Publications de DAMETTE Olivier

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :

  • 2024

    Measuring the impact of climate risk on renewable energy stock volatility: A case study of G20 economies

    ZHANG Li, LIANG Chao, HUYNH Luu Du Toan, WANG Lu, DAMETTE Olivier, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Volume 223, July 2024.
  • 2024

    Climate and sovereign risk: the Latin American experience with strong ENSO events

    DAMETTE Olivier, MATHONNAT Clément, THAVARD Julien, World Development, vol. 178.
  • 2023

    Macroepidemics and unconventional monetary policy

    ACURIO VÁSCONEZ Verónica, DAMETTE Olivier, SHANAFELT David, Economic Modelling, 126, 106-431.
  • 2023

    Face mask is an efficient tool to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and some factors increase the probability of its adoption

    DAMETTE Olivier, HUYNH Toan, Scientific Reports, 13, 9218 (2023).
  • 2023

    Firms'access to finance in resource-based countries and the financial resource curse

    DAMETTE Olivier, KABLAN Sandrine, MATHONNAT Clément, Journal of Comparative Economics
  • 2023

    Beyond climate and conflict relationships: new evidence from a Copula-based analysis on an historical perspective

    DAMETTE Olivier, GOUTTE Stéphane, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 51, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 295-323, ISSN 0147-5967,
  • 2022

    Political influence and banking performance: Evidence from the African countries

    DAMETTE Olivier, KOUKI Imen, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 84, 200-207.
  • 2022

    Renewable energy drivers in France: A Spatial Econometric Perspective

    DAMETTE Olivier, DEL LO Gaye, Regional Studies, 56 (6).
  • 2021

    The Merit-Order Effect on the Swedish bidding zone with the highest electricity flow in the Elspot market

    DAMETTE Olivier, MARQUES Antonio, MACEDO Daniela Pereira, Energy Economics
  • 2021

    Meteorological factors against COVID-19 and the role of human mobility

    DAMETTE Olivier, MATHONNAT Clément, GOUTTE Stéphane, Plos One, 16 (6).
  • 2020

    Les enjeux économiques de la filière hydrogène: une solution pour la transition énergétique

    DAMETTE Olivier, CRÉMEL Maxime, DEMAIE Heathcliff, LEMOINE Fabrice, Mondes en Développement
  • 2020

    Quelle transition énergétique, quelles croissance et développement durables pour une nécessaire transition écologique ? Présentation

    GERARDIN Hubert, DAMETTE Olivier, Mondes en développement, Vol. 48 n°192, 7-24.
  • 2020

    Climate and nomadic migration in a nonlinear world: evidence of the Historical China

    DAMETTE Olivier, GOUTTE Stéphane, PEI Qing, Climatic Change., 163, 2055–2071.
  • 2020

    The Growth Effects of El Nino and La Nina: Local Weather Conditions Matter

    COUHARDE Cécile, DAMETTE Olivier, GENEROSO Rémi, MOHADDES Kamiar, Annals of Economics and Statistics., 140, pp. 83-126.
  • 2020

    Changement climatique et migrations : un nouveau regard à travers les migrations nomades dans la Chine historique

    DAMETTE Olivier, PEI Qing, Région et Développement, vol. 51.
  • 2020

    The impact of the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity price formation: is the Merit-Order Effect occurring in Portugal?

    DAMETTE Olivier, MACEDO PEREIRA Daniela, MARQUES Antonio, Utilities Policy, vol. 66, oct 2020.
  • 2019

    Renewable energy drivers in European Countries

    DAMETTE Olivier, MARQUES Antonio, Applied Economics, 51 (26).
  • 2018

    Can Taylor Rule better explain the Fed’s Monetary Policy over the 1920s and 1930s? A Nonlinear Cliometric Analysis

    DAMETTE Olivier, JAWADI Fredj, PARENT Antoine, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 22 (5).
  • 2018

    Natural resource curse in oil exporting countries: A nonlinear approach

    DAMETTE Olivier, SEGHIR Majda, International Economics, 156 (4).
  • 2018

    Reassessing forest products demand functions in Europe using a panel co-integration approach

    DAMETTE Olivier, ROUGIEUX Paul, Applied Economics, vol 50, issue 30, 3247-3270.
  • 2018

    Households energy consumption and transition toward cleaner energy sources

    DAMETTE Olivier, DEL LO Gaye, DELACOTE Philippe, Energy Policy, 113 C.
  • 2018

    Did the FED respond to liquidity shortage episodes during the Great Depression?

    DAMETTE Olivier, PARENT Antoine, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 22, 1727-1749.
  • 2018

    La taxe Tobin : une synthèse des travaux basés sur la théorie des jeux et l’économétrie

    BISMANS Francis, DAMETTE Olivier, L'Actualité Economique, 94 (2), pp. 255-281.
  • 2017

    Liquidity traps and large-scale financial crises

    DAMETTE Olivier, PARENT Antoine, CASTELNUOVO Efrem, CAGIANNO Giovanni, PELEGRINNO Giovanni, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 81, 99-114.
  • 2017

    What has driven deforestation in developing countries since the 2000s? Evidence from new remote-sensing data

    DAMETTE Olivier, LEBLOIS Antoine, WOLFERSBERGER Julien, World Development, 92, 82-102.
  • 2017

    The Global Economic Crisis and the effect of immigration on employment of native-born workers in Europe

    DAMETTE Olivier, FROMENTIN Vincent, ZOU Benteng, The World Economy, 40(6), 1039-1263.
  • 2016

    Mixture Distribution Hypothesis and the impact of a Tobin tax on exchange rate volatility: a reassessment

    DAMETTE olivier, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20 (6).
  • 2016

    Did the FED Follow an Implicit McCallum Rule During the Great Depression?

    DAMETTE OLIVIER, ANTOINE PARENT, Economic Modelling, vol. 52, pp. 226-232.
  • 2015

    Tobin tax and volatility: a TQAR framework

    DAMETTE OLIVIER, PARK BEUM-JO, Review of International Economics, 23 (5), p 996-1022.
  • 2015

    Tobin tax and trading volume tightening: a reassessment

    DAMETTE Olivier, STEPHANE Goutte, Applied Economics, 47 (29), pp. 3124-3141.
  • 2013

    Anchor currency and real exchange rates dynamics in the CFA Franc Zone

    COULIBALY Issiaka, COUHARDE Cécile, DAMETTE Olivier, Economic Modelling, 33, Juillet 2013, 722-732.
  • 2013

    Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: a panel cointegration approach

    DAMETTE Olivier, FROMENTIN Vincent, Applied Economics, vol 45 n°16, pp. 2295-2304.
  • 2013

    Energy as a driver of growth in oil exporting countries?"

    DAMETTE Olivier, Energy Economics, 37, Mai 2013, 193-199.
  • 2012

    On the Economic Factors of Deforestation: what can we learn from quantile analysis?

    DAMETTE Olivier, DELACOTE Philippe, Economic Modelling, vol 29 n°6, pp. 2427-2434.
  • 2012

    La dynamique d'ajustement des taux de change réels dans la zone CFA

    COUHARDE Cécile, COULIBALY Issiaka, DAMETTE Olivier, Revue Economique, vol. 63 n°3, pp. 545-555.
  • 2011

    Unsustainable timber harvesting, deforestation and the role of certification

    DAMETTE OLIVIER, DELACOTE PHILIPPE, Ecological Economics, 70(6), 1211-1219.
  • 2010

    La Datation du Cycle Français : Une Approche Probabiliste

    DAMETTE Olivier, RABAH Zohra, Revue française d'économie, 24, 4, 135-163.
  • 2009

    Ouverture commerciale et féminisation du marché du travail. L’exemple du Maroc

    BISMANS Francis, BOUHZAHZAH Mohamed, DAMETTE Olivier, Economie appliquée, 62, 4, 197-207.
  • 2008

    Currency Transaction Tax Elasticity: An Econometric Estimation

    BISMANS Francis, DAMETTE Olivier, Economie internationale/ International Economics, 115, 193-212.
  • 2007

    Quel avenir pour une taxe Tobin

    DAMETTE Olivier, Mondes en Développement, 35, 140, 115-124.