Mobility and territories: meeting the challenges

The 2025/03/18
From 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Event details :
Are you interested in the challenges of decarbonising transport? Would you like to take part in an interdisciplinary dialogue between stakeholders (business/public authorities/academics)?
The Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Strasbourg and BETA invite you to take part in the ‘Mobilités et territoires: relever les défis’ meeting on 18 March.
Présentation: At a time when France is entering a period of severe financial tension due to its very high public debt and deficit, the question of how to finance mobility is being raised, in a context where personal mobility is the only sector in which CO₂ emissions are not falling.
Does this mean that we are condemned to climate inaction? That would be getting ahead of ourselves. A more in-depth analysis shows that we have room for manoeuvre on both expenditure and revenue, and that ways are possible to combine decarbonisation, equity and efficiency. But this means analysing without taboos the obstacles, whether technical or in terms of acceptability, to achieving a significant reduction in mobility emissions while making the best use of public funds, and developing the appropriate governance systems, drawing lessons from the past as well as from the experiences of other countries.
In particular, there is no doubt that a shared analysis of these issues will determine the success of the Metropolitan Regional Express Services projects, for which the conference on their financing will be held in May 2025. Against this backdrop, this meeting will look at these issues from the dual perspective of modal shift and the governance of transformation projects.
In the spirit of the Journées de l’Economie organised each year in Lyon by the Fondation Innovation et Transitions, which brings together economists, business leaders, government experts, journalists, social players and political leaders, the aim of this meeting is to bring the general public closer to the economy, by shedding light on the economic challenges and major changes currently taking place, and to encourage dialogue between the various players who have the authority to talk about the economy.
The event will feature two round-table discussions on the following topics:
- Is it so easy to switch from the car to a bicycle or public transport?
- How can we take the time to move fast: what kind of governance is needed to build solutions?
Free event, registration required
Detailed programme and registration on the Journées de l’économie website