COP29 and the challenges of carbon credits
01 December 2024

Letter: ‘COP29: poorer countries are left shortchanged again’ published by The Guardian on 28 November 2024, by Philippe Delacote (INRAE Research Director, BETA, Climate Economics Chair), Tara L’Horty (INRAE PhD student, BETA, Climate Economics Chair), Anna Creti (Professor, Paris Dauphine University, Climate Economics Chair) and Andreas Kontoleon (Professor, University of Cambridge).
Letter: ‘COP29 : redonner du crédit aux marchés carbone’ published by Les Echos, on 6 décmebre 2024, by Philippe Delacote (INRAE Research Director, BETA, Climate Economics Chair), Tara L’Horty (INRAE PhD student, BETA, Climate Economics Chair) and Anna Creti (Professor, Paris Dauphine University, Climate Economics Chair).
The authors focus on the weaknesses of the carbon credit markets, despite the new common rules established at COP29, and identify two major areas of improvement to be addressed:
- transparency, following their piece in Nature Sustainability: Delacote, P., L’Horty, T., Kontoleon, A. et al. Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms. Nat Sustain 7, 706-713 (2024);
- the reliability of the reference scenario, for better evaluation and clearer labelling of high-quality credits.