2025-08 Gouvernement Numérique et Mobilisation des Recettes fiscales dans les Pays en Développement Agbessi Augustin DOTO, Blaise GNIMASSOUN
2025-07 Inter-municipal cooperation in drinking water supply: Trade-offs between transaction costs, efficiency and service quality Mehdi Guelmamen, Serge Garcia, Alexandre Mayol
2025-06 Of the Vices Behind Biases – A Virtue Epistemology Perspective on the Contribution of Nudges as Policy Tools Daniel F. Zarama Rojas
2025-05 Flexible Boundaries: Evaluating the Effect of Escape Clause Activation Carolina Ulloa-Suárez, Oscar Valencia, Jorge Guerra
2025-04 Dans le « piège de l’assistance » ? Analyse des trajectoires au sortir d’un dispositif de revenu minimum : le cas des bénéficiaires de l’API au cours des années 1990 et 2000 Sabine Chaupain-Guillot, Olivier Guillot
2025-03 Intra-African immigration and Africa’s external performance Hammed Adededji Adetokunbo, Blaise Gnimassoun, Anthony Simpasa
2025-02 The industrial cost of fixed exchange rate regimes Blaise Gnimassoun, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon
2025-01 Cournot competition with heterogenous firms, welfare and misallocation Enrico De Monte, Bertrand Koebel
2024-61 From Twin Transition to Twice the Burden: Digitalisation, Energy Demand, and Economic Growth Jérôme Hambye-Verbrugghen, Stefano Bianchini, Paul Edward Brockway, Emmanuel Aramendia, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Zeke Marshall
2024-60 The public management of price risk after a supply shock: storage vs. price floor Julien JACOB, Antoine LEBLOIS, Marielle BRUNETTE
2024-59 The determinants of patent notice failure: Empirical evidence using Chinese data Hua He, Mianqing Wang, Jia Liu, Julien Pénin
2024-58 Les juges contribuent-ils aux inégalités de genre consécutives au divorce ? Une analyse empirique de la fixation des prestations compensatoires par les juges français Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Myriam Doriat-Duban, Agnès Gramain, Bruno Jeandidier, Jean-Claude Ray
2024-56 La psychothérapie institutionnelle : un modèle venant du soin pour repenser les organisations alternatives Héloïse Haliday, Fabien Hildwein
2024-54 Inside the Biotech. A dialogue between Rosenberg, Babbage, Smith, and Schumpeter Andrea Borsato, Patrick Llerena
2024-53 Separate, Bundled, or Semi-bundled : An Experimental Study on Insurance Contract Preferences Claire Mouminoux, Fanny Claise, Marielle Brunette
2024-51 The University and the Prince: Public funds shaping university trajectories Andrea Borsato, Valentina Erasmo and André Lorentz
2024-47 Forecasting Public Debt in the Euro Area Using Machine Learning: Decision Tools for Financial Markets Amelie BARBIER-GAUCHARD, Emmanouil SOFIANOS
2024-46 The US university-industry link in the R&D of AI: Back to the origins? Andrea Borsato, Patrick Llerena
2024-45 Two halves don’t make a whole: instability and idleness emerging from the co-evolution of the production and innovation processes Patrick Llerena, Corentin Lobet, André Lorentz
2024-44 The Virtuous Loop Between Happiness and Pro-Environmental Behaviors Laetitia Dillenseger, Claire Mouminoux
2024-43 Unemployment Effects of the German Minimum Wage in an Equilibrium Job Search Model Maximilian J. Blömer, Nicole Guertzgen, Laura Pohlan, Holger Stichnoth, Gerard J. van den Berg
2024-42 Reallocating the Clock: How public services are shaping women’s time use in Europe Romane Frecheville-Faucon, Agathe Simon
2024-41 A Learning Model with Memory in the Financial Markets Shikta Sing, Supun Chandrasena, Yue Shi, Abdullah Alhussain, Claude Diebolt, Martin Enilov, Tapas Mishra
2024-40 Does Intermunicipal Cooperation Affect Prices? An Economic Analysis of the French Drinking Water Sector Mehdi Guelmamen
2024-39 A thunderbolt in the hammer-nail game: when hammering too hard destroys the support Gisèle Umbhauer
2024-37 Gendered Study Choice and Prestige of Professions: France in the Long 20th Century Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2024-36 “Cliometrics and the Nobel”: Claudia Goldin, trente ans après Claude Diebolt, Faustine Perrin
2024-32 More forest more problems? Understanding family forest owners’ concerns in the United States David W. Shanafelt , Brian Danley, Jesse Caputo , Marielle Brunette
2024-31 An inquiry of Bitcoin price formation: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear ARDL Frameworks, 2017-2018 Clément Landormy
2024-30 La mobilité sociale et spatiale à l’épreuve de la dynamique des systèmes économiques Noame Khaldi
2024-28 Financer les industries à l’échelle communautaire : la politique d’emprunt de la CECA. Marion Tosolini
2024-27 An economic analysis of a storage policy after a storm occurrence in forestry. Julien JACOB, Antoine LEBLOIS, Marielle BRUNETTE
2024-26 The performance of emerging markets during the Fed’s easing and tightening cycles: a cross-country resilience analysis. Joshua Aizenman, Donghyun Park, Irfan A. Qureshi, Jamel Saadaoui, Gazi Salah Uddin
2024-25 How do geopolitical interests affect financial markets reaction to international institution projects? Hugo Oriola, Jamel Saadaoui
2024-22 A discrete choice experiment to measure the impact of flood risk information on residential location choices Serge Garcia, Katrin Erdlenbruch, Boniface Derrick Mbarga
2024-21 More is less: Multidisciplinarity and the dynamics of scientific knowledge Robin Cowan and Nicolas Jonard
2024-20 Strategies of search and patenting under different IPR regimes Robin Cowan, Nicolas Jonard, Ruth Samson
2024-19 The unequal distribution of credit: Is there any role for monetary policy? Samuel Ligonnière, Salima Ouerk
2024-17 On the time-varying impact of China’s bilateral political relations on its trading partners: “doux commerce” or “trade follows the flag”? Antonio Afonso, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
2024-16 Monetary Policy Reaction to Geopolitical Risks: Some Nonlinear Evidence William Ginn, Jamel Saadaoui
2024-15 Are decision-makers sensitive to the source of uncertainty? Marielle BRUNETTE, Stéphane COUTURE, Kene BOUN MY
2024-14 Democratic Uncertainty: From Boulding’s Images to Downs’s Ideology Julien Grandjean, Cameron M. Weber
2024-13 Durkheim’s forgotten rules of sociological method for studying social facts. Jean Daniel BOYER
2024-11 Stuck in the middle? Occupation-specific commute-wage trade-off at the metropolitan level Maxime Liegey, Nathalie Picard
2024-10 Education, public expenditure and economic growth under the prism of performance LESUISSE Pierre
2024-09 Accès géographique et financier aux Ehpad : évaluer l’équité des politiques de soutien à l’autonomie en contexte de décentralisation Carole Bonnet, Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Amélie Carrère, Roméo Fontaine, Agnès Gramain, Florence Jusot, Clémence Thébaut, Jérôme Wittwer
2024-08 Job strain and union membership: An empirical study based on French data Olivier Guillot, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Isabelle Terraz
2024-07 Should new prudential regulation discriminate green credit risk ? A macrofinancial study for the Output Floor case Corentin Roussel
2024-06 Un stigma positif : premier emploi au Luxembourg et trajectoire professionnelle Vincent Fromentin , Noame Khaldi, Yamina Tadjeddine
2024-05 Regulatory capital requirements, inflation targeting, and equilibrium determinacy Chrysanthopoulou Xakousti, Mylonidis Nikolaos, Sidiropoulos Moise
2024-03 Allocating the common costs of a public service operator: an axiomatic approach David Lowing, Léa Munich, Kevin Techer
2024-01 Pollution, Endogenous Capital Depreciation, and Growth Dynamics Verónica ACURIO VASCONEZ, David DESMARCHELIER, Romain RESTOUT
2023-42 International reserves, currency depreciation and public debt: new evidence of buffer effects in Africa Issiaka Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Hamza Mighri, Jamel Saadaoui
2023-41 On the time-varying impact of China’s bilateral political relations on its trading partners (1960–2022) António Afonso, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
2023-40 On the importance of statistical governance quality and accurate targets for fiscal rules’ performance Kea BARET
2023-39 Serving and dying: A study of factors associated with combat exposure and mortality among French WW1 soldiers Olivier Guillot
2023-38 Crop Yield Risks and Nitrogen Fertilisation in French Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance Edith Kouakou, Marielle Brunette, Richard Koenig, Philippe Delacote
2023-37 Artificial intelligence and the skill premium David E. Bloom, Klaus Prettner, Jamel Saadaoui, Mario Veruete
2023-36 Climate change perception, impact and adaptation: Implications for crop insurance Richard KOENIG, Marielle BRUNETTE
2023-35 Boisguilbert's use of political arithmetic to denounce the illusions and the disorder of the reign of Louis XIV Jean Daniel BOYER
2023-34 The Unintended Consequences of ECB’s Asset Purchases. How Excess Reserves Shape Bank Lending Philipp Roderweis, Jamel Saadaoui, Francisco Serranito
2023-32 Gender Inequalities: Progress and Challenges Romane Frecheville-Faucon, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin
2023-29 A Novel Matching Algorithm for Academic Patent Paper Pairs: An Exploratory Study of Japan's national research universities and laboratories Van-Thien Nguyen, René Carraz
2023-26 L’éducation, un déterminant essentiel des comportements pro environnementaux. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Anne Stenger
2023-25 Subjective barriers and determinants to crop insurance adoption Richard KOENIG, Marielle BRUNETTE
2023-24 Political Relations and Trade: New Evidence from Australia, China and the United States Yifei Cai, Jamel Saadaoui, Yanrui Wu
2023-23 Boisguilbert contre Colbert… mais quel Colbert ? Critique du système fisco-financier et des détournements de fonds publics opérés par les hauts dignitaires de la monarchie absolutiste de Louis XIV. Jean Daniel Boyer
2023-22 Hidden order, concrete disorders and political arithmetic in Boisguilbert. The non-harmonious equilibrium of private interests against the good order. Jean Daniel Boyer
2023-19 Disentangling the role of surface and deep-level variables on individuals’ and groups’ creative performance: A cross-level experimental evidence. Anne-Gaëlle Maltese, Sara Gil-Gallen, Patrick Llerena
2023-18 Stability and resilience of a forest bio-economic equilibrium under natural disturbances Félix Bastit, David W. Shanafelt, Marielle Brunette
2023-17 Open Science vs. Mission-oriented Policies and the Long-run Dynamics of Integrated Economies: An Agent-based Model with a Kaldorian Flavour Andrea Borsato, Andre Lorentz
2023-15 How Political Tensions and Geopolitical Risks Impact Oil Prices? Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
2023-14 Fiscal multipliers, public debt anchor and government credibility in a behavioural macroeconomic model Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD, Thierry BETTI, Théo METZ
2023-13 On the Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Reserves during the 2021-22 U.S. Monetary Tightening Cycle Rashad Ahmed, Joshua Aizenman, Jamel Saadaoui, Gazi Salah Uddin
2023-11 Exploring resource seeking in a scientific collaboration network and its effect on scientists' knowledge creation Karine Revet, Isabel Maria Bodas-Freitas, Barthélemy Chollet, Pablo D’Este
2023-10 More Ambiguous or More Complex? An Investigation of Individual Preferences under Uncertainty Ilke Aydogan, Loïc Berger, Vincent Théroude
2023-09 Economic History and Cliometrics: the Stand of the last Samurai Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert
2023-07 Real exchange rate and international reserves in the era of financial integration Joshua Aizenman, Sy-Hoa Ho, Luu Duc Toan Huynh, Jamel Saadaoui, Gazi Salah Uddin
2023-05 Show your strength in the hammer-nail game: a Nim game with incomplete information Gisèle Umbhauer
2023-04 Bref retour cliométrique sur 50 ans de performances scolaires en lecture et en mathématique en France : 1970-2020 Nadir ALTINOK et Claude DIEBOLT
2023-02 Cliometrics of Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling: Evidence from a New Dataset Nadir ALTINOK, Claude DIEBOLT
2022-37 Distance in Beliefs and Individually-Consistent Sequential Equilibrium Gisèle Umbhauer, Arnaud Wolff
2022-36 Asymmetries in the oil market: Accounting for the growing role of China through quantile regressions Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
2022-35 Families and Women in Alfred Marshall’s Analysis of Well-being and Progress Virginie Gouverneur
2022-34 De l’Ecole Polytechnique et l’Ecole de la Régulation. Michel Aglietta, 1959 – 1979 Yamina Tadjeddine
2022-32 Renewable resource and harvesting cost in a simple monetary overlapping generation economy David DESMARCHELIER, Rémi GIRARD
2022-31 Emigration and Capital Flows: Do Migrants’ Skills Matter? Dramane Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun
2022-30 Quel équilibre entre protection ex ante et compensations ex post dans la réforme de l’assurance agro-climatique ? Anne Rozan, Sandrine Spaeter
2022-29 Inequality and cooperation: meta-analytical evidence from Public Good Experiments. Rémi Suchon, Vincent Théroude
2022-28 Gendered professions, prestigious professions: when stereotypes condition career choices Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2022-26 Ambiguity, value of information and forest rotation decision under storm risk Patrice Loisel , Marielle Brunette, Stéphane Couture
2022-24 Reassessing women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities in the nineteenth century: A review of the literature Sonia Baijot, Charlotte Le Chapelain
2022-22 The Political Relation and Trade - The Case of US, China and Australia Yifei Cai, Jamel Saadaoui, Yanrui Wu
2022-21 The role of wage bargaining institutions in the Phillips curve flattening De Palma Francesco, Ligonnière Samuel, Saadaoui Jamel, Thommen Yann
2022-20 Not all political relation shocks are alike: Assessing the impacts of US-China tensions on the oil market Yifei Cai, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
2022-19 The Digital Transition for a Sustainable Mobility Regime? A Long-Run Perspective Ralph Hippe, Damien Demailly, Claude Diebolt
2022-18 The executions of French soldiers during the Great War: A quantitative study Olivier Guillot, Antoine Parent
2022-17 Les transformations de la banque dans le temps long, une approche régulationniste Yamina Tadjeddine
2022-14 The failure of the delegation principle in a principal-agent model with transfers Mehdi Ayouni, Franck Bien, Thomas Lanzi
2022-13 Regard rétrospectif et cliométrique sur une étape de la construction européenne. Les activités innovantes : 1981-2001 Claude DIEBOLT
2022-12 Research management models to promote breakthrough innovation: analyzing success case stories of simultaneous discovery-invention research processes Jean-Alain Héraud, Nathalie Popiolek
2022-11 Assessing Debt Stationarity and Sustainability in the Longer Run with Fourier DF Unit Root Tests and Time-Varying Fiscal Reaction Functions Jamel Saadaoui, Marco Chi Keung Lau, Yifei Cai
2022-09 Data Production and the coevolving AI trajectories: An attempted evolutionary model Andrea Borsato, Andre Lorentz
2022-08 Can informal care help preserve mental health in nursing homes? Evidence of gender effects Quitterie Roquebert
2022-07 Pandémie et couverture des pertes d’exploitation : l’investisseur aux côtés de l’assureur et de l’Etat André Schmitt, Sandrine Spaeter
2022-06 Government Expenditure in the DINA Framework: Allocation Methods and Consequences for Post-Tax Income Inequality Lukas Riedel, Holger Stichnoth
2022-05 Providing Pandemic Business Interruption Coverage with Double Trigger Cat Bonds André Schmitt and Sandrine Spaeter
2022-04 Analyses quantitatives de décisions de justice en matière de Prestation Compensatoire dans une perspective de justice prédictive Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Myriam Doriat-Duban, Agnès Gramain, Bruno Jeandidier, Julie Mansuy, Jean-Claude Ray
2022-03 Reconsidering the interplay between endogenous growth and the Environmental Kuznets Curve David DESMARCHELIER
2022-02 A Cliometric Reading of the Development of Primary Education in France in the Nineteenth Century Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin
2022-01 Quoi de neuf dans l’accès aux classes préparatoires ? Une perspective historique centrée sur l’ouverture sociale et l’accès des filles aux formations élitistes françaises Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2021-53 Downstream Space Activities in the New Space Era: Paradigm Shift and Evaluation Challenges Kenza Bousedra
2021-52 Social incentive factors in interventions promoting sustainable behaviors: A meta-analysis Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Stenger, Tuyen Tiet
2021-51 Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: determinants and economic value Quitterie Roquebert, Marianne Tenand
2021-49 Central bank's stabilization and communication policies when firms have motivated overconfidence in their own information accuracy or processing Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2021-46 Une lecture cliométrique du développement de l’instruction primaire en France au XIXe siècle Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin
2021-45 Overcoming a legacy of racial discrimination: Competing policy goals in South African academia Robin Cowan, Moritz Müller, Alan Kirman, Helena Barnard
2021-44 Index insurance for coping with drought-induced risk of production losses in French forests Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Marielle Brunette, Christophe François, Antoine Leblois and Nicolas Martin-StPaul
2021-43 Séparation parentale avant les quatre ans de l’enfant ELFE et complétude de la mise en œuvre de l’obligation alimentaire par le parent débiteur. Bruno JEANDIDIER, Cécile BOURREAU-DUBOIS, Julie MANSUY
2021-42 Une analyse économétrique des déterminants des hospitalisations dues à la Covid-19 Francis Bismans
2021-41 Entrepreneurs “from within”? Schumpeter and the challenge of endogenizing novelty Remy Guichardaz, Julien Pénin
2021-39 Automation and labor market polarization in an evolutionary model with heterogeneous workers Florent Bordot, André Lorentz
2021-37 Activity and Transportation Decisions within Households André de Palma, Nathalie Picard, Robin Lindsey
2021-33 Dating business cycles in France: A reference chronology Antonin Aviat, Frédérique Bec, Claude Diebolt, Catherine Doz, Denis Ferrand, Laurent Ferrara, Eric Heyer, Valérie Mignon, Pierre-Alain Pionnier
2021-32 A community's resilience to the covid-19 crisis. The Florain monetary community Raphaël DIDIER
2021-31 Les décisions des juges sont-elles influencées par la météo ? Application aux décisions en matière de divorce en France Marc DESCHAMPS, Bruno JEANDIDIER, Julie MANSUY
2021-30 Information disclosure under liability: an experiment on public bads Julien Jacob, Eve-Angéline Lambert, Mathieu Lefebvre, Sarah Van Driessche
2021-29 Counting the Missing Poor in Pre-Industrial Societies Mathieu Lefebvre, Pierre Pestieau, Gregory Ponthierez
2021-28 Assurance financière et assurance naturelle : une application à la forêt Marielle Brunette et Marc Hanewinkel
2021-27 Les cycles économiques de la France : une datation de référence Antonin Aviat, Frédérique Bec, Claude Diebolt, Catherine Doz, Denis Ferrand, Laurent Ferrara, Eric Heyer, Valérie Mignon, Pierre-Alain Pionnier
2021-25 Earth, wind and fire: A multi-hazard risk review for natural disturbances in forests Félix Bastit, Marielle Brunette, Claire Montagne-Huck
2021-24 Bank credit and economic growth: a dynamic threshold panel model for ASEAN countries Sy-Hoa Ho, Jamel Saadaoui
2021-23 Infectious disease and endogenous cycles: lockdown hits two birds with one stone David Desmarchelier, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Guillaume Morel, Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2021-21 The Gold Standard and the International Dimension of the Great Depression Luca Pensieroso, Romain Restout
2021-20 Non-monetary incentives for sustainable biomass harvest: An experimental approach May Attallah, Jens Abildtrup, Anne Stenger
2021-19 Open innovation in managerial innovation: the case of internal audit Stéphane Lhuillery, Marion Tellechea, Stéphanie Thiery
2021-18 How to Reconcile Pandemic Business Interruption Risk With Insurance Coverage Sandrine Spaeter
2021-17 Do sentencing guidelines result in lower inter-judge disparity? Evidence from a framed field experiment Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Myriam Doriat-Duban, Bruno Jeandidier, Jean-Claude Ray
2021-16 The income protection role of an EMU-wide unemployment insurance system: the case of atypical workers H. Xavier Jara, Agathe Simon
2021-12 Professions genrées et prestige social : une analyse empirique des stéréotypes Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2021-10 Quo Vadis Cliometrics? 20ème anniversaire de l’Association Française de Cliométrie : quand l’empreinte du passé est source de vie Claude Diebolt
2021-08 Théorie et politique économiques à l’épreuve des crises. Essai sur les fondements économiques du libéralisme social. Jean-Luc Gaffard
2021-07 Efficiency of sharing liability rules: An experimental case Serge Garcia, Julien Jacob, Eve-Angéline Lambert
2021-06 The effect of international accreditations on students’ decisions: Evidence from French business schools Julien Jacqmin, Mathieu Lefebvre
2021-05 Adapting forest management practices to climate change: Lessons from a survey of French private forest owners Julie Thomas, Marielle Brunette, Antoine Leblois
2021-04 Macroepidemics and unconventional monetary policy: Coupling macroeconomics and epidemiology in a financial DSGE-SIR framework Verónica Acurio Vásconez, Olivier Damette, David W. Shanafelt
2021-03 Family and Women in Alfred Marshall’s Analysis of Progress and Well-being Virginie Gouverneur
2021-02 On the Origins of the Demographic Transition Rethinking the European Marriage Pattern Faustine Perrin
2021-01 Forecasting the Stability and Growth Pact compliance using Machine Learning Kéa Baret, Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Théophilos Papadimitriou
2020-56 La résilience des monnaies locales françaises à la crise de la covid-19. Une analyse basée sur le Florain Raphaël DIDIER
2020-55 Informal caregivers and life satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands Marie Blaise, Laetitia Dillenseger
2020-54 Drivers of organic farming: Lab-in-the-field evidence of the role of social comparison and information nudge in networks in Vietnam. Kene Boun My, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Anne Stenger, Tuyen Tiet, Nguyen To-The
2020-53 Economie informelle et performances budgétaires : Une analyse par les régressions quantiles en panel Isabelle Do Santos
2020-52 Organizing Outside Mobility of the Elderly People in Lorraine Region, France. How to Create and Capture Value. Stoica Tatiana, Muller Paul, Szostak L. Bérangère
2020-51 Scolarisation de masse des garçons et des filles. Financement public de l’instruction primaire et croissance économique en France au XIXème siècle Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin
2020-49 Le profil socioéconomique des utilisateurs de monnaies locales en France. Le cas particulier du Florain à Nancy. Raphaël Didier
2020-48 Bank credit and short-run economic growth: a dynamic threshold panel model for ASEAN countries Sy-Hoa Ho,Jamel Saadaoui
2020-47 Reforms of Collective Bargaining Institutions in European Union Countries: Bad Timing, Bad Outcomes? Yann Thommen
2020-45 How Does Working-Time Flexibility Affect Workers’ Productivity in a Routine Job? Evidence from a Field Experiment Marie Boltz, Bart Cockx, Ana Maria Diaz, Luz Magdalena Salas
2020-44 Prospect theory in experiments: behaviour in loss domain and framing effects. Géraldine Bocquého, Julien Jacob, Marielle Brunette
2020-43 Retaking Control of Local Public Services A Step-by-Step Strategy Alexandre Mayol, Stéphane Saussier
2020-42 No more visits. Informal care in nursing homes prior to the outbreak of Covid-19 Lucas Jeanneau, Quitterie Roquebert, Marianne Tenand
2020-40 Efficiency of public spending on primary education in developing countries: the case of resource-rich countries Guy Dabi GAB-LEYBA, Claire MAINGUY
2020-39 Blueprint for the European Fiscal Union: State of knowledge and Challenges Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD
2020-37 Technological novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach Marianna Epicoco, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Anne Plunket
2020-35 From wheel of fortune to wheel of misfortune: Financial crises, cycles and consumer predation Olivier Mesly, David W. Shanafelt, Nicolas Huck
2020-34 Dysfunctional markets: A spray of prey perspective Olivier Mesly, David W. Shanafelt, Nicolas Huck
2020-33 Towards a more resilient European Union after the COVID-19 crisis Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Meixing Dai, Claire Mainguy, Jamel Saadaoui, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Isabelle Terraz and Jamel Trabelsi
2020-32 Soutien à l’autonomie des personnes âgées : sur quels principes fonder un nouveau modèle de financement ? Roméo Fontaine, Agnès Gramain, Jérôme Wittwer
2020-31 Composition diversification vs. structure diversification: How to conciliate timber production and carbon sequestration objectives under drought and windstorm risks in forest ecosystems Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Rasoul Yousefpour, Marc Hanewinkel, Mathieu Fortin
2020-30 A rethinking of Labrousse’s analyses of wheat price movements in 18th century France: Labrousse versus Labrousse? Jean Daniel Boyer, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Sylvie Rivot
2020-28 Do sentencing guidelines result in lower inter-judge disparity? Evidence from framed field experiment Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Myriam Doriat-Duban, Bruno Jeandidier et Jean Claude Ray
2020-27 Is diversification a good option to reduce drought-induced risk of forest decline? An economic approach focused on carbon accounting Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Mathieu Fortin, Pablo Andrés-Domenech, Nathalie Bréda
2020-26 Monetary policy with weakened unions Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD, Francesco De PALMA, Thierry BETTI
2020-24 Exploring the Puzzle of Human Reproduction: Register Data based Evidence from France and Germany Cäcilia Lipowski, Ralf A. Wilke, Bertrand Koebel
2020-23 A survey on experimental elicitation of creativity in economics Giuseppe Attanasi, Michela Chessa, Sara Gil Gallen, Patrick Llerena
2020-21 Public services and subjective well-being in a European city: The case of Strasbourg metropolitan area Jean-Alain Héraud, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2020-20 Cliometrics of Climate Change: A Natural Experiment on the Little Ice Age Olivier DAMETTE, Claude DIEBOLT, Stephane GOUTTE, Umberto TRIACCA
2020-19 Beyond climate and conflict relationships: new evidence from copulas analysis Olivier Damette, Stephane Goutte
2020-17 Currency misalignments and exchange rate regimes in Latin American countries: a trade-off issue Jorge Carrera, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon, Romain Restout
2020-16 Technologie Blockchain et intermédiation dans l'industrie musicale Laurent Bach, Remy Guichardaz, Eric Schenk
2020-15 Robust structural determinants of public deficits in developing countries Blaise Gnimassoun, Isabelle Do Santos
2020-14 More market, more efficiency? Water market impacts on water use efficiency in the Australian agricultural sector Simon de Bonviller, Phu Nguyen-Van, Anne Rozan
2020-12 Régimes de change et soutenabilité des finances publiques dans les pays en développement Blaise Gnimassoun, Isabelle Do Santos
2020-11 Fiscal transfers in a two-level fiscal framework: stabilizing properties according to the fiscal instrument Thierry BETTI
2020-10 L’idée de régulation dans les sciences : hommage à l’épistémologue Jean Piaget Claude Diebolt
2020-09 Knowledge acquisition or incentive to foster coordination ? A real-effort weak-link experiment with craftsmen. Mathieu Lefebvre, Lucie Martin-Bonnel de Longchamp
2020-05 Analyses quantitatives de décisions de justice en matière de Prestation Compensatoire dans une perspective de justice prédictive Bruno Jeandidier, Jean-Claude Ray, Julie Mansuy
2020-03 How to Make EMU Closer? Role of EU Funds in Synchronizing Business Cycles Benoit Dicharry, Lubica Stiblarova
2020-02 Does an increase in formal care affect informal care? Evidence among the French elderly Elsa Perdrix, Quitterie Roquebert
2019-49 Symmetric and asymmetric effects of exchange rates on money demand: Empirical evidence from Vietnam? Sy-Hoa Ho, Jamel Saadaoui
2019-48 On the Stability and Growth Pact compliance: what is predictable with machine learning? Kea BARET, Theophilos PAPADIMITRIOU
2019-47 Instabilité démocratique et économie : une relecture historique et méthodologique de la théorie électorale de Downs Julien Grandjean
2019-46 Opening the black box of university-suppliers' co-invention: some field study evidence. Sofia Patsali
2019-44 Gender Equality as an Enforcer of Individuals’ Choice between Education and Fertility: Evidence from 19th Century France Claude Diebolt, Tapas Mishra, Faustine Perrin
2019-43 Does Predictive Ability of an Asset Price Rest in 'Memory'? Insights from a New Approach Mohamed CHIKHI, Claude DIEBOLT, Tapas MISHRA
2019-42 Innovation and Entrepreneurs’ Subjective Well-being The mediation effect of job satisfaction and satisfaction with work-life balance Jiequn Liu, Francis Munier
2019-40 National Fiscal Rules Adoption and Fiscal Discipline in the European Union Amelie BARBIER-GAUCHARD, Kea BARET, Alexandru MINEA
2019-38 Looking at Creativity from East to West: Risk Taking and Intrinsic Motivation in Socially and Culturally Diverse Countries Giuseppe Attanasi, Ylenia Curci, Patrick Llerena, Adriana Carolina Pinate, Maria del Pino Ramos-Sosa, Giulia Urso
2019-37 Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivators on creative collaboration: The effect of sharing rewards Giuseppe Attanasi, Ylenia Curci, Patrick Llerena, Giulia Urso
2019-36 Some Issues on the Vietnam Economic Growth. (Part of this manuscript, circulated as Le-Van C., Nguyen N.A., Nguyen N.M., Nguyen-Van P. (2023), "Capital diversion in Vietnamese state-owned enterprises", is published in Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy, Emerald Publishing Limited, available online: DOI: 10.1108/FREP-05-2023-001) Phuong Le , Cuong Le Van , Anh Ngoc Nguyen , Ngoc Minh Nguyen , Phu Nguyen-Van , Dinh-Tri Vo
2019-35 Women Leaders in Industry in Nineteenth Century France: The Case of Amélie de Dietrich Herrade Igersheim, Charlotte Le Chapelain
2019-33 Risk pooling and ruin probability, or why high risks are not bad risks Debora Zaparova, Sandrine Spaeter
2019-30 Measuring Success: Clio and the Value of Database Creation Claude DIEBOLT, Michael J. HAUPERT
2019-29 Inflation, Unemployment and Happiness: empirical evidences of the contribution of Economic Growth Jalal El ouardighi, Francis Munier
2019-27 Reexamining the growth effects of ENSO: the role of local weather conditions Cécile Couharde, Olivier Damette, Rémi Generoso, Kamiar Mohaddes
2019-26 Parental Leave and Life Satisfaction: The Dutch case Laetitia Dillenseger, Martijn Burger, Francis Munier
2019-25 Wheels and cycles: (sub)optimality and volatility of corrupted economies Stefano BOSI, David DESMARCHELIER, Thai HA-HUY
2019-24 Memory that Drives! New Insights into Forecasting Performance of Stock Prices from SEMIFARMA-AEGAS Model Mohamed Chikhi, Claude Diebolt, Tapas Mishra
2019-23 The Gold Standard and the Great Depression: a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model Luca Pensieroso, Romain Restout
2019-22 Foreign aid, recipient government’s fiscal behavior, and economic growth Ngoc-Sang PHAM, Thi Kim Cuong PHAM
2019-21 The Hidden Effect of Meritocratic Promotion Procedure: Experimental Evidence Emilien Prost, Gaye del Lo
2019-18 Are risk preferences stable ? A field experiment in Congo Basin countries Marielle Brunette, Jonas Ngouhouo-Poufoun
2019-16 Employment protection reform in European labor markets: the collective bargaining regime matters. Francesco De Palma, Yann Thommen
2019-15 Structural Transformations and Cumulative Causation: Towards an Evolutionary Micro-foundation of the Kaldorian Growth Model Andre Lorentz, Tommaso Ciarli, Maria Savona, Marco Valente
2019-14 Méthodologie et outil de définition de la stratégie de transition 4.0 pour la chaine logistique Ioana Deniaud, François Marmier, Jean-Louis Michalak
2019-12 What Drives Size Reductions for Protected Areas? Evidence about PADDD from across the Brazilian Amazon Derya Keles, Philippe Delacote, Alexander Pfaff, Siyu Qin, Michael B. Mascia
2019-11 The Smithian Market of Religions and its Legacy: Another Great Schism between Economics and Sociology? Georges El Haddad
2019-10 How Cliometrics has Infiltrated Economics – and Helped to Improve the Discipline Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert
2019-09 Actions en justice et rémunération des avocats : une revue de la littérature Myriam Doriat-Duban, Yannick Gabuthy, Eve-Angéline Lambert
2019-08 Controlling Monopoly Power in a Classroom Double-Auction Market Experiment Giuseppe Attanasi, Kene Boun My, Andrea Guido, Mathieu Lefevbre
2019-07 Neither the elite, nor the mass. The rise of intermediate human capital during the French industrialization process Claude Diebolt, Charlotte Le Chapelain, Audrey Rose Menard
2019-06 Testing Nonlinearity through a Logistic Smooth Transition AR Model with Logistic Smooth Transition GARCH Errors Mohamed Chikhi, Claude Diebolt
2019-05 Promoting socially desirable behaviors: experimental comparison of the procedures of persuasion and commitment. Cécile Bazart, Mathieu Lefebvre, Julie Rosaz
2019-04 Union Membership in France: An Empirical Study Olivier Guillot, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Isabelle Terraz
2019-03 Lawyer Fee Arrangements and Litigation Outcomes: An Auction-Theoretic Perspective Yannick Gabuthy, Pierre-Henri Morand
2019-01 The Cliometric Model of Glutting: An Experimental Analysis Claude DIEBOLT, Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE
2018-49 Vers la compréhension de l’entrepreneur de demain : s’inspirer de l’entrepreneur dans les industries culturelles et créatives. Véronique Dutraive, Bérangère L. Szostak, André Tiran
2018-48 Measuring the Effect of Agricultural Extension on Technical Efficiency in Crop Farming: Meta-Regression Analysis Nicolas Lampach, Phu Nguyen-Van, Nguyen To-The
2018-47 Preferences and strategic behavior in public goods games Gilles Grandjean, Mathieu Lefebvre, Marco Mantovani
2018-46 'The winner takes it all' or a story of the optimal allocation of the European Cohesion Fund Benoit Dicharry, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2018-45 The limits to robust monetary policy in a small open economy with learning agents Marine Charlotte André, Meixing Dai
2018-44 Mesure du temps et temps de la mesure. Cliométrie des prix de gros en Allemagne avant la Première Guerre mondiale Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2018-42 Subjective well-being and social comparison: A comparative study on rural Thailand and Vietnam Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Phu Nguyen-Van, Huu Thanh-Tam Nguyen, Thi Anh-Dao Tran and Kone Noukignonb
2018-41 La mortalité selon le revenu: estimation à partir de données européennes Marie Blaise, Mathieu Lefebvre
2018-40 On plaintiff preferences regarding methods of compensating lawyers Tim Friehe, Yannick Gabuthy
2018-39 Why do young people make atypical gender-related study choices? An analysis of French master’s graduates Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2018-38 An economic comparison of adaptation strategies towards a drought-induced risk of forest decline. Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Marielle Brunette, Hendrik Davi
2018-36 Other-Regarding Preferences and Giving Decision in Risky Environments: Experimental Evidence MICKAEL BEAUD, MATHIEU LEFEBVRE, JULIE ROSAZ
2018-35 What drives the withdrawal of protected areas? Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon Derya Keles, Philippe Delacote, Alexander Pfaff
2018-34 Technological change and economic development: endogenous and exogenous fluctuations Marianna Epicoco
2018-33 Is the South African economy likely to fall back into recession in 2018-2019? Francis Bismans
2018-30 Rethinking Family Policies: Fertility Choices and the Labor Market in France Nelly El-Mallakh
2018-29 Keeping Up with or Running Away from the Joneses: the Barro Model Revisited. Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2018-28 Country-specific fiscal reaction functions: what lessons for EMU ? Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD, Nicolas MAZUY
2018-27 Institutions and geography: A "two sides of the same coin" story of primary energy use in Sub-Saharan Africa. Laté Ayao Lawson, Phu Nguyen-Van
2018-26 Integrating non-timber objectives into bio-economic models of the forest sector: a review of recent innovations and current shortcomings. Miguel RIVIERE, Sylvain CAURLA
2018-25 We are Ninjas: How Economic History has Infiltrated Economics Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert
2018-24 Information sharing is not always the right option when it comes to CPR extraction management: experimental findings Dimitri Dubois, Stefano Farolfi, Phu Nguyen-Van, Juliette Rouchier
2018-23 Endogenous heterogeneity in duopoly with deterministic one-way spillovers Adriana Gama, Isabelle Maret, Virginie Masson
2018-21 La diversité des capitalismes financiers, le cas des Fusions-Acquisition en France Sylvain Thine et Yamina Tadjeddine
2018-19 Is a peaceful cohabitation between living species possible? An empirical analysis on the drivers of threatened species Laté Ayao Lawson, Phu Nguyen-Van
2018-18 L’Edit de la paulette 1604 : une marchandisation des finances royales sans marchand Nicolas Pinsard, Yamina Tadjeddine
2018-16 Risk and Refugee Migration Geraldine Bocquého, Marc Deschamps, Jenny Helstroffer, Julien Jacob, Majlinda Joxhe
2018-15 Les décisions des jeunes à l’entrée dans la vie adulte en France : la famille, un facteur primordial ? Audrey Rose Menard, Vincent Vergnat
2018-14 The time and the transitions back to work in France after maternity Bruno Rodrigues, Vincent Vergnat
2018-13 Learning outside the factory: the impact of technological change on the rise of adult education in nineteenth-century France Claude Diebolt, Charlotte Le Chapelain, Audrey Rose Menard
2018-11 Pollution effects on disease transmission and economic stability Stefano BOSI, David DESMARCHELIER
2018-10 The tale of two international phenomena: International migration and global imbalances Dramane Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
2018-09 Regional Integration: Do intra-African trade and migration improve income in Africa? Blaise Gnimassoun
2018-05 Enseigner les structures de marché et stratégies de concurrence avec les jeux pédagogiques Yannick Gabuthy, Eve-Angéline Lambert
2017-38 When union’s activity matters: The impact of union centralization on economic growth in OECD countries Phu Nguyen-Van, Isabelle Terraz
2017-37 Learning, optimal monetary delegation and stock prices dynamics Marine Charlotte André, Meixing Dai
2017-36 Nudging with heterogeneity in terms of environmental sensitivity : a public goods experiment in networks Benjamin Ouvrard, Anne Stenger
2017-35 Smarter Teachers, Smarter Pupils? Some New Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Nadir Altinok, Manos Antoninis, Phu Nguyen-Van
2017-33 Electricity (De)Regulation and Innovation Marianna Marino, Pierpaolo Parrotta, Giacomo Vallettaz
2017-32 The Italian North-South Divide in Perceived Dishonesty: A Matter of Trust? Giuseppe Attanasi, Alessandro Bucciol, Simona Cicognani, Natalia Montinari
2017-31 Fiscal decentralization and the performance of higher education institutions: the case of Europe Julien Jacqmin, Mathieu Lefebvre
2017-30 Are the risks of being creative manageable? The case of public research in Hard Science. Ylenia Curci, Mireille Matt, Isabelle Billard, Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2017-29 Prix du blé, régulations et croissance économique : L’analyse cliométrique permet-elle de trancher le débat sur les bleds des années 1750 ? Jean-Daniel Boyer, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Sylvie Rivot
2017-27 Emergent structures in faculty hiring networks and the effects of mobility on academic performance Robin Cowan, Giulia Rossello
2017-26 The Dissertations of Michela Giorcelli, Trevor Jackson, and Craig Palsson: 2017 Alexander Gerschenkron Prize Competition Claude DIEBOLT
2017-25 Can inflation contract discipline central bankers when agents are learning? Marine Charlotte André, Meixing Dai
2017-24 Determinants of the Adoption of Organic Tea Production in Northern Vietnam: A Robustness Analysis Nicolas Lampach, Phu Nguyen-Van, Nguyen To-The
2017-23 Biodiversity, infectious diseases and the dilution effect Stefano BOSI, David DESMARCHELIER, Manh Hung NGUYEN
2017-21 The drunk side of trust: Social capital generation at gathering events Giuseppe Attanasi, Stefania Bortolotti, Simona Cicognani, Antonio Filippin
2017-20 The Norm of Equality in Amartya Sen’s Idea of Justice: From “Equality of What?” to “Why Equality?” Cyrielle Poiraud
2017-19 Structural Changes and Growth Regime Tommaso Ciarli, Andre Lorentz, Marco Valente, Maria Savona
2017-18 Some “unexpected proximities” between Schultz and Galbraith on human capital Alexandre Chirat, Charlotte Le Chapelain
2017-17 Industrialization as a Deskilling Process? Steam Engines and Human Capital in XIXth Century France Claude Diebolt, Charlotte Le Chapelain, Audrey-Rose Menard
2017-15 How multiplicative uncertainty affects the tradeoff between information disclosure and stabilisation policy? Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2017-14 Equilibria in discrete and continuous second price all-pay auctions, convergence or yoyo phenomena. Gisèle Umbhauer
2017-13 Speculation rather than enterprise? Keynes’ beauty contest revisited in theory and experiment Kene Boun My, Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2017-12 Comparison of liability sharing rules for environmental damage: An experiment with different levels of solvency Serge Garcia, Julien Jacob, Eve-Angéline Lambert
2017-11 The love for children hypothesis and the multiplicity of fertility rates Paolo Melindi Ghidi, Thomas Seegmuller
2017-10 The Power of Big Data: Historical Time Series on German Education Claude Diebolt, Gabriele Franzmann, Ralph Hippe, Jürgen Sensch
2017-09 Same but Different? The impact of Research and Technology Organizations versus Universities on firms’ innovation Giannopoulou Eleni, Barlatier Pierre-Jean, Pénin Julien
2017-08 Prime et pénalité salariales à la vie en couple : mariage versus cohabitation Carole Bonnet, Bruno Jeandidier, Anne Solaz
2017-07 A simple method to study local bifurcations of three and four-dimensional systems: characterizations and economic applications Stefano Bosi, David Desmarchelier
2017-06 Nudge and Tax in an Environmental Public Goods Experiment: Does Environmental Sensitivity Matter? Kene Boun My, Benjamin Ouvrard
2017-05 Cooperation in a differentiated duopoly when information is dispersed: A beauty contest game with endogenous concern for coordination Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2017-04 A Cliometric Counterfactual: What if There Had Been Neither Fogel nor North? Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert
2017-03 A Cliometric Model of Unified Growth. Family Organization and Economic Growth in the Long Run of History Claude Diebolt, Faustine Perrin
2017-02 Policy Reform and Gender Inequality in French Higher Education: A Two-Generation Comparative Study Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2017-01 Human capital accumulation in France at the dawn of the XIXth century: Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Charlotte Le Chapelain
2016-55 Does Gender Matter in the Civil Law Judiciary? Evidence from French Child Support Court Decisions Bruno Jeandidier, Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Jean-Claude Ray, Myriam Doriat-Duban
2016-54 Learning, robust monetray policy and the merit of precaution Marine Charlotte André, Meixing Dai
2016-52 Can development aid help a country to escape the poverty trap? Ngoc Sang Pham, Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2016-50 Growth-enhancing effect of openness to trade and migrations: What is the effective transmission channel for Africa? Dramane Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
2016-49 Pervasive Enough? General Purpose Technologies as an Emergent Property Vladimir Korzinov, Ivan Savin
2016-48 The impact on wages and worked hours of childbirth in France Bruno Rodrigues, Vincent Vergnat
2016-47 Music industry intermediation in the digital era and the resilience of the majors’ oligopoly: The role of transactional capabilities Rémy Guichardaz, Laurent Bach, Julien Penin
2016-46 Monolithic vs Freak Collaboration Style: the impact on research productivity Ylenia Curciy, Mireille Matt, Isabelle Billard, Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2016-45 L'intégration régionale en zone CFA est-elle soutenable à long terme ? Blaise Gnimassoun, Désiré Avom, Joseph Keneck-Massil
2016-44 A Multi-Level Perspective on Ambidexterity: The Case of a Synchrotron Research Facility Arman Avadikyan, Gilles Lambert, Christophe Lerch
2016-42 Economic and Demographic Interactions in Post- World War France: A Gendered Approach Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Faustine Perrin
2016-41 On the link between current account and oil price fluctuation in diversified economies: The case of Canada Blaise Gnimassoun, Marc Joëts, Tovonony Razafindrabe
2016-40 Modeling farmers’ decisions on tea varieties in Vietnam: a multinomial logit analysis Phu Nguyen-Van, Cyrielle Poiraud, Nguyen To-The
2016-38 Social security wealth and household asset holdings: new evidence from Belgium Mathieu Lefebvre, Sergio Perelman
2016-37 Does the obligation to bargain make you fit the mould? An experimental analysis. Eve-Angéline Lambert, Jean-Christian Tisserand
2016-36 Fostering safer innovations through regulatory policies: The case of hazardous products Julien Jacob, Marc Hubert-Depret, Cornel Oros
2016-35 Multiple tortfeasors in high risk industries: how to share liability? Julien Jacob, Bruno Lovat
2016-34 Does one size fit all? The impact of cognitive skills on economic growth Nadir Altinok, Abdurrahman Aydemir
2016-33 Regional human capital inequality in Europe in the long run, 1850 – 2010 Claude Diebolt, Ralph Hippe
2016-32 Remoteness equals backwardness? Human capital and market access in the European regions: insights from the long run Claude Diebolt, Ralph Hippe
2016-31 The long-run impact of human capital on innovation and economic development in the regions of Europe Claude Diebolt, Ralph Hippe
2016-30 Risk, Ambiguity and Efficient Liability Rules: An experiment. Nicolas Lampach, Kene Boun My, Sandrine Spaeter
2016-29 The Efficiency of (strict) Liability Rules revised in Risk and Ambiguity Nicolas Lampach, Sandrine Spaeter
2016-27 Could competition always raise the risk of bank failure? Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Teresa Lloyd-Braga, Leonor Modesto
2016-26 Privatization of a tourism event: Do attendees perceive it as a risky cultural lottery? Giuseppe Attanasi, Hana Cosic, Francesco Passarelli, Giulia Urso
2016-25 Long-lasting effects of temporary incentives in public good games Mathieu Lefebvre, Anne Stenger
2016-24 Lottery- and survey-based risk attitudes linked through a multichoice elicitation task Giuseppe Attanasi, Nikolaos Georgantzís, Valentina Rotondi, Daria Vigani
2016-21 Effects of gain-loss frames on social preferences Kene Boun My, Nicolas Lampach, Mathieu Lefebvre
2016-20 Playing the game the others want to play: Keynes’ beauty contest revisited Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2016-19 Interest rates, Eurobonds and intra-European exchange rate misalignments: The challenge of sustainable adjustments in the Eurozone. Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui
2016-18 Environmental Kuznets curve and environmental convergence: A unified empirical framework for CO2 emissions. Roberto Martino, Phu Nguyen-Van
2016-17 Public expenditure, growth and productivity of Vietnam’s provinces. Duc-Anh Le, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2016-16 Optimal Policy Identification: Insights from the German Electricity Market. Johannes Herrmann, Ivan Savin
2016-15 Central Bank Independence and the Dynamics of Public Debt? Stephanos Papadamou, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2016-14 Does Central Bank Independence Affect Stock Market Volatility? Stephanos Papadamou, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2016-13 Lutte contre la pauvreté et incitations à l’emploi : quelle politique pour les jeunes ? Vincent Vergnat
2016-12 Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: the dark side of public financing Giuseppe Attanasi, Kene Boun My, Marco Buso, Anne Stenger
2016-11 DO SELF-THEORIES ON INTELLIGENCE EXPLAIN OVERCONFIDENCE AND RISK TAKING? A Field Experiment. Bertrand Koebel, André Schmitt, Sandrine Spaeter
2016-10 Behind the Fertility-Education Nexus: What Triggered the French Development Process? Claude Diebolt, Audrey-Rose Menard, Faustine Perrin
2016-09 Replicator dynamics in value chains: explaining some puzzles of market selection. Uwe Cantner, Ivan Savin, Simone Vannuccini
2016-07 Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement. Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2016-06 Banking Crisis, Moral Hazard and Fiscal Policy Responses. Jin Cheng, Meixing Dai, Frédéric Dufourt
2016-05 Technical change biased toward the traded sector and labor market frictions. Luisito Bertinelli, Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
2016-04 On the value of foreign PhDs in the developing world: Training versus selection effects. Helena Barnard, Robin Cowan, Moritz Müller
2016-02 Did policy reforms really decrease inequalities of access to French higher education? A comparison between Generation 1998 and 2010. Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2015-31 Determinants of corruption: Can we put all countries in the same basket? Blaise Gnimassoun, Joseph Keneck
2015-30 Is there justification for alimony payments? A survey of the empirical literature. Bruno Jeandidier, Helen Lim
2015-29 Consommation d’énergie et croissance économique en Afrique subsaharienne Florian Grosset, Phu Nguyen-Van
2015-28 Did Gender-Bias Matter in the Quantity- Quality Trade-off in the 19th Century France ? Claude Diebolt, Tapas Mishra, Faustine Perrin
2015-27 Une éducation pour tous de qualité : une analyse statistique sur les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Nadir Altinok
2015-26 Productivity, resource endowment and trade performance of the wood product sector. Bertrand M. Koebel, Anne-Laure Levet, Phu Nguyen-Van, Indradev Purohoo, Ludovic Guinard
2015-25 Government expenditure, external and domestic public debts, and economic growth. Duc-Anh Le, Cuong Le Van, Phu Nguyen-Van, Amélie Barbier-Gauchard
2015-24 Building and Using Databases for Cliometric Research on Education and Demography: An Introduction to “HISTAT”. Claude Diebolt, Gabriele Franzmann, Jürgen Sensch
2015-22 Education, productivité et gain. Retour sur les approches critiques de l’enchaînement causal de la théorie du capital humain. Valérie Canals, Claude Diebolt, Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2015-19 ‘Adapted’ Habitat Evaluation Procedure and Choice Experiment: substitutes or complements? Anne Rozan, Nathalie Dumax, Bénédicte Rulleau
2015-18 A ’Jump’ in the Stochasticity of the Solow-Swan Growth Model. Claude Diebolt, Tapas Mishra, Mamata Parhi
2015-17 The effects of firing costs on the wage contracts under adverse selection. Anne Bucher, Sébastien Ménard
2015-16 How can the labor market accounts for the effectiveness of fiscal policy over the business cycle? Thierry Betti, Thomas Coudert
2015-15 Productivity and performance in the public sector. Mathieu Lefebvre, Sergio Perelman, Pierre Pestieau
2015-14 Déclassement et reclassement des diplômés : une confrontation des appréciations subjectives et objective. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Philippe Lemistre
2015-12 Comment appréhender les temporalités de l’histoire économique ? Plaidoyer pour une cliométrie des événements rares. Claude Diebolt
2015-11 Aid, Trade and Migration : How are OECD countries policies connected in times of crisis? Aurore Gary, Audrey-Rose Menard
2015-10 Efficient and fair allocation of aid Patrick Guillaumont, Phu Nguyen-Van, Thi Kim Cuong Pham, Laurent Wagner
2015-09 Becoming “We” Instead of “I”, Identity Management and Incentives in the Workplace. Jocelyn Donze, Trude Gunnes
2015-08 Replacing the Polluter Pays Principle by the Cheapest Cost Avoider Principle: On the Efficient Treatment of External Costs. Dieter Schmidtchen, Jenny Helstroffer , Christian Koboldt
2015-07 Does sector-specific experience matter? The case of European higher education ministers. Julien Jacqmin, Mathieu Lefebvre
2015-06 Stochastic Economic Growth and Volatile Population Dynamics: Past Imperfect and Future Tense. Tapas Mishra, Claude Diebolt, Mamata Parhi
2015-05 Environmental Kuznets Curve and Economic Growth: The Role of Institutional Quality and Distributional Heterogeneity Revisited. Tapas Mishra, Mamata Parhi, Claude Diebolt, Prashant Gupta
2015-04 DO SELF-THEORIES EXPLAIN OVERCONFIDENCE AND FINANCIAL RISK TAKING? A field experiment. Bertrand Koebel, André Schmitt, Sandrine Spaeter
2015-03 Interest Rates, Eurobonds and Intra-European Exchange Rate Misalignments: the Challenge of Sustainable Adjustments in the Eurozone. Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier, Jamel Saadaoui
2015-02 Spillover effects in a monetary union: Why fiscal policy instruments matter? Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Thierry Betti, Giuseppe Diana
2015-01 Playing the game the others want to play: Keynes’ beauty contest revisited. Camille Cornand, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2014-23 L’effet des arrêts maladie sur les trajectoires professionnelles. Thomas Barnay, Julie Favrot, Catherine Pollak
2014-21 Assessing The Effects of Public Expenditure Shocks on the Labor Market in the Euro-Area. Thierry Betti
2014-20 La construction d’une sanction. Le cas des pénalités de retard dans les centres de loisirs de la commune d’Asnières-sur-Seine. Marc Deschamps, Julien Pénin
2014-19 Labour market regulation and fiscal parameters: A structural model for European regions. Roberto Martino, Phu Nguyen-Van
2014-17 Engagement et incitations : comportements économiques sous serment. Nicolas Jacquemet, Robert-Vincent Joule, Stéphane Luchini, Antoine Malézieux
2014-16 Imperfect mobility of labor across sectors: a reappraisal of the Balassa-Samuelson effect. Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
2014-15 How to stabilize inflation without damaging employment: Strenghtening the power of unions. Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Francesco De Palma, Giuseppe Diana
2014-14 Patterns of innovation and organizational demography in emerging sustainable fields: an analysis of the chemical sector. Marianna Epicoco
2014-13 Scientific connectivity of European regions: towards a typology of cooperative schèmes. Mickael Benaim, Jean-Alain Héraud, Valérie Mérindol, Jean-Paul Villette
2014-12 Are organizational innovation practices complements or substitutes for technological innovation performance? Caroline Mothe, Uyen T. Nguyen-Thi, Phu Nguyen-Van
2014-11 Agricultural extension and technical efficiency of tea production in northeastern Vietnam. Phu Nguyen-Van, Nguyen To-The
2014-10 Large-scale risks and technological change: What about limited liability? Julien JACOB, Sandrine SPAETER
2014-09 Supra-Regional vs. Regional Regulators in the Water Pollution Mitigation: Optimal Exemption Policies. François DESTANDAU, Anne ROZAN, Sandrine SPAETER
2014-08 La solvabilisation des plans d'aide APA comme outil décentralisé d'assurance et de redistribution. Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Agnès Gramain
2014-07 Impact du reste à charge sur le volume d’heures d’aide à domicile utilisé par les bénéficiaires de l’APA. Cécile Bourreau-Dubois, Agnès Gramain, Helen Lim, Jingyue Xing
2014-06 Loss-sharing between Nonnegligent Parties. Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Bruno Lovat, Francesco Parisi
2014-05 Banking and Sovereign Debt Crises in Monetary Union Without Central Bank Intervention. Jin Cheng, Meixing Dai, Frédéric Dufourt
2014-04 Fiscal policy, institutional quality and central bank transparency. Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2014-03 Endogenous fertility with a sibship size effect. Elise S. Brezis, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2014-02 Patents and innovation : Are the brakes broken, or how to restore patents’ dynamic efficiency ? Christian Le Bas, Julien Pénin
2014-01 Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires. Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2013-20 Large Scale Asset Purchases with segmented mortgage and corporate loan markets. Meixing Dai, Frédéric Dufourt, Qiao Zhang
2013-19 Implementing a Fiscal Transfer Mechanism in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union: A DSGE approach. Thierry Betti
2013-17 Becoming “We” Instead of “I”, Identity Management and Incentives in the Workplace. Jocelyn Donze, Trude Gunnes
2013-16 Mr. Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalization. Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2013-12 Academic patenting and the scientific enterprise: Lessons from a Japanese university. René Carraz
2013-11 Devrait-on obliger les entreprises à investir en R&D ? Vers une approche des politiques d’innovation par la responsabilité des entreprises. Julien Pénin
2013-10 Une analyse économique des effets d’un barème de pension alimentaire pour enfants : une approche en termes d’équité et d’efficacité. Cécile Dubois-Bourreau, Bruno Jeandidier
2013-09 Why could Northern labor market flexibility save the eurozone ? Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Francesco De Palma, Giuseppe Diana
2013-08 Who’s Favored by Evaluative Voting ? An Experiment Conducted During the 2012 French Presidential Election Antoinette Baujard, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim, Jean-François Laslier, Isabelle Lebon
2013-07 Mixture distribution hypothesis and the impact of a Tobin tax on exhange rate volatility : a reassessment. Olivier Damette
2013-05 Garantir la confiance du public en la discipline économique : les recommandations en matière d’éthique scientifique de l’Association Française de Sciences Economiques. Marc Deschamps, Jenny Helstroffer
2013-02 Choix stratégique dans l’industrie des platesformes de loisirs électroniques : une application des modèles ‘History-friendly’. Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2013-01 Are Trade Marks and Patents Complementary or Substitute Protections for Innovation. Patrick Llerena, Valentine Millot
2012-21 Who are the Voluntary Leaders? Experimental Evidence from a Sequential Contribution Game. Raphaële Préget, Phu Nguyen-Van, Marc Willinger
2012-20 Estimation of the CES Production Function with Biased Technical Change: A Control Function Approach. Xi CHEN
2012-18 Do natural resources condition the aidgovernance relationship? Evidence from Africa. Audrey Menard
2012-17 Fiscal shocks in a two sector open economy with endogenous markups. Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
2012-15 Transcendental vs. Comparative Approaches to Justice : A Reappraisal of Sen’s Dichotomy. Ragip Ege, Herrade Igersheim, Charlotte Le Chapelain
2012-14 Caractéristiques de la diversité au sein des conseils d’administration et performance financière : une étude empirique sur les entreprises du CAC40 Houda Ghaya, Gilles Lambert
2012-12 Innovation stratégique et business model des écosystèmes “mobiquitaires”: rôle et identification de l’acteur leader. Amel Attour
2012-10 Do husbands and wives pool their incomes? Experimental evidence. Miriam Beblo, Denis Beninger
2012-09 La taxe Tobin : une synthèse des travaux basés sur la théorie des jeux et l’économétrie. Francis Bismans, Olivier Damette
2012-07 Considerations on partially identified regression models. Daniel Cerquera, François Laisney, Hannes Ullrich
2012-05 THE ROUTINIZATION OF CREATIVITY: Lessons from the Case of a video-game Creative Powerhouse. Patrick Cohendet, Patrick Llerena, Laurent Simon
2012-04 Currency devaluation with dual labor market : Which perspectives for the Euro Zone ? Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Francesco De Palma, Giuseppe Diana
2012-03 L’autorité de la concurrence doit-elle, dans le cadre de sa fonction consultative disposer de toutes les libertés ? Retour sur l’avis n°12-A-01 du 11 janvier 2012 portant sur la distribution alimentaire à Paris. Marc Deschamps
2012-02 University Technology Transfer: How (in-)efficient are French universities? Claudia Curi, Cinzia Daraio, Patrick Llerena
2012-01 Unanticipated vs. Anticipated Tax Reforms in a Two-Sector Open Economy Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
2011-24 Innovation and diffusion in risky industries under liability law: the case of “double-impact” innovations Julien Jacob
2011-22 Board of Directors’ Involvement in Strategic Decision Making Process: Definition and Literature Review Houda Ghaya
2011-21 Trade in quality and income distribution: an analysis of the enlarged EU market. Hélène Latzer, Florian Mayneris
2011-19 Household behavior and individual autonomy: A Lindahl approach. Claude d’Aspremont, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
2011-18 Small Worlds in Networks of Inventors and the Role of Science: An Analysis of France Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Bulat Sanditov
2011-17 Fiscal disciplining effect of central bank opacity: Stackelberg versus Nash equilibrium. Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2011-15 Assessing the impact of the EU ETS using firm level data. Jan Abrell, Anta Ndoye Faye, Georg Zachmann
2011-14 Nuclear Waste Disposal in France : the Contribution of Economic Analysis Jean-Alain Héraud, Oana Ionescu
2011-13 Reversibility and switching options values in the geological disposal of radioactive waste Oana Ionescu, Sandrine Spaeter
2011-12 Cycle d’innovation dans les services, différences technologiques et similarités organisationnelles dans les entreprises de mécanique françaises et allemandes Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2011-11 Increasing Returns to Scale in U.S. manufacturing industries: evidence from direct and reverse regression Xi Chen
2011-09 The scarring effect of unemployment in ten European countries : an analysis based on the ECHP Olivia Ekert-Jaffé, Isabelle Terraz
2011-08 L’évolution de la segmentation du marché du travail en France : 1973-2007 Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2011-07 Politique budgétaire et discipline budgétaire renforcée dans une union monétaire. Irem Zeyneloglu
2011-05 Règle du taux d’intérêt et politique d’assouplissement quantitatif avec un rôle pour la monnaie. Meixing DAI
2011-03 Allocation of fixed costs: characterization of the (dual) weighted Shapley value. Pierre Dehez
2011-02 Le Crowdsourcing : Typologie et enjeux d’une externalisation vers la foule. Claude Guittard, Eric Schenk
2011-01 La création de rentes : une approche par les compétences et capacités dynamiques. Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Laurence Frank
2010-27 L’innovation envisagée comme un processus de résolution de contradictions techniques, organisationnelles et cognitives. Christophe Belleval, Christophe Lerch
2010-25 Syndicalisation et croissance économique : y a-t-il une exception française ? Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Isabelle Terraz
2010-24 Spécificités cognitives des conseils d’administration et performance des entreprises : Etude empirique sur les entreprises du CAC 40. Houda Ghaya, Gilles Lambert
2010-22 The Joint Effect of Technological Distance and Market Distance on Strategic Alliances. Muge Ozman
2010-21 Monetary and fiscal policy interactions with central bank transparency and public investment. Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2010-20 Analyse multidimensionnelle de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants de bac+5 : approche par les parcours de formation et le capital social. Philippe Cordazzo, Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2010-18 Fiscal policy efficiency and coordination: The New Open Economy Macroeconomics Approach Gilbert Koenig, Irem Zeyneloglu
2010-17 Les déterminants individuels des absences au travail : une comparaison européenne Sabine Chaupain-Guillot, Olivier Guillot
2010-16 Bank lending networks, experience, reputation, and borrowing costs. Christophe J. Godlewski, Bulat Sanditov, Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2010-15 Implications de l’imperfection des marchés financiers pour la politique monétaire. Meixing Dai
2010-13 Innovation and Development. The Evidence from Innovation Surveys. Francesco Bogliacino, Giulio Perani, Mario Pianta, Stefano Supino
2010-12 Large-scale risks and technological change: What about limited liability? Julien Jacob, Sandrine Spaeter
2010-11 Les clusters et les réseaux comme fondements de la dynamique d'innovation dans l'industrie biopharmaceutique. Marc-Hubert Depret, Abdelillah Hamdouch
2010-09 Equité du plaider coupable : une analyse économétrique dans trois tribunaux de grande instance français ANCELOT Lydie
2010-07 Adverse Selection, Emission Permits and Optimal Price Differentiation. Mourad Afif, Sandrine Spaeter
2010-06 The determinants of scientific research agenda: Why do academic inventors choose to perform patentable versus non-patentable research? Hussler Caroline, Pénin Julien
2010-03 A Structural nonparametric reappraisal of the CO2 emissions-income relationships. Theophile T. Azomahou, Micheline Goedhuys, Phu Nguyen-Van
2010-01 The Aggregation of Individual Distributive Preferences through the Distributive Liberal Social Contract : Normative Analysis. Jean Mercier-Ythier
2009-33 Les inégalités de succès dans l’enseignement supérieur. Quel est le profil des étudiants qui réussissent ? Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2009-32 The intellectual origins of WTO : Hull’s and Bidwell’s views on organizing the international trade. Claude SCHWOB
2009-30 Public investment, distortionary taxes and monetary policy transparency. Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2009-29 How do public programmes shape strategic R&D collaborations? Project-level evidence from the 5th and 6th EU Framework Programmes. Mireille MATT, Stéphane ROBIN, Sandrine WOLFF
2009-28 Défaut de paiement stratégique et loi sur les défaillances d’entreprise. Bertrand Chopard, Eric Langlais
2009-24 Knowledge Structures and Complementarities in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Moritz Müller, Robin Cowan, Geert Duysters, Nicolas Jonard
2009-23 Network-independent partner selection and the evolution of innovation networks. Joel BAUM, Robin COWAN, Nicolas JONARD
2009-22 Endogenous Fiscal Policies, Environmental Quality, and Status-Seeking Behavior. Thi Kim Cuong PHAM, Phu NGUYEN-VAN
2009-21 Socio-technical transition processes: A real option based reasoning. Arman Avadikyan, Patrick Llerena
2009-20 Contrôle des émissions polluantes et combinaison optimale transferts / permis. Mourad Afif, Sandrine Spaeter
2009-18 Accountability and Transparency about Central Bank Preferences for Model Robustness. Meixing Dai, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2009-15 Intellectual property in a knowledge-based economy : Patents to include vs. patents to exclude. Patrick Cohendet, Matthieu Farcot, Julien Pénin
2009-13 La substituabilité des filières universitaires dans les choix d’études : une analyse en termes de prestige social. Magali Jaoul-Grammare
2009-12 Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: the French Dilemma? Régis Blazy, Bertrand Chopard, Agnès Fimayer, Jean-Daniel Guigou
2009-10 Regular distributive efficiency and the distributive liberal social contract Jean Mercier Ythier
2009-09 Robust Monetary Policy under Model Uncertainty and Inflation Persistence Li Qin, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2009-08 Monetary policy transparency and inflation persistence in a small open economy Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2009-07 Academic Patenting in Japan: Illustration from a Leading Japanese University Makiko Takahashi, René Carraz
2009-06 Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union in the Presence of Uncertainty about the Central Bank Preferences Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2009-05 Money growth rule and macro-financial stability under inflation-targeting regime Meixing DAI, Moïse SIDIROPOULOS
2009-04 On the consequences of university patenting: What can we learn by asking directly to academic inventors? Pénin Julien
2009-01 Voluntary participation and cooperation in a collective-good game Kene Boun My, Benoît Chalvignac
2008-25 Développement des Enseignements Pratiques et Modernes et Croissance Economique en France et en Prusse à la fin du 19ème siècle Charlotte Le Chapelain
2008-23 Création de la firme et genèse de l’organisation, une approche évolutionniste du processus entrepreneurial Thierry BURGER-HELMCHEN
2008-22 Drivers for sustainability-related innovation: A Qualitative analysis of renewable resources, industrial products and travel services Marcus Wagner, Patrick Llerena
2008-18 More open than open innovation? Rethinking the concept of openness in innovation studies. Julien Pénin
2008-16 Academic Patenting in Europe: New Evidence from the KEINS Database. Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Maureen McKelvey, Bulat Sanditov
2008-13 Theoretical support for a new class of demand for real cash balances in explosive hyperinflations. Alexandre Sokic
2008-12 Modelling the transaction role of money and the essentiality of money in a hyperinflation context Alexandre Sokic
2008-11 L’hypothèse d’utilité relative dans l’analyse économique : enjeux et conséquences Thi Kim Cuong Pham
2008-09 Institutional Change and Academic Patenting: French Universities and the Innovation Act of the 1999 Antonio Della Malva, Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena
2008-08 Impact of Changing Facets of Inter-firm Interactions on Manufacturing Excellence: A Social Network Perspective of Indian Automotive Industry Mamata Parhi
2008-07 Productivity effects of innovation, stress and social relations Rifka Weehuizen, Bulat Sanditov, Robin Cowan
2008-05 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Efficiency and Coordination in an Open-Economy General Equilibrium Model with Three Production Sectors Gilbert Koenig, Irem Zeyneloglu
2008-04 Spatial Growth Volatility and Age-structured Human Capital Dynamics in Europe Mamata Parhi, Tapas Mishra
2008-03 Choix d’activité des mères et garde des jeunes enfants : une comparaison entre les pays de l’Europe des Quinze à partir des données de l’ECHP Sabine Chaupain-Guillot, Olivier Guillot, Eliane Jankeliowitch-Laval
2007-33 Bankruptcy Law: a Mechanism of Governance for Financially Distressed Firms Régis Blazy, Bertrand Chopard, and Agnès Fimayer
2007-32 Renégociation stratégique de la dette, risque juridique et risque comptable Bertrand Chopard et Eric Langlais
2007-30 Walsh’s Contract and Transparency about Central Bank Preferences for Robust Control Meixing DAI, Eleftherios SPYROMITROS
2007-29 Convergence and Inequality : the case of Western Balkan countries JALAL EL OUARDIGHI, RABIJA SOMUN- KAPETANOVIC
2007-28 Organisation of Innovation in High-Tech Industries: Acquisitions as Means for Technology Sourcing Marcus Wagner
2007-27 Monetary accommodation and unemployment: Why central bank transparency matters. Eleftherios Spyromitros, Blandine Zimmer
2007-26 Relative Performance Evaluation, Risk Aversion and Entry Jean-Daniel Guigou, Bruno Lovat, Gwenaël Piaser
2007-24 Research Tool Patents and Free-Libre Biotechnology: A Unified Perspective Julien Pénin, Jean Pierre Wack
2007-23 Monetary Policy with Uncertain Central Bank Preferences for Robustness Li Qin, Eleftherios Spyromitros, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2007-22 Brevet, innovation modulaire et collaboration : Le cas des vaccins géniques. Antoine Bureth, Moritz Mueller, Julien Pénin, Sandrine Wolff
2007-20 A two-pillar strategy to keep inflation expectations at bay: A basic theoretical framework Meixing DAI
2007-19 La transparence de la politique monétaire et la dynamique des marchés financiers Meixing DAI, Moïse SIDIROPOULOS, Eleftherios SPYROMITROS
2007-17 R&D cooperation versus R&D subcontracting: empirical evidence from French survey data Estelle Dhont-Peltrault, Etienne Pfister
2007-14 Mise en oeuvre du droit du travail : licenciement individuel et incitations Yannick Gabuthy, Eve-Angéline Lambert
2007-13 Financial Integration and Fiscal Policy Efficiency in a Monetary Union Gilbert Koenig, Irem Zeyneloglu
2007-12 The perception of obstacles to innovation. Multinational and domestic firms in Italy Simona Iammarino, Francesca Sanna-Randaccio, Maria Savona
2007-09 The monetary model of hyperinflation and the adaptive expectations: limits of the association and model validity. Alexandre Sokic
2007-08 Effects on competitiveness and innovation activity from the integration of strategic aspects with social and environmental management Marcus Wagner
2007-05 Monetary hyperinflations, speculative hyperinflations and modelling the use of money Alexandre Sokic
2007-04 Labor Conflicts and Inefficiency of Relationship-Specific Investments: What is the Judge's Role? Bruno Deffains, Yannick Gabuthy, Eve-Angéline Lamb
2007-03 Co-résidence chez les parents et indemnisation des jeunes chômeurs en Europe. Olivia Éckert-Jaffé, Isabelle Terraz
2007-02 Crowding-out in Productive and Redistributive Rent-Seeking Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Eric Langlais, Bruno Lova
2006-36 Age Dynamics and Economic Growth: Revisiting the Nexus in a Nonparametric Setting Théophile Azomahou, Tapas Mishra
2006-34 Using the Asymptotically Ideal Model to estimate the impact of knowledge on labour productivity: An application to Taiwan in the 1990s Chia-Lin CHANG, Stéphane ROBIN
2006-33 Knowledge sourcing and firm performance in an industrializing economy: the case of Taiwan in the 1990s Chia-Lin CHANG, Stéphane ROBIN
2006-32 Job mobility in Portugal: a Bayesian study with matched worker-firm data Guillaume Horny, Rute Mendes, Gerard J. Van den Be
2006-31 Justifying the Origin of Real Options and their Difficult Evaluation in Strategic Management Thierry BURGER-HELMCHEN
2006-29 Prevention and Compensation of Muddy Flows: Some Economic Insights Sandrine Spaeter, François Cochard, Anne Rozan
2006-28 Option chain and change management : a structural equation application. Thierry Burger-Helmchen
2006-25 Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union Under Alternative Labour-Market Structures Moïse Sidiropoulos, Eleftherios Spyromitros
2006-24 Le territoire français en tant que Système Régional d’Innovation Rachel Levy, Raymond Woessner
2006-23 Enveloppe Soleau et droit de possession antérieure : Définition et analyse économique Julien Pénin
2006-22 Does Model Uncertainty Lead to Less Central Bank Transparency? Li Qin, Elefterios Spyromitros, Moïse Sidiropoulos
2006-21 Entrepreneurship in biotechnology: The case of four start-ups in the Upper-Rhine Biovalley Antoine Bureth, Julien Pénin, Sandrine Wolff
2006-20 Channel Performance and Incentives for Retail Cost Misrepresentation Rabah Amir, Thierry Leiber, Isabelle Maret
2006-19 Convergence des contributions aux inégalités de richesse dans le développement des pays européens Jalal EL OUARDIGHI, Rabija SOMUN-KAPETANOVIC
2006-18 A regional typology of innovation capacities in new member states and candidate countries. Emmanuel MULLER, Arlette JAPPE, Jean-Alain HERAUD,
2006-16 Knowledge flows and the geography of networks. A strategic model of small worlds formation Nicolas Carayol, Pascale Roux
2006-15 Do academic laboratories correspond to scientific communities? Evidence from a large European university Rachel Levy, Paul Muller
2006-10 Partial Likelihood Estimation of a Cox Model with Random Effects: an EM Algorithm based on Penalized Likelihood Guillaume Horny
2006-09 Efficiency and coordination of fiscal policy in open economies. Gilbert KOENIG, Irem ZEYNELOGLU
2006-05 Ressources, compétences et stratégie de la firme : Une discussion de l’opposition entre la vision Porterienne et la vision fondée sur les compétences Fernand AMESSE, Arman AVADIKYAN, Patrick COHENDET
2006-01 Demand and Technology Determinants of Structural Change and Tertiarisation: An Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis for four OECD Countries Maria Savona, André Lorentz
2005-13 Faire émerger la coopération internationale : une approche expérimentale comparée du bilatéralisme et du multilatéralisme Stéphane Bertrand, Kene Boun My, Alban Verchère
2005-12 Hedging Strategies and the Financing of the 1992 International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund André SCHMITT, Sandrine SPAETER
2005-11 Science-Technology-Industry Links and the ”European Paradox”: Some Notes on the Dynamics of Scientific and Technological Research in Europe Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena, Mauro Sylos Labin
2005-08 Madison–Strasbourg, une analyse comparative de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France et aux États–Unis à travers l’exemple de deux cam Laurent BUISSON
2005-07 Factors Affecting University–Industry R&D Collaboration : The importance of screening and signalling Roberto FONTANA, Aldo GEUNA, Mireille MATT
2005-05 Environment in an Overlapping Generations Economy with Endogenous Labor Supply : a Dynamic Analysis Thomas SEEGMULLER, Alban VERCHÈRE
2005-04 L’État et la cellule familiale sont–ils substituables dans la prise en charge du chômage en Europe ? Une comparaison basée sur le panel européen. Olivia ECKERT–JAFFE, Isabelle TERRAZ
2005-02 The Exact Insensitivity of Market Budget Shares and the 'Balancing Effect' Gaël GIRAUD et Isabelle MARET
2004-17 Why do Academic Scientists Engage in Interdisciplinary Research ? Nicolas CARAYOL and Thuc Uyen NGUYEN THI
2004-16 Du paradoxe libéral-parétien à un concept de métaclassement des préférences Herrade IGERSHEIM
2004-15 Intergenerational Altruism, Sustainable Development and Intergenerational Equity with Heterogeneous Agents Alban Verchère
2004-11 Wealth distribution, endogenous fiscal policy and growth: status-seeking implications. Thi Kim Cuong PHAM
2004-09 Les CIFRE: un outil de médiation entre les laboratoires de recherche universitaire et les entreprises Rachel Levy
2004-08 Cumulative Causation and Evolutionary Micro-Founded Technical Change : A Growth Model with Integrated Economies Patrick Llerena, André Lorentz
2004-07 Les Portails d’entreprise : une réponse aux dimensions de l’entreprise « processeur de connaissances » Frédéric CREPLET
2004-06 Dualité cognitive et organisationnelle de la firme au travers du concept de communauté Frédéric CREPLET, Olivier DUPOUET, Francis KERN, F
2004-03 Pour une approche dialogique du rôle de l’entrepreneur / manager dans l’évolution des PME : l’ISO comme révélateur… Frédéric CREPLET, Blandine LANOUX
2003-12 The ‘problem of problem choice’: A model of sequential knowledge production within scientific communities Nicolas Carayol, Jean-Michel Dalle
2003-11 Les propriétés incitatives de l’effet Saint Matthieu dans la compétition académique Nicolas Carayol
2003-08 Central Bank Independence, Speed of Disinflation and the Sacrifice Ratio Giuseppe Diana, Moise Sidiropoulos
2003-07 A model of the anchoring effect in dichotomous choice valuation with follow-up Sandra Lechner, Anne Rozan, François Laisney
2003-06 Relativité de la satisfaction dans la vie : une étude sur données de panel Théophile AZOMAHOU, Phu NGUYEN VAN, T. Kim-Cuong P
2003-02 L'identité organisationnelle et création du capital social : La tontine d'entreprise comme facteur déclenchant dans le contexte africain Raphaël NKAKLEU
2002-20 Efficiency of Nonpoint Source Pollution Instruments with Externality Among Polluters:An Experimental Study François Cochard, Marc Willinger, Anastasios Xepapadeas
2002-18 Pollution as a source of endogenous fluctuations and periodic welfare inequality in OLG economies. Thomas Seegmuller, Alban Verchere
2002-16 Aléa moral et politiques d'audit optimales dans le cadre de la pollution d'origine agricole de l'eau. Sandrine SPAETER, Alban VERCHERE
2002-14 Improving the Prevention of Environmental Risks with Convertible Bonds André SCHMITT , Sandrine SPAETER
2002-13 La sensibilité aux conditions initiales dans les processus individuels de primo-insertion professionnelle : critères et enjeux Guy TCHIBOZO
2002-12 The Favorite-Longshot Bias in Sequential parimutuel Betting with Non-Expected Utility Players Frédéric KOESSLER, Anthony ZIEGELMEYER, Marie-Hélè
2002-11 Comment évaluer l’amélioration du bien etre indivduel issue d’une modification de la qualité du service d’élimination des déchets ménagers ? Valentine HEINTZ
2002-10 Dualité cognitive et organisationnelle de la firme au travers du concept de communauté Frédéric CREPLET, Olivier DUPOUET, Francis KERN ,
2002-08 Principe de precaution et comportements preventifs des firmes face aux risques environnementaux Sandrine SPAETER
2002-06 Déforestation, Croissance Économique et Population: Une Étude sur Données de Panel Phu NGUYEN VAN , Théophile AZOMAHOU
2001-23 The policy mix in a monetary union under alternative policy institutions and asymmetries Laurent GAGNOL, Moise SIDIROPOULOS
2001-22 Determinants of Environmental and Economic Performance of Firms: An Empirical Analysis of the European Paper Industry Théophile AZOMAHOU, Phu NGUYEN VAN, Marcus WAGNER
2001-21 Concurrence Imparfaite, Variabilité du Taux de Marge et Fluctuations Endogènes Thomas Seegmuller
2001-16 The Performance of German Firms in the Business-Related Service Sectors: A Dynamic Analysis Phu NGUYEN VAN, Ulrich KAISER, François LAISNEY
2001-15 Analyse empirique des fonctions de production de Bosnie-Herzégovine sur la période1952-1989 Rabija SOMUN
2001-12 Diversity of innovative strategy as a source of technological performance Patrick LLERENA, Vanessa OLTRA
2001-11 Impact économique régional d'un pôle universitaire : application au cas strasbourgeois Laurent Gagnol, Jean-Alain Héraud
2001-03 Développement durable et Rapports Nord-Sud dans un Modèle à Générations Imbriquées : Interroger le futur pour éclairer le présent. Alban Verchère
2001-01 Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions: a Nonparametric Approach Théophile AZOMAHOU, NGUYEN Van Phu
2000-16 Can we consider the policy instruments as cyclical substitutes? Some Empirical Evidence Sylvie DUCHASSAING, Laurent GAGNOL
2000-14 Pour une approche dialogique du rôle de l’entrepreneur / manager dans l’évolution des PME : l’ISO comme révélateur… Frédéric CREPLET, Blandine LANOUX
2000-12 On the Inconsistency of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimator for Spatial Autoregressive Processes Théophile AZOMAHOU, Agénor LAHATTE
2000-11 SNUS-2.5, a Multimoment Analysis of Road Demand, Accidents and their Severity in Germany, 1968 – 1989 Ulrich Blum, Marc Gaudry
2000-10 The Four Approaches to Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation for Consideration by the MYSTIC Research Consortium Marc Gaudry
2000-08 Dualité cognitive et organisationnelle de la firme au travers du concept de communauté Frédéric CREPLET, Olivier DUPOUET, Francis KERN, F
9923 Global versus local interaction in coordination games: an experimental investigation Kene BOUN MY, Marc WILLINGER, Anthony ZIEGELMEYER
9922 Non-Cooperative Behavior in a Public Goods Experiment with Interior Solution Marc WILLINGER, Anthony ZIEGELMEYER
9921 Consumption and Nutrition:Age - Intake Profiles for Czechoslovakia Ruth Miquel, François Laisney
9920 Le concept de " ba ": une nouvelle voie dans l'étude du management de la connaissance dans les entreprises… Frédéric CREPLET
9919 Taille de la firme et compétences relationnelles pour innover : données individuelles d'entreprises industrielles françaises Francis MUNIER
9918 Le modèle monétariste de l'hyperinflation : les résultats d'une version générale Alexandre SOKIC
9917 A Switching Regression Approach to Spatial Patterns in Residential Water Demand Théophile AZOMAHOU
9915 Expectations and Adaptive Behaviours: the Missing Trade-off in Models of Innovation Vanessa Oltra, Murat Yildizoglu
9912 Estimation of Spatial Panel Data Models Using a Minimum Distance Estimator: Application Théophile AZOMAHOU
9909 Stabilisation orthodoxe ou hétérodoxe dans les économies en transition : les exemples de la Hongrie et de la Pologne Michel NOGUET
9908 Firmes globales et structures duales d'organisation Patrick COHENDET, Francis KERN, Babak MEHMANPAZIR,
9907 Mécanisme de contribution volontaire et effet de contexte: théorie et évidence expérimentale Jean-Christophe VERGNAUD, Marc WILLINGER, Anthony ZIEGELMEYER
9906 The Comparison of a Delphi Foresight Survey on the Environmental Technologies of the Futre in Japan,Germany and France Jean-Alain HERAUD
9905 Keynes et le développement de la théorie de l'emploi dans une économie monétaire Rodolphe DOS SANTOS FERREIRA
9904 Does the knowledge of the origin of the health damage matter for WTP estimates? Anne ROZAN, Marc WILLINGER
9902 Distributed monopoly as a source of endogenous growth in OLG economies Rodolphe DOS SANTOS FERREIRA
9901 Framing and cooperation in public good games: an experiment with an interior solution. Marc WILLINGER, Anthony ZIEGELMEYER