Conférence – Sébastien LECHEVALIER – EHESS, Fondation France Japon

Le 22/06/2023
De 17:30 à 19:00
Détails de l'événement :
Nous accueillerons dans nos locaux le professeur Sébastien LECHEVALIER de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) sur le thème :
«Analyzing the diverse impact of digital use on the job quality. Comparing work organization and job satisfaction in Japan and France»
What is the impact of digitalization on job quality ? While the literature has mainly focused on the effects on performance and volume of employment, it has relatively neglected the qualitative issues, including when the existence of a digital divide is discussed. This paper tries to fill the gap through a comparative analysis of the diverse impacts of digital use on work organization and job satisfaction in Japan and France;
Conférence tout public, en anglais
Salle Paul Chamley au Pôle Européen de Gestion et d’Économie (PEGE), 61 Avenue de la Forêt Noire – 67000 Strasbourg