Publications de DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2024

    Central bank’s communication and stabilization policies under firms’ motivated beliefs

    CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 27 pages.
  • 2024

    Bonheur et liberté chez Rawls et Sismondi

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, IGERSHEIM Herrade, Cahiers d'Economie Politique
  • 2024

    Imperfect coordination in DSGE models: The resurgence of Keynes in mainstream macroeconomics

    CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the Histoty of Economic Thought, 31:2, 302-325.
  • 2024

    Malinvaud’s and Keynes’s unemployment typologies: do they coincide?

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the Histoty of Economic Thought, 13.
  • 2023

    Commentaire de l’article de Jean-Paul Fitoussi (1984), "Développements récents de la théorie macroéconomique", Revue d’économie politique 94 (6)

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue de l'OFCE, 181, 113-117.
  • 2022

    The net product in the Formule du Tableau Économique : Lessons from a formalism

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, Portuguese Economic Journal, 21, 383-399.
  • 2022

    Discussion sur Francis Bismans et Maria do Rosário Grossinho, Mathématiques et économie : une approche historique

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, 7, 255-258.
  • 2022

    Dispersed information and the non-neutrality of money: Fifty years after Lucas 1972

    CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Economic Methodology, 29, 86-104.
  • 2021

    Competition and the risk of bank failure: Breaking with the representative borrower assumption

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, MODESTO Leonor, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23, 622-638.
  • 2021

    Public information and the concern for coordination

    BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 93, 13 pages.
  • 2021

    When Muth’s entrepreneurs meet Schrödinger’s cat

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue d'économie politique., 131, 449-459.
  • 2021

    Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Theory: To what extent was it non-Walrasian?

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, History of Economic Ideas., 29, 69-82.
  • 2020

    "On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes" after fifty years

    CLERC Pierrick, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27, 19 pages.
  • 2020

    L’aggiornamento des sciences économiques en France : le cas strasbourgeois au tournant des années 1970

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, RIVOT Sylvie, Oeconomia, 10, 57-69.
  • 2020

    Looking for the rationale of the instability principle in Harrod’s Essay in dynamic theory: who is adjusting what?

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27, 549-563.
  • 2020

    Exploiting separability in a multisectoral model of oligopolistic competition

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Mathematical Social Sciences, 106, 51-59.
  • 2020

    Cooperation in a differentiated duopoly when information is dispersed: A beauty contest game with endogenous concern for coordination

    CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Mathematical Social Sciences, 106, 101-111.
  • 2020

    The social value of information and the competition motive: price versus quantity games

    CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 70, 1101-1137.
  • 2019

    Enlarging the collective model of household behavior: A revealed preference analysis

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 68, 1-19.
  • 2018

    The employment contract with externalised costs: the avatars of Marxian exploitation

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25, 1081-1093.
  • 2017

    L'hiver de notre mécontentement: La macroéconomie après la crise

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Revue de l'OFCE, 153, 187-200.
  • 2017

    The Dixit-Stiglitz economy with a `small group' of firms: A simple and robust equilibrium markup formula

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Research in Economics, 71(4), 729-739.
  • 2017

    Optimal fiscal policy in sunspot-driven oligopolistic economies

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, DUFOURT Frédéric, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19, 620-638.
  • 2016

    Oligopolistic vs. monopolistic competition: Do intersectoral effects matter?

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 62, 299-324.
  • 2016

    Hawks and doves in segmented markets: Profit maximization with varying competitive aggressiveness

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, THEPOT Jacques, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 121-122, 45-66.
  • 2016

    Endogenous fertility with a sibship size effect

    BREZIS Elise S., DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, 2046-2066.
  • 2015

    The destabilizing effects of the social norm to work under a social security system

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, LLOYD-BRAGA Teresa, MODESTO Leonor, Mathematical Social Sciences, 76, 64-72.
  • 2015

    Investissement stratégique et fluctuations endogènes

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD-VARET Louis-André, Revue Economique, 66, 351-368.
  • 2014

    Michal Kalecki: sprung full grown from his own brow. . . or else?

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Cahiers d'économie politique/ Papers on Political Economy, 66, 237-243.
  • 2014

    Mr. Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalisation

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 21, 801-838.
  • 2014

    Household behavior and individual autonomy: An extended Lindahl mechanism

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Economic Theory, 55, 643-664.
  • 2013

    Keynes’s wage-price dynamics

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, MICHEL Philippe, Metroeconomica, 64, 44-72.
  • 2013

    General equilibrium as competitive equilibrium: The significance of Walras' achievement from a Cournotian viewpoint

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 20, 625-645.
  • 2012

    History of Economic Analysis as Analysis of Historic Economics

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, History of Economic Ideas, 20, 25-35.
  • 2012

    Competition : The ways to perfection

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Cahiers d’Economie Politique/ Papers on political economy, 63, 205-218.
  • 2012

    Two views of competition: “Is it peace or war?”

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 19:6, 852-867.
  • 2011

    Imperfect competition and the trade cycle: Aborted guidelines from the Late Thirties

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD–VARET Louis–André, History of Political Economy, 43:3, 513-536.
  • 2010

    Strategic R&D investment, competitive toughness and growth

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, International Journal of Economic Theory, 6, 273-295.
  • 2010

    Oligopolistic competition as a common agency game

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Games and Economic Behavior, 70, 21–33.
  • 2009

    Price-quantity competition with varying toughness

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Games and Economic Behavior, 65, 62-82.
  • 2007

    Competition for market share or for market size: Oligopolistic equilibria with varying competitive toughness

    d'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, GÉRARD–VARET Louis–André, International Economic Review, 48, 761-784.
  • 2007

    Business cycles with free entry ruled by animal spirits

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, LLOYD-BRAGA Teresa, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32, 3502-3519.
  • 2007

    Free entry equilibria with positive profits: A unified approach to quantity and price competition games

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, DUFOURT Frédéric, International Journal of Economic Theory, 3, 2, 75-94.

Chapitres / Ouvrages scientifiques :

  • 2021

    The Economics of Competition, Collusion and In-between

    D'ASPREMONT Claude, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Palgrave Macmillan, 110 pages.
  • 2020

    La modernité des 'Recherches'

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Cournot, économie et philosophie, sous la direction de Marc Deschamps et Thierry Martin, Editions Matériologiques, Paris, 79-91.
  • 2019

    En quête d’un fondateur. Aristote et l’échange

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Histoire de la pensée économique, sous la direction de Samuel Ferey et Sylvie Rivot, Pearson, Montreuil, 3-15.
  • 2019

    Imperfect Competition

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann (eds.), The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes, Edward Elgar Publishing, 302-307.
  • 2016

    La pensée économique dans l’Antiquité Grecque, in A.G. Khudokormov, A. Lapidus (eds.), La Théorie Economique dans une Perspective Historique [en russe]

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, EGE Ragip, Moscou, Infra-M, 31-43.
  • 2014

    The case against market perfection: The two Bertrand’s objections are one

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, in F. Allisson, R. Baranzini (eds), Economics and Other Branches – In the Shade of the Oak Tree: Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, London, Pickering and Chatto, 31-37.
  • 2014

    Du client roi au consommateur représentatif: Figures vulgaire et savante du démiurge économique

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, in B. Ancori, G.-H. Melenotte, J. Strauser & J.-C. Weber (éd.), Que sommes-nous aujourd'hui? Les figures du sujet, Berne, Peter Lang, 263-274.
  • 2010

    La filiation Cournot-Walras

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, in BARANZINI Roberto, LEGRIS André, RAGNI Ludovic (eds), Léon Walras et l’équilibre économique général : Recherches récentes, Paris, Economica, 65-78.
  • 2010

    Jack of All Trades or Master of One? The Specialisation–Flexibility Trade–off

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, ZUSCOVITCH Ehud, in GAFFARD Jean-Luc, SALIES Evens (eds), Innovation, Economic Growth and the Firm: Theory and Evidence of Industrial Dynamics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 139-168.
  • 2008

    Gérard-Varet, Louis-André (1944–2001)

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, in DURLAUF Steven N., BLUME Lawrence E. (eds), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.

Working Papers :

  • 2021

    Central bank’s stabilization and communication policies when firms have motivated overconfidence in their own information accuracy or processing

    CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, BETA 2021-49, 32.
  • 2016

    Playing the game the others want to play: Keynes’ beauty contest revisited

    CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, BETA WP 2016-20, 25.
  • 2016

    Could competition always raise the risk of bank failure?

    DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, LLOYD-BRAGA Teresa, MODESTO Leonor, WP 2016-27, 22.