SIMON Agathe


Campus Unistra

61 avenue de la Forêt Noire 67000 STRASBOURG

N° de bureau : 154

Titre de la thèse

  • Essays on unemployment benefit systems and poverty in Europe.

Direction de thèse

  • Amélier Barbier Gauchard (BETA)
  • Mathieu Lefèbvre (AMSE)

Présentation de la thèse

  • This study examines the link between certain types of employment and poverty in Europe and the role of unemployment insurance systems in protecting workers. Chapter 1 provides evidence of the link between temporary contract employment and poverty, focusing on the case of Germany. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 focus on unemployment benefit systems in Europe. Chapter 2 examines how unemployment benefit systems perform to protect atypical workers in case of job loss. Chapter 3 studies the effects of different reforms of unemployment benefits on poverty, inequalities and the labour supply of individuals.

Thèmes de recherche

  • Labour market
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment benefits

Activités d'expertise

  • Consultant at OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs

Projets & Financements

  • Membre du projet IDEX CAPSE (European labour mobility)
  • Membre de ITI MAKErS (European minimum wage)


  • Macroéconomie I (30h)
  • Macroéconomie II (48h)
  • Macroéconomie III (124h)
  • Econométrie II (48h)
  • Probabilités et Statistiques (130h)