Séminaire Cournot Exceptionnel – Kenichi Matsumoto (U. Toyo)

Le 04/09/2024
De 09:00 à 10:30
Détails de l'événement :
Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir pour la première séance du séminaire Cournot du BETA organisé avec le soutien de la FSEG ce mercredi 4 septembre à 9h :
Kenichi Matsumoto (U. Toyo) qui nous présentera son article :
Factors affecting household air pollutants in West Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Nigeria
In sub-Saharan African countries, exposure to air pollutants, such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5), in the residential sector is a serious environmental issue which causes health problems. Identifying the driving factors of such air pollutants is significant to formulate policies to reduce emissions and achieve a sustainable society. This study examined five socioeconomic drivers (emission intensity, the share of each energy source, energy intensity, household size, and the number of households) for energy-related air pollutants (PM2.5, nitrogen oxide, and non-methane volatile organic compounds) from the residential sector in Ghana and Nigeria from 1990 to 2018 using index decomposition analysis. Furthermore, we compared the similarities and differences in the driving factors of the two countries that showed different emission trends. We identified factors contributing to increasing/decreasing emissions in the two countries. In particular, the household effect is an increasing factor for both countries, while the household size effect is a decreasing factor. By contrast, the emission intensity, energy type, and energy intensity factors affect differently for the two countries. This finding suggests that energy-related policy considerably impacts the trends of air pollutant emissions from the residential sector.
Zoom link: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/94160457118?pwd=MVYyT0Fzc2RIc1dzOXhwNm9ISERZdz09
Si vous souhaitez rencontrer Kenichi Matsumoto, merci de contacter Anne Stenger.