SOKOUNDOU Abdoul Latif
Campus AgroParisTech
Titre de la thèse
- International Trade and Forests: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Direction de thèse
Présentation de la thèse
- While studies like those by Leblois et al. (2017) and Abman and Lundberg (2020) have examined the impact of trade on deforestation, none have directly explored the link between trade and forests' role in carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation. This thesis aims to address this gap by analyzing the interactions between international trade and forest dynamics, focusing on their roles in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Using microeconomic and macroeconomic data from sources like UN-Comtrade, BACI-CEPII, and FAO, the study will apply treatment effect evaluation methods to emphasize causal identification.