The Hazards of Psychology in Economics: A Virtue Epistemology Perspective
Direction de thèse
Samuel FEREY
Présentation de la thèse
The epistemic nature of cognitive vices is still unclear. This is specially alarming when economic policy claims to be based upon their understanding. Notably, behavioral economics, Hayekian currents, and neuroeconomics are presently building up by discussing these kind of policies. This thesis makes front to the missing epistemological discussion. By utilizing the framework of virtue epistemology, I analyze how moldable faculties of perception and character traits, that is, epistemic virtues and vices, reveal the possibilities for individual epistemic development. Therein, the distinction between corrigible and non-corrigible biases sets the prospects and the boundaries of policy action. The changes and developments of the human reason prove to be a critical endogenous variable for policy perspectives.
Thèmes de recherche
Histoire de la pensée économique
Philosophie économique
Épistémologie des vertus
Économie comportementale
Hayek Studies
Assistant to the Editors for the Journal of the History of Economic Thought