Increase in the price of drinking water

13 February 2025

Article “Rare et polluée, l’eau est de plus en plus chère“, by Léa Sanchez, in Le Monde on Thursday 13 February 2025.

In this article devoted to the links between rising drinking water prices in France, climate change and pollution, Alexandre Mayol, a member of BETA and head of the RENEL chair (Natural Resources and Local Economy), makes the connection between rising water prices and the need to renovate infrastructures. The researcher has already spoken out on this subject several times in the media, calling on the various players involved to rethink the sector’s economic model.

Extract: « La sécheresse de 2022 a fait prendre conscience du besoin d’entretenir le réseau d’eau », qui est en mauvais état, commente Alexandre Mayol, chercheur à l’Université de Lorraine. (‘The drought of 2022 raised awareness of the need to maintain the water network’, which is in a poor state of repair, comments Alexandre Mayol, a researcher at the University of Lorraine.)

Interviewed by Sofiane Aklouf for BFM TV on 20 February 2025 about the progressive water pricing model introduced in several towns, Alexandre Mayol highlighted the inequality of a system that penalises heavy water consumers, including large families.

Extract: « Le coût du système est assez inégalitaire. Il est surtout transféré sur les gros consommateurs ». (‘The cost of the system is fairly unequal. It is mainly passed on to large consumers’).