Marion Neukam and Thierry Burger-Helmchen recently took part in a round-table discussion orchestrated by Sihem Dekhili, on the theme of “Implementing sustainability in organizations: concretization and perspectives”. The event, held on November 28, 2023 on the premises of ESSCA Strasbourg, brought together researchers and business leaders involved in the development of short circuits and relocation.
This round table was an opportunity for our colleague Marion Neukam to provide theoretical insights and share concrete examples of companies – success stories – relocating and setting up short circuits. These examples are taken from the forthcoming book “Le management stratégique décarboné”, coordinated by Sophie Bollinger and Véronique Schaeffer, for which she and Claude Guittard wrote a chapter together.
For his part, Thierry Burger-Helmchen underlined the University of Strasbourg’s commitment to supporting students. He emphasized the knowledge and skills imparted to facilitate the ecological transition to sustainable development. This approach cuts across all disciplines to ensure that every graduating student is aware of the challenges of the future.
The presentations, combined with case studies from the food and textile industries, enabled the 80 participants to take an optimistic view of future major changes in organizational management.