News about the HELLO VIETNAM project

27 February 2025

HELLO VIETNAM – Conversion to organic farming – Research programme with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) (2019-2022)

An agreement was drawn up between VNUA and INRAE in July 2019 on a research programme, ‘Hello Vietnam’. This programme, initially planned for 2 years, ran until 20221 due to health conditions. It involved several members of BETA in Strasbourg (Anne Stenger, Kene Boun My, Kim Pham and Phu Nguyen-Van, who have since joined EconomiX, and two PhD students, Tuyen Tiet and Huy Nguyen Quang), as well as colleagues from VNUA (Hanoi). This research focused on the conversion of farmers to organic farming in Vietnam.

The general problem poses the question of the emergence of pro-environmental behaviour (the adoption of organic farming) in the context of networks (farmers), taking into account the presence of leaders. To what extent can we act on the characteristics of the network and stimulate the intensity of the network to encourage pro-environmental behaviour? Is pro-environmental collective action sustainable within the framework of a network, and what type of network? What impact can the presence of a leader have on the pro-environmental2 behaviour of a group? These questions were addressed from the angle of field experiments with farmers in Hanoi and northern Vietnam. Two PhD students were recruited during this project (Doctoral contract from the University of Strasbourg and funding from the French Embassy): Tuyen Tiet (BETA thesis 2017-2020) and Huy Nguyen Quang (BETA thesis 2019-2024).

In 2022, an end-of-project workshop was held in Hanoi, supported by the Ecosocio INRAE department (see photos at the bottom of the page).

A new article, following on from this project, has just been published in 2025:

  • Kene Boun My, Huy Nguyen Quang, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Anne Stenger, Tuyen Tiet, Nguyen To-The (2023) “Vietnamese farmers’ preferences towards organic farming: Results from a choice experiment in the North Vietnam”, World Development Sustainability, Volume 6, 2025, 100203, ISSN 2772-655X, Best Paper Award at the ACBES 2023, the 5the Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies

Further publications are planned for this year. In anticipation of these publications, here is an overview of the first works published as part of this project:

Photos of the HELLO VIETNAM project team at Kick-off meeting in 2019 and the final workshop in 2022.

  1. Extended to 2022 (funding of one of the two theses by the French Embassy in Vietnam) ︎ ↩︎
  2. Currently lecturer at Ho Chi Minh University of Banking, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ︎ ↩︎
  3. Today post-doctoral fellow at GAEL, Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble ↩︎