Guillaume SALZET defense thesis
The 2024/05/29
From 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Event details :
Title: Étude de la durabilité de la filière forêt-bois de Guyane française, approche spatialisée de modélisation des services écosystémiques
A YouTube live stream will be available at (broadcasting will begin approximately 1 hour before the viva).
NB: 14h Paris time = 9h Cayenne time
The jury is composed of:
Thesis supervisors:
Sylvain Caurla, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
Mélaine Aubry-Kientz, Montpellier University, Montpellier
Bruno Hérault, CIRAD, UPR Forêt & Société, Montpellier
Marie-Ange Ngo Bieng, CIRAD, CATIE, Turrialba
Serge Garcia, INRAE, BETA, Nancy
Xavier Morin, CNRS, CEFE, Montpellier