Publications de LLERENA Patrick

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2022

    Green innovation and financial performance: a study on Italian firms

    VASILEIOU Effrosyni, GEORGANTZIS Nikolaos, ATTANASI Giuseppe, LLERENA Patrick, Research Policy,, 51(6).
  • 2022

    Gender diversity of research consortia contributes to funding decisions in a multi-stage grant peer-review process

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, ÖZEL Emre, ÖCALAN-ÖZEL Sila, Nature - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9/1, 1-10.
  • 2021

    Industry Collaborations of Research Teams: Are They Penalized or Rewarded in the Grant Evaluation Process?

    ÖCALAN-ÖZEL Sila, LLERENA Patrick, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6.
  • 2021

    Adopting a creative device: between organizational creativity and organizational innovation

    RUIZ Emilie, ANSELMO Chloé, LLERENA Patrick, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
  • 2020

    Are two better than one? Modelling the complementarity between patents and trademarks across industries

    LLERENA Patrick, MILLOT Valentine, Industry and innovation.
  • 2020

    Demand-pull innovation in science: Empirical evidence from a research university’s suppliers

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, PATSALI Sofia, Research Policy, 48.
  • 2019

    The impact of R&D subsidies under different institutional frameworks

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, MARTINO Roberto, Structural Change and Economics Dynamics, 50, 65-78.
  • 2016

    Science policy as a prerequisite for industrial policy

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, Economia e Politica Industriale, 43(3), 273-280.
  • 2015

    The productivity of French Technology Transfer Offices after government reforms

    LLERENA Patrick, CURI Claudia, DARAIO Cinzia, Applied Economics.
  • 2013

    Universities and the third mission: a systematic review of reserch on external engagement by academic researchers

    LLERENA Patrick, ET al., Research Policy, 42 (2), 423-442.
  • 2013

    Small Worlds in Networks of Inventors and the Role of Academics: An Analysis of France

    LLERENA Patrick, LISSONI Francesco, SANDITOV Bulat, Industry and Innovation, 20 (3), 195-220.
  • 2013

    Networks, irreversibility and knowledge creation

    LLERENA Patrick, ÖZMAN Müge, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23 (2), 431-453.
  • 2013

    Institutional change and academic patenting: French universities and the Innovation Act of 1999

    LLERENA Patrick, DELLA MALVA Antonio, LISSONI Francesco, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23, 211-239.
  • 2012

    Measuring the technical efficiency of French TTOs: first insights

    LLERENA Patrick, CURRI Claudia, DARAIO Cinzia, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36 (3), 629-654.
  • 2011

    Eco-innovation through integration, regulation and cooperation: comparative insights from case studies in three manufacturing sectors

    LLERENA Patrick, WAGNER Marcus, Industry and Innovation, 18, 747-764.
  • 2011

    A Real Options Reasoning Approach to Hybrid Vehicle Investments

    AVADIKYAN Arman, LLERENA Patrick, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77, 4, 649-661.
  • 2011

    The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project

    DARAIO Cinzia, MATT Mireille, LLERENA Patrick, BACH LAURENT, ET al, Research Policy, 40 (1), 1, 148-164.
  • 2010

    The innovative firm: Nexus of communities and creativity

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, SIMON Laurent, Revue d’économie industrielle, 129-130, 139-170.
  • 2009

    A Case study of a creative start-up: Governance, communities and knowledge management

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, Journal of Innovation Economics, 2, 127-148.
  • 2008

    Water pipe renewal using a multiobjective optimization approach

    LLERENA Patrick, NAFI Amir, WEREY Cathy, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35, 1, 87-94.
  • 2008

    Academic patenting in Europe: new evidence from the KEINS database

    LLERENA Patrick, LISSONI Francesco, McKELVEY Maureen, Research Evaluation, 17, n°2, 87-102 (16).
  • 2008

    A case study of a creative start-up: governance, communities and knowledge management

    LLERENA Patrick, BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, Journal of Innovation Economics, n°2, 2008/2, 125-146.
  • 2007

    The private contractual funding of academic laboratories : A panel data analysis

    LLERENA Patrick, BOUMAHDI Rachid, CARAYOL Nicolas, Applied Economic Letters, 15, 6, 465-468.
  • 2007

    The emergence and Growth of an improbable laboratory in economics and management: the case of BETA

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, European Management Review, 4, 1, 54-65.
  • 2007

    Indicators of higher-education institutes and public-research organizations technology transfer activities: insights from France

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, Science and Public Policy, 34, 10, 709-721.
  • 2004

    Co-evolution of Macro-Dynamics and Technical Change : An Alternative View on Growth

    LLERENA Patrick, LORENTZ André, Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 105(1), pp 47-70.
  • 2004

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées :

  • 2014

    The Routinization of Creativity. Lessons from the Case of a Video-game Creative Powerhouse

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, SIMON Laurent, Journal of Economics and Statistics, n°2/3, 234, pp. 120-141.

Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture :

Direction d'ouvrages ou de revue :

Chapitres / Ouvrages scientifiques :

  • 2024

    Évaluer les biais liés au genre dans l'allocation des fonds de recherche

    BIANCHINI Stefano, JALABERT Nicolas, LLERENA Patrick, ÖCALAN-ÖZEL Sila, ÖZEL Emre, Quae, 47-73.
  • 2013

    A microeconomic approach to the dynamics of knowledge creation

    COHENDET Patrick, HERAUD Jean-Alain, LLERENA Patrick, P. Meusburger, J. Glückler, M. El Meskioui (eds.) Knowledge and the economy, (chap. 3, p.43-59) Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
  • 2012

    Creativity, human resources and organizational learning

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, in : Guido Buenstorf (ed.), Evolution, Organization and Economic Behavior, 155-184.
  • 2010

    New innovators and knowledge intensive entrepreneurship in some European sectoral systems: a field analysis

    LLERENA Patrick, LENZI Camilla, BISHOP Kate, BRESCHI Stefano, et al., Routledge, MALERBA F. (ed), “Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems: evidence from Europe.
  • 2010

    The Knowledge- based entrepreneur: the need for a relevant theory of the firm

    LLERENA Patrick, COHENDET Patrick, Edward Elgar, MALERBA F. (ed), Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems : evidence from Europe, 169-190.
  • 2010

    Division of Labour and Division of Knowledge in Firms’ Innovative Networks: an Essay on Ehud Zuscovitch’s Theoretical Perspectives

    COHENDET Patrick, HERAUD Jean-Alain, LLERENA Patrick, GAFFARD Jean-Luc, SALIES Evens, (eds), Innovation, Economic Growth and the Firm: Theory and Evidence of Industrial Dynamics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 169-190.
  • 2010

    Une dynamique de l’innovation: une interprétation de l’approche de Michel Callon en termes de communautés de connaissance

    COHENDET Patrick, HERAUD Jean-Alain, LLERENA Patrick, M . AKRICH et al. (eds), Débordements. Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon, Presses des Mines, Paris, 87-106.
  • 2009

    Scheduling of water distribution systems using a multiobjective approach

    LLERENA Patrick, NAFI Amir, WEREY Cathy, Springer Verlag, V. BARICHARD et al. (eds), “Multiobjective programming and goal programming: theoretical results and practical applications, 231-241.
  • 2009

    Does the European paradox still hold?

    LLERENA Patrick, DOSI Giovanni, SYLOS LABINI M., Edward Elgar, U. MULDUR, L. SOETE, H. DELANGUE (eds), European Science and Technological Policy: Towards integration or fragmentation ?, Chap 12, 214-236.
  • 2009

    Organisations of firms, knowing communities, and limits of networks in a knowledge intensive context

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, MORRONI Mario (ed.), Corporate Governance, Organization and the firm, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 104-122.
  • 2009

    Running the Marathon

    COWAN Robin, COWAN William, LLERENA Patrick, McKELVEY Maureen, HOMEN Magnus (eds), European Universities Learning to Compete: From Social Institution to Knowledge Business, Edward Elgar.
  • 2009

    Division of labor and division of knowledge: A case study of innovation in the video game industry

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, COHENDET Patrick, CANTNER Uwe, GAFFARD Jean-Luc, NESTA Lionel (eds), Schumpeterian Perspectives on Innovation, Competition and Growth,, 313-333.
  • 2008

    Academic Patenting in Europe: new evidence from the KEINS database

    LLERENA Patrick, LISSONI Francesco, McKELVEY Maureen, SANDITOV Bulat, Icfai University Press, C SRI KRISHNA (ed.), Academic patents: emerging issues and challenges, 142-173.
  • 2008

    La relacion ciencia-tecnologia-industria y la “paradoja europea”: apuntes sobre la dinamica de la investigacion cientifica y tecnologica en Europa

    LLERENA Patrick, DOSI Giovanni, SYLOS LABINI Mauro, C. Piramide, CANIBANO SANCHEZ, M.I. ENCINAR DEL POZO, F.F MUNOZ-PEREZ (eds), Economia del conocimiento y la innovacion, 231-267.
  • 2008

    Does the Chinese “Bayh-Dole Act” of 2002 have the same effect as the US act of the rising university patenting?

    LLERENA Patrick, BACH Laurent, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, Tsinghua University, Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing, G.S. WU, , J. GAO, X.D. GAO (eds.), Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008, 382-387.
  • 2008

    Academic entrepreneurship and patent licensing: new trends in France and lessons for/from the Chinese academic system

    LLERENA Patrick, BACH Laurent, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, Tsinghua University, Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing, G.S. WU, J. GAO, X.D. GAO (eds.), Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008, 364-374.
  • 2008

    Teams and Communities in the Emergence of Organizational Routines

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, BECKER Markus (ed.), Handbook on organizational routines, Edward Elgar.
  • 2008

    Industry and Science Relations

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, chap 4, OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China, OECD, Paris, 189-246.
  • 2008

    Chinese Research and Development programmes for science and technology

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, IECD, Paris, in OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China, 453-492.
  • 2007

    Science, Technology, Industry links and the ‘European Paradox’: some notes on the dynamics of scientific and technological research in Europe

    LLERENA Patrick, DOSI Giovanni, SYLOS LABINI Mauro, Oxford Uni. Press, E. LORENTZ, B.A. LUNDVALL (eds), How Europe’s economics learn – coordinating competing models, 203-234.
  • 2007

    Division of labor and division of knowledge: why the nature of the causality really matters for the evolutionary theory of the firm?

    BECKER Markus, COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, CANTNER Uwe, MALERBA Franco (eds), Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: schumpeterian legacies, Springer Verlag, 49-66.

Chapitres / Ouvrages de vulgarisation :

Working Papers :

Conférences invitées :

  • 2016

    Funding portfolio for academic research: From additionality of sources to production of science

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, SPRU’s 50th Anniversary Conference - September 7-9 (Sussex, UK).
  • 2016

    Funding portfolio for academic research: From additionality of sources to production of science

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, 16th ISS Conference - July 6-8 (Montreal, Canada).
  • 2016

    Technology and knowledge transfer policies in France: Some lessons from nearly 20 years of French experience

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, SACHWALD Frédérique, GCW 2016 5th edition - June 22-24 (Valencia, Spain).
  • 2016

    Technology and knowledge transfer policies in France: Some lessons from nearly 20 years of French experience

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, SACHWALD Frédérique, Academic Entrepreneurship and Knowledge and Technology Transfer: How do they relate to Research, Teaching, and Universities as Organizations? - April 11-12 (Kassel, Germany).
  • 2015

    Research funding and regional economies

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, LANE Julia, Regional Innovation Policies Conference 10th edition - October 15-16 (Karlsruhe, Germany).
  • 2015

    Research funding and regional economies

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, LANE Julia, NESTI Workshop: Data Infrastructures for the Analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation - April 29 (Paris, France).
  • 2015

    Research funding and regional economies

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, LANE Julia, Assessing the Impact of Science Funding in Europe, BRUEGEL Workshop - January 27 (Bruxelles, Belgium).
  • 2012

    The Benefits from Tax-based Research Policy: the Case of France

    LLERENA Patrick, LHUILLERY Stéphane, 13th Handelsblatt Annual Conference "Chemistry", Frankfurt, 9-10 mai 2012.
  • 2011

    Historical Innovation Research in a Cliometric Perspective. Two National Innovation Systems in Comparison

    DIEBOLT Claude, LLERENA Patrick, International Conference in Honour of Hariolf Grupp, Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI, German Government (invité), Mannheim, 3 mars 2011.
  • 2010

    The Knowledge-Creating Company in a Creative Industry. (The case of Ubisoft Montreal

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, SIMON Laurent, colloque Knowledge and Organization, May 30th - June 3rd, Ascona, MonteVerita, Switzerland.
  • 2009

    Running the marathon

    LLERENA Patrick, COWAN William, COWAN Robin, Universita di Bologna, May 5th; SPRU, December 5th, 2008.
  • 2007

    University-Industry links and commercialisation of public research results : lessons from recent policies

    LLERENA Patrick, ‘The economics of Technology policy’, Monte Verita, June 17-22.

Communications à des conférences :

  • 2019

    De la créativité à l’innovation grâce au crowdsourcing interne : les enseignements du « Créativ’Café » d’une entreprise de taille intermédiaire familiale

    ANSELMO chloé, RUIZ émilie, LLERENA patrick, 10ème GT Innovation, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique.
  • 2016

    L’industrie 4.0 au service des désirs

    LERCH Christophe, LLERENA Patrick, OFFNER Olivier, THORWART Wolfgang, Stammtich 4.0, Sélestat, 17 mars.
  • 2014

    Knowledge, Production and Time: An Attempted Evolutionary Model of Production

    LORENTZ André, LLERENA Patrick, MARENGO Luigi, VALENTE Marco, 15th International Conference of the International J.A. Schumpeter Society, 27-30 July, Jena, Germany.
  • 2011

    Steelcase : l’inspiration continue, moteur de la croissance » Rencontre management de l’Innovation

    ACCHIONE Bruno, LERCH Christophe, LLERENA Patrick, SCHWOERER Patrick, Rencontre management de l’Innovation, Strasbourg 29 Juin.
  • 2011

    Creative employees and organizational learning

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, Druid summer conference, 15-17 juin, 2011.
  • 2011

    Historical Innovation research in a cliometric perspective : two national innovation systems in comparison

    LLERENA Patrick, DIEBOLT Claude, International Conference in honour of Hariolf Grupp, ZEW, Mannheim, March 3rd.
  • 2011

    Determinants of (in)-efficiency differential among French TTOs

    LLERENA Patrick, CURI Claudia, DARAIO Cinzia, SEEK conference ‘Going for Smart Growth with Knowledge and Innovations’, ZEW, Mannheim, March 3-5th; “R&D, Science, Innovation and Intellectual property”, International Conference in Honour of Jacques Mairesse, ENSAE, Paris, 16-17th September 2010; DIME workshop@Alma Graduate School, “Universities on a third mission : external engagement and entrepreneurship by academic researchers”, University of Bologna, 11th-12th February, 2010; ‘Colloque de clôture’, programme ANR ‘Apprentissages, Connaissances et Société’, Lyon, 17-18 March, 2010.
  • 2011

    Networks of inventors and academics in France

    LLERENA Patrick, LISSONI Francesco, SANDITOV Bulat, DIME final conference, Maastricht, 6-8 April; EMAEE, Pisa, February.
  • 2011

    Networks, irreversibiity and knowledge creation

    LLERENA Patrick, ÖZMAN Müge, DIME final conference, Maastricht, 6-8 April; International Conference on the Formation and the Evolution of Social and Economic Networks, Paris, June 25th-27th, 2009.
  • 2010

    Case for support : un élément fédérateur pour bien préparer une campagne

    LLERENA Patrick, DOGNIN Claire, 5ème Conférence de Fundraising pour l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche, Paris, 10-11 février .
  • 2009

    Typologie des universités et activités de valorisation

    LLERENA Patrick, OST, April 17th, Paris.
  • 2009

    La valorisation de la recherche universitaire en France : Etat des lieux

    LLERENA Patrick, Conference ‘L’innovation en Europe : expériences françaises et allemandes’, Bischenberg, 8-9 juin.
  • 2009

    Indicators and policies for HEI's TT activities: lessons from the french case

    LLERENA Patrick, BACH Laurent, 2nd COMMUNIA Conference 2009 “Global Science and the Economics of Knowledge-Sharing”, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, June 28th – July 1st; JST-CRDS, Tokyo, March 30-31s.
  • 2009

    Institutional and cognitive-oriented entrepreneurship in nanotechnology innovative clusters

    LLERENA Patrick, PAWLAK Emilie, COHENDET Patrick, SIMON Laurent, Iéna, October 15th-17th.
  • 2009

    Academic surveys : BETA experiences

    LLERENA Patrick, DIME Workshop in Academic external engagement, Imperial College London, Londres, November 19th.
  • 2009

    Network, Irreversibility and Knowledge Creation

    LLERENA Patrick, ÖZMAN Müge, DIME International Conference on the Formation and the Evolution of Social and Economic Networks, 25-27 June 2009, Paris/DIME The Structure and Dynamics of Knowledge Networks, 24-26 May, Eindhoven.
  • 2009

    Drivers for sustainability-related innovation in an evolutionary perspective

    WAGNER Marcus, LLERENA Patrick, EMAEE 2009: Evolution, Behavior and Organizations, 21.-23.5., 2009, Jena.
  • 2009

    A Real Options Reasoning Approach to Hybrid Vehicle Investments

    AVADIKYAN Arman, LLERENA Patrick, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) Conference, Amsterdam Institutional Solutions for Economic Recovery 6-8, November.
  • 2009

    A Real Options Reasoning Approach to Hybrid Vehicle Investments

    AVADIKYAN Arman, LLERENA Patrick, Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International (MESDI) Conference “Strategies for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations” Nancy-Metz, France 4-6 novembre.
  • 2009

    Division Of Labour And Division Of Knowledge: a Case Study Of Innovation In The Video Game Industry

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, EURAM, 11-14 mai 2009, Liverpool, Royaume-Uni.
  • 2009

    Creativity and Value Creation: From a Division of Labour to a Division of Knowledge Perspective

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, LLERENA Patrick, EMAEE, 6th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, 21-23 Mai, Iéna, Allemagne.
  • 2008

    Technology Transfer Policy: the case of a large French university

    LLERENA Patrick, International Patent Licensing Seminar, Jan. 28th-29th, 2008, Tokyo.
  • 2008

    Corporate governance and knowledge management: The Chandlerian perspective challenged

    LLERENA Patrick, BRULAND Kristine, Lisboa, 27th Feb. – 1st March.
  • 2008

    From performance indicator to behaviour : lessons about incentive in research organisations

    LLERENA Patrick, "Die Währung der Forschung", Vienna, 1st April.
  • 2008

    Measuring the technical efficiency of French TTOs: first insights

    LLERENA Patrick, CURI Claudia, DARAIO Cinzia, Conference «Knowledge in space and time: Economic and policy implications of the Knowledge-based economy », Strasbourg, 7-8-9th April.
  • 2008

    Institutional change and academic patenting: French universities and the Innovation Act of 1999

    LLERENA Patrick, DELLA MALVA Antonio, LISSONI Francesco, International conference ‘Knowledge for growth: european strategies in a global economy’, French Presidency of the EU, Toulouse, 7-9th July, 2008; DRUID Conference ‘Entrepeneurship and innovation’, Copenhagen Business School, June 18th-20th.
  • 2008

    Does the European paradox still hold?

    LLERENA Patrick, DOSI Giovanni, SYLOS LABINI Mauro, International conference ‘Knowledge for growth: European strategies in a global economy’, French Presidency of the EU, Toulouse, 7-9th July.
  • 2008

    Complementary innovation system for catching up in China

    LLERENA Patrick, TANG Ming Feng, International Conference: “New Insights for Understanding Innovation and Competence Building for Sustainable Development and Social Justice” , Mexico, September 22-24.
  • 2008

    Leadership for Sustainability through Innovation and Integration

    LLERENA Patrick, WAGNER Marcus, Seminar at the Sustainability Research Institute, Leeds University, 14 January .
  • 2008

    Variations about competition and universities

    LLERENA Patrick, DIME meeting on “Universities competing (or not) in the knowledge economy”, Imperial College, December 8th.
  • 2008

    Harvesting the benefits from involvement in scientific and inventive activities: towards conditions

    LLERENA Patrick, CALLAERT Julie, Van LOOY Bart, DEBACKERE Koenreaad, International conference ‘Knowledge for growth: european strategies in a global economy’, French Presidency of the EU, Toulouse, 7-9th July; DIME Workshop ‘Open innovation and distrubuted entrepreneurship’ (O.I.D.E), Strasbourg, February 22nd; DRUID Conference ‘Entrepeneurship and innovation’, Copenhagen Business School, June 18th-20th.
  • 2008

    « Socio-technical transition processes: a real options based reasoning

    AVADIKYAN Arman, LLERENA Patrick, DIME International Conference “Innovation, sustainability and policy”, 11-13 September 2008, GREThA, University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV.
  • 2008

    Socio-technical transition processes: a real options based reasoning

    AVADIKYAN Arman, LLERENA Patrick, Conference, “Towards Post-carbon Societies” Trondheim, Norway, 4-5 September.
  • 2007

    The European Paradox : Myths or reality?“,

    LLERENA Patrick, the US Council on Innovation, Conference Board, Munich, Jan. 10-11.
  • 2007

    Organisation of firms, limits of networks and competitiveness in knowledge-intensive context

    LLERENA Patrick, COHENDET Patrick, ‘Internal organisation, cooperative relationships among firms and competitiveness’, Lucca, Italy, Jan. 19-20.
  • 2007

    Who runs better, a business incubator located in university science park or in a high-tech development zone?

    LLERENA Patrick, TANG Ming Feng, Druid Winter Conference on Geography, Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, Aalborg Denmark, January 25-27.
  • 2007

    Indicator of performance and behavioural feedbacks

    LLERENA Patrick, ‘Best practices in Transfer of Science and Technology’, Annual conference of the ASTP, Heidelberg, May 31st – June 1st.
  • 2007

    Academic patenting in Europe : new evidence from the KEINS Database

    LLERENA Patrick, LISSONI Francesco, McKELVEY Maureen, SANDITOV Bulat, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, session on ‘University-Indusry knowledge transfer’, Philadelphia, August 3-8.
  • 2007

    Patent indicator of STI links : lessons from the recent policies in France

    LLERENA Patrick, EPO-OECD-DIME conference, ‘Patent statistics for Policy decision making’, Venice, Oct. 2nd-3rd.
  • 2007

    The emergence and growth of an improbable laboratory in economics and management: the case of B.E.T.A

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, Journées du BETA, 16 Mars 2007.
  • 2007

    Organisation of firms, limits of networks and competitiveness in a global knowledge-intensive context

    COHENDET Patrick, LLERENA Patrick, Conference on ‘Internal Organisation, cooperative relationships among firms and competitiveness, Lucca, Jan 19-20th, 2007.
  • 2007

    Knowledge based entrepreneurship in the Rhine Valley

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, PENIN Julien, LLERENA Patrick, Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks, and Systems, Milan, 4-5 juin 2007.
  • 2007

    Knowledge based entrepreneurship in the Rhine Valley

    BURGER-HELMCHEN Thierry, PENIN Jean-Alain, LLERENA Patrick, Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks, and Systems, Milan, 4-5 juin 2007.
  • 2007

    Academic entrepreneurship and patent licensing : new trends in France and lessons for/from the Chinese academic system

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 27-29 mars.
  • 2007

    Patenting as indicator of STI links : from performance indicator to behaviour

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, 2nd Prime Indicators Conference. STI Indicators for Policy – adressing new demands of stakeholders, Oslo University College, Norway, 28-30 mai.

Autres productions :

  • 2016

    Project ASTRAL: Some new insights on the economic impact of science funding

    BIANCHINI Stefano, LLERENA Patrick, LANE Julia, Report for the Rector of the University of Strasbourg.
  • 2010

    Gutachten zu Forschung, Innovation und Technologischer Leistungfähigkeit

    LLERENA Patrick, Expertkommission Forschung und Innovation, Berlin, 23. Februar 2010, .
  • 2010

    Le Rapport 2009 de l'Observatoire Régional de la Recherche et de l’Innovation en Alsace

    BENAIM Mickael, LLERENA Patrick, janvier.
  • 2010

    Les activités de recherche contractuelle et de transferts de technologie dans les établissements français d’enseignement - Enquête 2006-2007

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, Rapport final pour la CPU et le MENESR, 89 pages.
  • 2009

    Technology transfer and public laboratories : the CNRS case

    LLERENA Patrick, contract with the CESPI, DPI, CNRS, march .
  • 2009

    Bildung, Forschung und Innovation – gerade in der Rezession enine Priorität

    LLERENA Patrick, Gutachten zu Forschung, Innovation und Technologischer Leistungfähigkeit, Expertkommission Forschung und Innovation, Berlin, April 2009 , .
  • 2009

    Rapport de synthèse: conférence franco-allemande sur les ‘bonnes pratiques en matière d’innovation

    LLERENA Patrick, MULLER Emmanuel, ZENKER Andrea, Proceedings de la Conférence franco-allemande ‘L’innovation en Europe – Expériences françaises et allemandes’ (Bischenberg, 8 et 9 juin).
  • 2009

    Les financements de la recherche des laboratoires reconnus : évolutions récentes

    LLERENA Patrick, Rapport final et annexe, DGRI, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, septembre .
  • 2009

    La recherche en Alsace: le déclin?

    BENAIM Mickael, LLERENA Patrick, Note n°1 de l'Observatoire Régional de la Recherche et de l’Innovation en Alsace, Novembre.
  • 2008

    Gouvernance des unités mixtes de recherche : avantages / inconvenients

    LLERENA Patrick, Strasbourg Conseil, DEPP-MESR, rapport final préliminaire, Avril 2008.
  • 2008

    Les processus de transition socio-technique: un raisonnement en termes d’options réelles

    LLERENA Patrick, AVADIKYAN Arman, Contrat : Système d’innovation et innovation de système dans le domaine des véhicules électriques et hybrides à batterie et/ou piles à combustible, ADEME-PREDIT, Rapport intermédiaire, Juin 2008 .
  • 2008

    Research and entrepreneurship : a new innovation strategy for Europe

    LLERENA Patrick, LE GUELLEC Dominique, SACHWALD Frédérique, Policy recommendation, French Presidency of the European Union, June 2008 ; presented at the conference “Knowledge intensive growth : European strategies in the global economy”, Toulouse, 7-9 July, 2008.
  • 2008

    Does the Chinese “Bayh-Dole Act” of 2002 have the same effect as the US act of the rising university patenting?

    LLERENA Patrick, BACH Laurent, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tsinghua University.
  • 2008

    Les activités de recherche contractuelle et de transferts de technologie dans les établissements français d’enseignement - Enquête 2006

    BACH Laurent, LLERENA Patrick, Rapport final pour la CPU et le MENESR, 77 pages.
  • 2007

    Analyse du sytème national d’innovation chinois

    LLERENA Patrick, BACH Laurent, MATT Mireille, TANG Ming Feng, OECD, French Ministery for Research, April.
  • 2007

    Transition technologique, stratégies d’investissement et options réelles : le cas des véhicules hybrides

    LLERENA Patrick, AVADIKYAN Arman, Contrat : Système d’innovation et innovation de système dans le domaine des véhicules électriques et hybrides à batterie et/ou piles à combustible, ADEME-PREDIT.