Séminaire Doctorants – Anaïs KANELLOS

Le 25/04/2024
De 12:00 à 13:15
Détails de l'événement :
Anaïs Kanellos présentera un article intitulé : « Forest harvest intensity and land allocation in response to environmental, timber market, and climate change scenarios: A dynamic perspective«
Abstract :
Climate mitigation strategies and the growing demand for forest and agricultural biomass increase land use competition, prompting landowners to adopt optimal resource management practices. While optimal forest management techniques are widely studied in forest economics, intersectoral competition between agricultural and forest land is predominantly explored in land use/land cover economics. This study bridges this gap by examining optimal land allocation between primary and secondary forests and agriculture, alongside forest harvest intensity choices, to offer insights into sustainable and economically viable management. We integrate a harvest intensity variable dependent on forest growth into a land use model, resulting in a dynamic nonlinear optimization maximizing social welfare and revealing trade-offs between renewable (forest) and non-renewable (land) resources.
Through simulations under various scenarios, we find that meeting timber demand can enhance carbon benefits by expanding tree plantations and secondary forests, albeit with limitations on primary forest harvesting. Encouraging primary forest protection and intensifying secondary forest harvest can balance timber demand while safeguarding primary forests, although climate change-induced tree mortality may threaten forest resources, potentially leading to land conversion to agriculture due to the economic inviability of wood production.
La présentation sera suivie d’une discussion formelle avec un discutant sénior (Youba Ndiaye) et un discutant junior (Daniel Elanga), puis d’échanges avec la salle.