OLEF platform
By means of the Observatory for Forest Economics (OLEF), BETA provides an important platform for gathering economic and environmental data related to forests, wood, and related goods and services.
In a context of open science, and the sharing and availability of data, OLEF is working to ensure that the Observatory’s data is consistent with the notion of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Inter-operational and Re-usable).
Its objectives?
- To centralize information to facilitate research, teaching, and expertise [Findable & Accessible]
- To make data durable [Interoperable & Reusable]
Discover more about the data handled by OLEF .
OLEF is committed to a quality approach via the INFRA + program of the i-Site Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE). Find out more about our quality approach.
Head(s) :
- Serge Garcia (scientific manager)
- Alexandra Niedzwiedz (technical manager & quality referent)
- Claire Montagné-Huck (communication referent)
- OLEF presentation video [French only]