Associated entities

A better understanding of the links between training, employment, and work.
Since 1971, the Centre for Studies and Research on Qualifications has been a center for study and research serving professionals, decision-makers, social partners, and, more broadly, all those involved in training, work, and employment… Read more

The Observatory of European Economic Policies (OPEE) was created on the initiative of a group of economists from the University of Strasbourg. Since its creation in 1998, the OPEE has contributed to opening up the university to wider society by contributing to the debate on the construction and management of the European Union… Read more

The MSH Lorraine contributes to the promotion of the human and social sciences in the territory of Lorraine, in the Grand-Est region, and within the national and international scene. It co-initiates, develops, and pursues strategic interdisciplinary projects in the human and social sciences, particularly in relation to other disciplines, within Lorraine… Read more

Founded in 1998, the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA) is a hub for research in the human and social sciences (SHS) in Alsace. It is the result of a close partnership between the CNRS, the Alsatian universities, the University of Strasbourg and the University of Haute Alsace, and the local authorities… Read more