CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 27 pages.
Bonheur et liberté chez Rawls et Sismondi
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, IGERSHEIM Herrade, Cahiers d'Economie Politique
CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the Histoty of Economic Thought, 31:2, 302-325.
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the Histoty of Economic Thought, 13.
Commentaire de l’article de Jean-Paul Fitoussi (1984), "Développements récents de la théorie macroéconomique", Revue d’économie politique 94 (6)
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue de l'OFCE, 181, 113-117.
The net product in the Formule du Tableau Économique : Lessons from a formalism
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, Portuguese Economic Journal, 21, 383-399.
Discussion sur Francis Bismans et Maria do Rosário Grossinho, Mathématiques et économie : une approche historique
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, 7, 255-258.
Dispersed information and the non-neutrality of money: Fifty years after Lucas 1972
CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Economic Methodology, 29, 86-104.
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, MODESTO Leonor, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23, 622-638.
Public information and the concern for coordination
BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 93, 13 pages.
When Muth’s entrepreneurs meet Schrödinger’s cat
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue d'économie politique., 131, 449-459.
Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Theory: To what extent was it non-Walrasian?
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, History of Economic Ideas., 29, 69-82.
"On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes" after fifty years
CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27, 19 pages.
L’aggiornamento des sciences économiques en France : le cas strasbourgeois au tournant des années 1970
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, RIVOT Sylvie, Oeconomia, 10, 57-69.
Looking for the rationale of the instability principle in Harrod’s Essay in dynamic theory: who is adjusting what?
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27, 549-563.
Exploiting separability in a multisectoral model of oligopolistic competition
D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Mathematical Social Sciences, 106, 51-59.
Cooperation in a differentiated duopoly when information is dispersed: A beauty contest game with endogenous concern for coordination
CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Mathematical Social Sciences, 106, 101-111.
The social value of information and the competition motive: price versus quantity games
CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 70, 1101-1137.
Enlarging the collective model of household behavior: A revealed preference analysis
D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 68, 1-19.
The employment contract with externalised costs: the avatars of Marxian exploitation
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25, 1081-1093.
L'hiver de notre mécontentement: La macroéconomie après la crise
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue de l'OFCE, 153, 187-200.
The Dixit-Stiglitz economy with a `small group' of firms: A simple and robust equilibrium markup formula
D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Research in Economics, 71(4), 729-739.
Optimal fiscal policy in sunspot-driven oligopolistic economies
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, DUFOURT Frédéric, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19, 620-638.
Oligopolistic vs. monopolistic competition: Do intersectoral effects matter?
D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 62, 299-324.
Hawks and doves in segmented markets: Profit maximization with varying competitive aggressiveness
D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, THEPOT Jacques, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 121-122, 45-66.
Endogenous fertility with a sibship size effect
BREZIS Elise S., DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 2046-2066.
The destabilizing effects of the social norm to work under a social security system
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, LLOYD-BRAGA Teresa, MODESTO Leonor, Mathematical Social Sciences, 76, 64-72.
Investissement stratégique et fluctuations endogènes
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD-VARET Louis-André, Revue Economique, 66, 351-368.
Michal Kalecki: sprung full grown from his own brow. . . or else?
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Cahiers d'économie politique/ Papers on Political Economy, 66, 237-243.
Mr. Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalisation
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 21, 801-838.
Household behavior and individual autonomy: An extended Lindahl mechanism
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 55, 643-664.
Keynes’s wage-price dynamics
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, MICHEL Philippe, Metroeconomica, 64, 44-72.
General equilibrium as competitive equilibrium: The significance of Walras' achievement from a Cournotian viewpoint
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 20, 625-645.
History of Economic Analysis as Analysis of Historic Economics
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, History of Economic Ideas, 20, 25-35.
Competition : The ways to perfection
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Cahiers d’Economie Politique/ Papers on political economy, 63, 205-218.
Two views of competition: “Is it peace or war?”
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 19:6, 852-867.
Imperfect competition and the trade cycle: Aborted guidelines from the Late Thirties
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD–VARET Louis–André, History of Political Economy, 43:3, 513-536.
Strategic R&D investment, competitive toughness and growth
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, International Journal of Economic Theory, 6, 273-295.
Oligopolistic competition as a common agency game
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Games and Economic Behavior, 70, 21–33.
Price-quantity competition with varying toughness
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Games and Economic Behavior, 65, 62-82.
Competition for market share or for market size: Oligopolistic equilibria with varying competitive toughness
d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD–VARET Louis–André, International Economic Review, 48, 761-784.
Business cycles with free entry ruled by animal spirits
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, LLOYD-BRAGA Teresa, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32, 3502-3519.
Free entry equilibria with positive profits: A unified approach to quantity and price competition games
DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, DUFOURT Frédéric, International Journal of Economic Theory, 3, 2, 75-94.