The Interdisciplinary thematic institute (ITI) on Information sciences and technology for healthcare (HealthTech), with which BETA is associated, will organize its first “HealthTech Day” on December 1st.
The HealthTech Day 2021 will take place on December 1st on the Illkirch campus, in the lecture hall A207 of the Pôle API building. This event is intended for anyone interested in biomedical innovation, from its most scientific and technological aspects to its socio-economical and ethical dimensions. The event is open to everyone: research scientist and engineers, but also PhD and Master students. Feel free to transfer this opportunity to anyone interested.
We are therefore opening a Call for Contribution to this scientific event. Anyone interested in this opportunity to present their research to the consortium is invited to submit a proposal (title + speaker + short summary ≈200 words + talk duration including questions) to iti-healthtech@unistra.fr for October 29th, 2021 at the latest.
Presentations who aim at building interactions, or research opportunities are particularly welcome. We are also open to suggestions for invited plenary speakers (associated expenses will be covered by HealthTech for one or two such presentations).
Reminder: registration to the event is possible through the following link: https://evento.renater.fr/survey/healthtech-day-attendance-december-1st-mz0i2t7e Please note that considering the current health situation, presentation of a French health pass (“passe sanitaire“) will be necessary to be granted access to the event.