK Claire, Working Paper BETA #2021-25, 27.
Autres productions :
Comptes de la forêt : Focus Bois énergie
NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Convention MTES/SDES-AgroParisTech-IGN-SSP 2018-2019, Mars 2019., 23p. -
Les comptes de la forêt : un outil de suivi de la forêt française (2007-2014)
KURTEK Olivier, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, MONTAGNÉ-HUCK Claire, Commissariat Général au Développement Durable, Datalab n°32.