ZELNICK Yuval, BARBIER Matthieu, SHANAFELT David W, LOREAU Michel, GERMAIN Rachel, Oikos, e10514.
SHANAFELT David W, BioInvasion Records, 12, 1173-1183.
ACURIO VÁSCONEZ Verónica, DAMETTE Olivier, SHANAFELT David, Economic Modelling, 126, 106-431.
JOSSET Clement, SHANAFELT David W., ABILDTRUP Jens, STENGER Anne, Land Use Policy, 134, 106935.
SHANAFELT David W., SERRA-DIAZ Josep M., BOCQUEHO Géraldine, Ecosystem Services, 63, 101546.
SALAU Kehinde R, BAGGIO Jacopo A, SHANAFELT David W, JANSSEN Marco A, ABBOTT Joshua K, FENICHEL Eli P, Landscape Ecology, 37, 2551-2569.
SHANAFELT David W, CAPUTO Jesse, ABILDTRUP Jens, BUTLER Brett, Small-scale Forestry, 22, 303-321.
Coordinating investments in habitat protection and economic development
MELSTROM Richard T., SHANAFELT David W., REELING Carson J., Journal of Bioeconomics
Dysfunctional markets: A spray of prey perspective.
MESLY Olivier, HUCK Nicolas, SHANAFELT David W., Journal of Economic Issues., 55, 797-819.
From wheel of fortune to wheel of misfortune: Financial crises, cycles, and consumer predation.
MESLY Olivier, SHANAFELT David W., HUCK Nicolas, RACINOT François-Eric, Journal of Consumer Affairs., 54, 1195-1212.
The optimal timing of reintroduction: The case of the endangered black-footed ferret
MELSTROM Richard, SALAU Kehinde R., SHANAFELT David W., Ecological Economics, 156, 174-184.
Stability across trophic food chains
SHANAFELT David W., LOREAU Michel, Royal Society Open Science, 5, 180995.
Species dispersal and spatial insurance in human-dominated systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology
SHANAFELT David W., CLOBERT Jean, FENICHEL Eli P., HOCHBERG Michael, KINZIG Ann, LOREAU Michel, MARQUET Pablo, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 457, 199-210.
The effect of post-2001 reforms on FMD risks of the international livestock trade
SHANAFELT David W., PERRINGS Charles, EcoHealth, 15, 327-337.
Forecasting the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in the United Kingdom.
SHANAFELT David W., JONES Glynn, PERRINGS Charles, CHOWELL Gerardo, EcoHealth, 15, 338-347.
Do-it-yourself networks: A novel method of generating weighted networks
SHANAFELT David W., SALAU Kehinde R., BAGGIO Jacopo A., Royal Society Open Science, 4, 171227.
Foot and mouth disease: The role of international trade and the risk of disease outbreak
SHANAFELT David W., PERRINGS Charles, Revue Scientifique et Technique, 36.
Biodiversity, productivity, and the spatial insurance hypothesis revisited
SHANAFELT David W., DIECKMANN Ulf, JONAS Matthias, FRANKLIN Oscar, PERRINGS Charles, LOREAU Michel, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 380, 426-435.
The control of invasive species on private property with neighbor-to-neighbor spillovers
FENICHEL Eli P., RICHARDS Timothy J., SHANAFELT David W., Environmental and Resource Economics, 59, 231-255.
Foreclosures and invasive insect spread: The case of the Asian citrus psyllid
RICHARDS Timothy J., SHANAFELT David W., FENICHEL Eli P., American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96, 615-630.