BETA – TIM Group Workshop 2023
Strasbourg University Campus
From 2023/11/30 to 2023/12/01
This is an opportunity for BETA and the TIM…
Strasbourg University Campus
From 2023/11/30 to 2023/12/01
This is an opportunity for BETA and the TIM…
Strasbourg University Campus
The 2023/11/30
will present her new book co-edited with Vida Panitch (Carleton…
Strasbourg University Campus
The 2023/11/24
Reference pricing and the generic competition paradox This paper provides…
Strasbourg University Campus
The 2023/11/23
Le climat ET la fin du mois Dans une première…
Lorraine University Campus
The 2023/11/23
Regards croisés d’entrepreneurs, de chercheurs et d’accompagnateurs sur une terre…
Strasbourg University Campus
The 2023/11/22
L’Association de Prospective Rhénane (APR) organise, en partenariat avec le…