Opening of the Lorraine Université data repository
03 December 2021

BETA was one of the 18 pilot laboratories of the University of Lorraine which participated in the preliminary test phases for the launch of the UL data warehouse called DOREL (DOnnées de REcherche Lorraines) . As such, the BETA already has a collection which only asks to contain datasets.
If you wish to deposit a dataset on DOREL, please contact Julie Mansuy (data curator on behalf of the laboratory) upstream, who can assist you in your deposit.
DOREL is open to the entire scientific community of the University of Lorraine. Any researcher can deposit his or her completed research data sets (tabular or non-tabular data, images, sounds, readings, videos, etc.) at no cost to the researcher or the laboratory. Deposits are possible up to 50 GB; Beyond this volume, deposit is still possible, but with prior support from the operational committee. The data deposited can be open and public or, on the contrary, benefit from restricted access, and shared at will, in accordance with the legislation in force. In all cases, they benefit from public metadata and a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), like published articles, to allow their valuation and citation.