The future of water in the regions

The 2025/03/19
From 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Event details :
Until now, water has been an abundant natural resource, at least in temperate countries. Alsace, like the entire Upper Rhine basin, also benefits from abundant rivers and Europe’s largest water table. Yet this cheap or even free resource is becoming precious. It could even be rationed in the not-too-distant future, at least for certain uses. How did we get here? What precisely are the challenges ahead? What policies should local authorities implement to manage this transition to a form of resource scarcity?
The conference-debate on March 19 is part of the mobilization around World Water Day, which has been held every year on March 22 since 1993, at the initiative of the United Nations General Assembly. The University is also involved, in particular BETA, with which the Association de Prospective Rhénane (APR) often cooperates.
Find out more on the APR website.