Post-doctoral position in behavioral and environmental economics
28 September 2023

Pro-Environmental Behaviours and attitudes towards forest ecosystem services provision and payments for environmental services
The post-doctoral work is part of the PERCEVAL project led by BETA, the general objective of which is to evaluate the potential for development of a platform for marketing SEF in the Greater Region. Is and to co-construct and implement with economic partners and civil society actors a digital platform allowing the exchange of SEF. The work will be carried out within Work Package N°1 “Attitudes and preferences of stakeholders”, the objective of which is to explore and evaluate the attitudes and preferences of the population towards the provision of SEF, forest management and forest policy objectives, in a context of climate uncertainty. In doing so, the person recruited will contribute to better consideration of societal expectations in the development and implementation of forestry and territorial policies aimed at the emergence of the bioeconomy. This work is also part of action 1.1 “Services provided by trees” of the “Des Hommes et Des Arbres” Innovation Territory (DHDA) project and in particular operation 1.1.4. supported by BETA.
Doctorat en sciences économiques donPhD in economics whose research is at the intersection of environmental economics and behavioral economics. Econometrics skills.
Knowledge and skills:
• Ideally, familiarity with the literature on environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behaviors, ecosystem services.
• Ideally, familiarity with the methods of questionnaire surveys, CE, evaluation of attitudes and preferences, and econometric processing of survey data.
• English proficiency.
• Experience working in interdisciplinary projects or desire to get involved.
• Autonomy, creativity and independence.
How to apply
Send a cover letter, a CV and one or two letters of recommendation to:
Duration: 12 months
Position taking
By 12/31/2023 at the latest