Tim Friehe, first visiting professor in 2025
16 January 2025

During the week of 6 January 2025, BETA was pleased to welcome Professor Tim Friehe (University of Marburg, Germany) to the Maison de la Recherche, Campus UL, as a guest in the Université de Lorraine’s 2024-2025 Visiting Lecturer campaign.
Tim Friehe, whose work focuses mainly on public economics and the economics of law, is now a regular visitor to the Nancy campus, where he has stayed regularly since 2017. Indeed, his meeting with Professor Yannick Gabuthy to discuss his work on litigation in 2016, as part of the research seminar of the Marburg Center for Institutional Economics at the University of Marburg, was the starting point for a lasting collaboration between the two researchers that has spread to other members specialising in economics and law at BETA.
Yannick Gabuthy and Tim Friehe have already worked together on a number of projects published in reputable journals with an interest in law & economics. Tim Friehe has also written in recent years with Eve-Angeline Lambert on the potential relationship between lawyer advertising and settlement outcomes, and with Mehdi Ayouni on how litigants’ fact falsification during the discovery process bears on its desirability. I very much hope that these both productive and very enjoyable collaborations will continue well into the future.
During his last stay in Nancy, Tim Friehe, Yannick Gabuthy and Mehdi Ayouni worked mainly on an article on the reputational and social image problems associated with the existence of civil litigation, again using game theory tools.
BETA members would like to welcome Tim Friehe back next year.