2nd BETA Workshop on Dynamic and Stochastic General Equilibrium models

From 2025/05/19 to 2025/05/20
All day
Event details :
We are delighted to announce a two-day workshop dedicated to the recent developments of DSGE models to be held on the 19th and 20th May 2025 in Strasbourg.
This workshop, organised at BETA Strasbourg, aims at bringing together researchers in this field to exchange about their last contributions based on DSGE models.
We will be honoured to welcome Céline Poilly (AMSE) and Frank Smets (Bank for International Settlements) as Keynote speakers.
More information: call for papers
Key dates:
- March 15, 2025: deadline for full paper submission.
- April 15, 2025: authors will be informed of the decision of the scientific committee.
- May 1, 2025: authors will need to confirm their participation and to send the final version of the paper.
Scientific Committee:
- Badarau, Cristina (Univ. of Bordeaux, BSE)
- Barbier-Gauchard, Amélie (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Berrout, Carlos (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Betti, Thierry (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Cardi, Olivier (Panthéon-Assas Univ., CRED)
- Damette, Olivier (Univ. of Stasbourg, BETA)
- Kalientzidis, Ioannis (Univ. of Stasbourg, BETA).
- Metz, Théo (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Pietri, Océane (Univ. of Lorraine, BETA)
- Restout, Romain (Univ. of Lorraine, BETA)
- Roussel, Corentin (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Sidiropoulos, Moise (Univ. of Strasbourg, BETA)
- Vermandel, Gauthier (Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP)
Contact :
Please to email tbetti@unistra.fr for more information.