Publications de AYOUNI Mehdi

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2024

    Bayesian Persuasion in Lawyer-Client Communication

    AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, International Review of Law and Economics, 78/106196.
  • 2023

    Asking for Information Prior to Settlement or Trial When Misrepresentation of Evidence is Possible

    AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, Mathematical Social Sciences, 121, 26-35.
  • 2023

    The failure of the delegation principle in a principal-agent model with transfers

    AYOUNI Mehdi, BIEN Franck, LANZI Thomas, Economics Bulletin, 43 (1), 518-525.
  • 2020

    Analysis of opinion dynamics under binary exogenous and endogenous signals

    VARMA Vineeth S., MORARESCU Irinel-Constantin, AYOUNI Mehdi, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 38, 100910.
  • 2020

    Opting for the English Rule: On the Contractual Re-Allocation of Legal Fees

    AYOUNI Mehdi, FRIEHE Tim, GABUTHY Yannick, International Review of Law and Economics, 63/105928.
  • 2017

    Hard evidence and ambiguity aversion

    AYOUNI Mehdi, KOESSLER Frédéric, Theory and Decision, 82, 327–339.

Working Papers :

  • 2024

    Credence goods, consumers feedback and (in)efficiency

    AYOUNI Mehdi, LANZI Thomas, R&R Journal of Industrial Economics
  • 2023

    Les plateformes juridiques en ligne et l’accès au droit

    AYOUNI Mehdi, LANZI Thomas, en révision dans la Revue Française d'Economie