Offre de stage – Governance settings of PES schemes and new business models for forest ecosystem services
26 janvier 2022

This internship is part of the ForestValue project NOBEL (Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services) which is coordinated by the Harald Vacik University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Silviculture, Austria. INRAE (the laboratory BETA) is participating in the project and is, among others, responsible for a French case study. More specifically, this internship is part of a work package analysing the policy framework and governance settings for forest ecosystem services and is led by Gerhard Weiss (European Forest Institute, Forest Policy Research Network).
The overall objective is to analyse the governance settings of previously implemented PES schemes to identify suitable business models for a given socio-economic, ecological and policy context and to identify potential and feasibility for broader implementation of successful business models for providing Forest Ecosystem Services in France.
Work location: BETA-Nancy, Campus AgroParisTech
Period: March-Juin 2022
Salary: around 600 euros /mois
Deadline: 10/2/2022
Contact: Jens ABILDTRUP