09/09/22 | Free slot | | |
16/09/22 | Giuseppe Attanasi | Sapienza University of Rome | Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivators on Creative Collaboration: The Effect of Sharing Rewards |
23/09/22 | Free slot | | |
30/09/22 | Mathieu Lefebvre | AMSE | Missing poor in the US |
07/10/22 | Jérôme Valette | CEPII | Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes |
14/10/22 | Michaël Assous | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Modeling Economic Instability, A History of Early Macroeconomics |
21/10/22 | Roberta Ziparo | AMSE | The Good Wife? Reputation Dynamics and Financial Decision-Making Inside the Household |
25/10/22 | Panagiotis Liargovas | University of Peloponnese | Fiscal governance and forecasting Bias: a case study of Greece during the economic crisis Is EU Fiscal Governance Effective? A Case Study for the Period 1999–2019 (Séminaire Exceptionnel) |
28/10/22 | Camille Hemet | Université Paris 1 – Paris School of Economics | Neighbors’ Effects and Track Choice |
04/11/22 | Autumn break | | |
11/11/22 | Bank holiday | | |
18/11/22 | Etienne Lehmann | CRED (TEPP), Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II | How to Tax Different Incomes? |
25/11/22 | Alessandro Nuvolari | SSSUP Pisa | British-French technology transfer from the Revolution to Louis Philippe (1791-1844): evidence from patent data |
02/12/22 | Mathias Trabandt (Webinar) | Goethe University Frankfurt | Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity |
09/12/22 | Ekrame Boubtane | Université Clermont Auvergne | International migration in France: Measurement issue and macroeconomic effects |
16/12/22 | Jarko Fidrmuc | Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen | Economic and Institutional Effects of Populism |
23/12/22 | Christmas break | | |
30/12/22 | Christmas break | | |
06/01/23 | Free slot | | |
13/01/23 | Annie Lou Cot | Université Paris 1 | Michel Foucault and the historiography of political economy : a reassessment |
19/01/23 | Hubert Kempf | Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay | Sovereign Defaults and Debt Sustainability: The Debt Recovery Channel (Séminaire Exceptionnel) |
20/01/23 | Vanessa Michel | Université de Bordeaux | De la sympathie smithienne aux théories modernes du développement de l’empathie en psychologie et en neurosciences sociales |
27/01/23 | Stefano Bartolini | University of Siena | A Social Cure for Social Comparisons |
03/02/23 | Benoît Walraevens | CREM, Université de Caen | Le cercle Piketty et l’école des inégalités (Piketty’s Circle and the School of Inequality) |
10/02/23 | Richard Bellamy | University College London | Differentiated integration as a fair scheme of cooperation (Séminaire Exceptionnel) |
10/02/23 | Paola Villar | Université de Paris | Pro-birth policies, missions, and fertility: historical evidence from the Congo |
17/02/23 | Philip Ushchev | ECARES, ULB | Selection and Sorting of Heterogeneous Firms through Competitive Pressures |
24/02/23 | Winter break | | |
03/03/23 | Michel Ferrary | Université de Genève | Academic scientists’ mobility: The hidden pipe of tacit knowledge transfer from academia to industry and to its regional ecosystem |
10/03/23 | Ludovic Desmedt | Université de Bourgogne | Jusqu’au néant absolu » : l’hyperinflation de 1923 mise en romans |
17/03/23 | Johanna Etner | Université Paris Ouest | Annulé et reporté. |
24/03/23 | Paul Pezanis-Christou | University of Adelaide | Overcoming strategic ambiguity in first-price and all-pay auctions: a decision-making |
31/03/23 | Jean-François Maystadt | UC Louvain | Refugees, children’s health and malaria transmission in Africa |
07/04/23 | Bank holiday | | |
14/04/23 | André de Palma | Université de Cergy-Pontoise | Annulé et reporté. |
21/04/23 | Gabriel Smagghue | Banque de France | Gravity beyond CES: Implications for Substitution Patterns and Welfare? |
28/04/23 | Spring break | | |
05/05/23 | Øivind A. Nilsen | Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) | Mixed Frequency Data in a Multiproduct (S, s) Pricing Model |
12/05/23 | Kenneth Houngbedji | IRD, DIAL, Dauphine | The Impact of Forest Management Plans on Forest Disturbances in Logging Concessions of the Congo Basin |
17/05/23 | Jean Tirole | Toulouse School of Economics | The Morality of Markets (Séminaire exceptionnel) |
19/05/23 | Bank holiday | | |
26/05/23 | Delphine Pouchain | Sciences Po Lille | Annulé et reporté. |
02/06/23 | Frédéric Dufourt | AMSE | Expectations, beliefs and the business cycle |
09/06/23 | Aris Della Fontana | University of Lausanne | Les Histoires du Commerce. Économie politique, discours de réforme et théories de la civilisation dans l’Europe du XVIIIe siècle |
16/06/23 | Klaus Prettner | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | To be announced. |
23/06/23 | François Allisson | Centre Walras Pareto d’études interdisciplinaires de la pensée économique et politique | To be announced. |