Essays on unemployment benefit systems and poverty in Europe.
Direction de thèse
Amélier Barbier Gauchard (BETA)
Mathieu Lefèbvre (AMSE)
Présentation de la thèse
This study examines the link between certain types of employment and poverty in Europe and the role of unemployment insurance systems in protecting workers. Chapter 1 provides evidence of the link between temporary contract employment and poverty, focusing on the case of Germany. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 focus on unemployment benefit systems in Europe. Chapter 2 examines how unemployment benefit systems perform to protect atypical workers in case of job loss. Chapter 3 studies the effects of different reforms of unemployment benefits on poverty, inequalities and the labour supply of individuals.
Thèmes de recherche
Labour market
Unemployment benefits
Activités d'expertise
Consultant at OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
Projets & Financements
Membre du projet IDEX CAPSE (European labour mobility)